Firefly Ravine cosmic dancing
228 Posts
Ooc — Rosie Partytime
All Welcome 

The sun was setting on not a particularly exciting day,

in a not particularly exciting land,

without having done anything particularly exciting at all.

and Eleuthera, oblivious to it all, sunned herself as much as she could in the day’s dying light. she roused from her daytime sleep, as she has somewhat become a creature of the night, but tried as she might, she could not blink away the heaviness of her eyelids. Without a single thing to do these days, the lilac fae relished a few more moments of respite and let her mind dote upon those who were always at the receiving end of her attention.

Unfortunately, these days it was mostly replaying old memories in her mind until she felt the pangs of longing and sadness in her heart; and she was reminded that she could indeed feel things. So only when the faces which flitted by brought on melancholy did Eleuthera shift to her belly and press to stand, to greet another autumnal evening not lost, but certainly and uncharacteristically alone.

perhaps @Sundance, or a faerie from the late seelie court?
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
It had been several days since Seelie Court had dispersed. Sundance, scarce and mostly alone while he nursed his scrapes and wounded pride, had not expected to be abandoned while he did so. He thought sourly of the rogue who'd bested him over territory, how easily he could've robbed him of life if he wanted to, and for what?

To be left behind. To be reminded that his loyalty meant nothing to the faeries.

The viking would soon return, as he'd vowed, and Sundance had wasted long enough stupidly clutching at threads of what once was. The willows were meant to be forever dear to him, but seemed destined not to remain his home forever.

@Teya and @Bridget, the last of their pack to leave, had carried on ahead while the druid tended to his mothers' gravesite one last time. He rested there above their remains for a time, his silent farewell, before he gathered himself to venture from between the willows for the last time.

On his approach to the ravine, it was the unusual lilac shade of Eleuthera's pelt amid the autumn background that Sundance noticed first. He lifted his head to look again, thinking the sight of her to be a trick of his mind or even the dimming light of evening, but she was there. Entire, untouched, and just as he remembered.

He wasn't sure how he felt to see her again, having thought too often how her unannounced departure had pained him. To discover a sibling and lose her just as suddenly had been a cruel twist, one that he would not forget despite a willingness to forgive.

228 Posts
Ooc — Rosie Partytime

The foot-beats that came upon her that early eveningtide only went unpercepted for a moment — the woman whirled around, suddenly more aware and awake, and saw her brother wordlessly standing away from her.

Eleuthera hadn’t disappeared from Seelie Court as much as she did take a brief leave of absence — she was a scout at heart and prone to her wanderings, after all. Perhaps this particular journey had taken her far away, for far too long, because when she returned she had found the Court on its last leg, with Lumiya making the choice to seek shelter elsewhere than fail to hold the willows. Since then, the lilac shewolf had made her bed within and around the Hushed Willows, unsure exactly what to do now.

As far as, where to go from here? There was no where else to be. Eleuthera was learning that her place was exactly here, in these mountains, with her grove of beloved weeping trees. Bad things happened to her families when she left, so it seemed. She had not seen her silvered sibling since her return, and could not help but smile to see him. The woman wasn’t sure if he had moved on, with the other fairies — but she knew that they had the same blood within them. For those who bore the name Shakti, moving on did not come so easy.

Sundance didn’t seem as happy to see her — maybe he just didn’t recognize her from this distance, or was surprised to see her.
“Sundance!” the sprite called out and glided closer to where he stood at the ravine, approaching with familiarity. “The sun has set on another willow pack, so it seems.” She spoke with a sardonic brightness that she felt the two siblings had earned, having now experienced the demise of their forest family twice.
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands