Northstar Vale Risk It for The Biscuit
218 Posts
Ooc — Impala
I would love to get a spar in with Collision. He will make his intention clear and this can be a pretty quick thread for anyone looking for a spar/trade thread.
Collision had been training and travelling the borers and doing a lot to make sure they were reinforced while also making sure no one surpassed the borders. His timing had been, luckily, wonderful. Of course, what on the off chance he did meet someone of ill intent? What if someone did pervade the borders. He wanted to try and make sure he was ready in any instance. 

 The boy stood within a field of the Vale, fairly central, in the mid-day sun. A hearty summons to the wolves of the Empire and Collision would make it clear he wanted a mostly friendly battle. Today he--no they-- needed to train. His body was relaxed as he waited to see if anyone would answer his call to arms.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
The call rang clear through the air and roused Saarthal from a mid-morning nap. At first, the leaden heaviness of her limbs screamed in protest and Saar was ready to yawn, stretch and slump back onto the warm grassy floor to continue her nap. But - she was getting fat and she needed some exercise, and she did promise Reiko that she was a warrior (and she wouldn't be a very good one without practice). Ugh. So, after a dozen or so expletives had been thrown into the mid-day air, Saarthal set off toward the source of the howl. It wasn't long before a familiar figure came into view. "Hi!" she said, lips quirked in a roguish smile as she skidded to a stop at what was probably an uncomfortably close distance to Collision.  But nevermind that. "I'm up for a spar. Gotta get back into shape. Getting kinda fat, you see. Or maybe I'm just unknowingly pregnant, who knows?"
218 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision was a bit archaic about his thoughts. While he had absolutely nothing against a woman being a warrior and being the absolute strongest version of herself. He was still surprised that a woman would arrive to duel. Still--it was not the most shocking thing. 

 She came and halted surprsingly near him. Enough so that he began to think she was coming straight in for the match. His ears rocked back against his head until the bubbly greeting erupted from her mouth. 

 "Oh," His head atwixt in curiosity he offered an awkward smile, "Uh, hi," Talking to him could be much the equivalent of pulling teeth at times. 

 She reeled on with why she came forth and Collision also found himself curious now. I mean...wouldn't she know if she had...participated in events that usually got one knocked up? Hell, honestly at this point he wouldn't be surprised given that it seemed every woman in this place was about ripe with literal fruit of her loins. 

 "It would be my absolute pleasure," There was a statural difference between the two, but it would allow him to focus not on himself but his opponent. Equally, he did not want to cause any harm to her. He only wanted to get his blood rushing and his mind reeling.

 "Ladies first?"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
The dude was awkward which could either make this encounter x2 fun or x10 painful-and-embarrassing-please-save-Saarthal-from-it but this was a spar so, like, honestly...honestly how bad could it be? Not bad, not bad at all. After all, Saar had been a hot awkward mess herself once. What was the difference between the two of them? (Apart from the fact that Collision had some extra dangly bits that Saarthal did not possess (nor did she particularly wish to possess them but to each their own, she was not one to judge) and was less handsome than she was). And nope. There was a chance Saarthal would not know if she was 'knocked up', so to speak, because half the time she was delirious on some sort of hallucinatory drug. Not that Collision needed to know that. 

The faintest shadow of a smirk pulled at the edges of Saarthal's lips as she readied herself, lowering her crown to protect the sensitive skin of her neck. This was going to be fun! She began circling him, slowly, steadily, and then started forward, feinting a lunge for his left forepaw whilst aiming to sink her teeth (lightly, of course, without causing injury) into his left shoulder in a soft bite. Just to see what he was made of.
218 Posts
Ooc — Impala
the girl took the challenge well and collision watched her closely as she silently began their dance. his ears laid against his head, but he allowed her to move whilst he remained most still besides setting his defenses and making sure his stance was sturdy as ever. 

 as she circled he decided to remain where he was. there was no telling who would one day attack him and from what angle they would do so. 

 she came forward with a decent amount of force, but not something hew ould wager was overly agressive. she embrassed the true spirit of friendly battle. she came to his left side and collision lifted his paw as her head seemed to come down towards it, however, she would change courge and her teeth would seek out his shoulder. 

 She grasped him just enough to result in a grimace and his hips turned to his right to maneuver him to a slightly more head-on positioning provided she wouldn't turn as well. the grey man would use his height as his advantage, and the fact that her head was angled slightly down to off his retaliation. his teeth sought out behind the crown of her head and his lifted left paw aimed to wrap around her side. both to make sure he could turn with her, and also to attempt to force her to stay where she was. the area his teeth sought out was the thick fur around the base of her head. if successful he knew he could grasp it a bit more aggressively given the thickness and he would be able to use his weight against her and force her down.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
It was rather unfortunate that Collision was a tad bit taller than Saarthal. She remembered distinctly - a fond memory flickering through her mind - how her father used to chastise her, teasingly of course and in good spirits, about her height and how dear grandfather had sat by and smacked good old dad lightly by the head with a grin of his own and how Trajan was also shorter than grandfather. Grandfather was always nice to her. Dad said it was because Grandfather's dad hadn't been very nice. The kind of guy who was downright abusive. But, she digressed. Point was, her height had always been a focal point during her training and thus she had a rather good grip on the ways of fighting off creatures who were stronger and taller than she was. Because she was quicker. Collision was fast, but not fast enough. His teeth grazed the fur on her neck but she had ducked and was wriggling away. Unfortunately, she had not been able to completely avoid Collision's left paw and therefore stumbled. Cursing, she sought to put space between the two of them.
218 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision was enjoying the action. There was a weightlessness to it since she was not truly an enemy, and there was also the chance for him to display his own self control. Simply, he did not want to take anything to far and risk harming the woman in white. her body dropped mostly short of his bite. his teeth grazed only the fur, and since he was not attempting a true grasp (in fear of drawing blood of an ally) he wouldn't even pull at any hair. Her body slipped from him, mostly. Collision drew back the left leg that she had ran in to and watched with confusion. this was certainly not a fighting style he would begin to fathom. it would never work for him given his size. instead of pursuing more damage Collision would simply aim to take the now raised left paw and pin her tail. he would use only about half of his weight over it and if he could successfully grasp it he would hold steady to try and keep her from slipping further away. everything else was dependent on how far she got in the next moment.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
Speed has always been Saarthal's biggest ally and it did not fail her now. Well. Sort of. She sprang away from his reach but he was not as slow as she had presumed and pain shot through her body as she sought to pull away, the edge of her tail pinned by his paw. Abandoning her current strategy, Saarthal risked ripping her tail away because it's just pain, i can deal with pain and attempted to get it out of his grip, aiming to turn around and face him headon.
218 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision's paw landed on the young womans tail and he applied moderate pressure. she would go to pull away and collision would only allow slightly-above average tension to build before he would give and release her. he didn't want to just hurt the girl. this was about trying new things. as she turned around to face him collision sprang forward to use his body weight against her. he wasn't particularly attempting any direct goal besides causing a clash. his front legs lifting off the ground as he tried to close the distance. if successful he could bring them both down to the ground and grapple from there on up. he refrained from using his teeth for the time being to present some restraint.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
Okay. Clearly, she needed this training. If her father or even grandfather saw her right now, they would be far from impressed. Saarthal managed, just managed to slip away from Collision's grip but when she turned around, the other wolf reared up on his hind legs and Saar realised that oh fuck i'm not far enough away nor do i have enough time to ru- and he slammed into her, pushing her onto the ground. She collapsed against the floor with a grunt and immediately attempted to fasten her jaw on his shoulder, applying just enough pressure to hurt lightly but not enough to break skin. She would never give up without a struggle - though she was beginning to feel like this was one she might not win. Nah, no, you have to win.