Ocean's Breath Plateau Love, it only seems like yesterday
255 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Read Only 
Just a read only. Setting the stage I suppose for what’s to come. Also, members can see what she’s up to. Almost two weeks left, so exciting! :D

The first few weeks seemed to drift by slowly, like a changing tide, but once that halfway point, things became more of a blur. Raindrop knew by instinct there were only a couple weeks left, her body had changed drastically as the last two weeks crept up, leaving her not to stray too far from the den. Any first trimester (three weeks) symptoms had long gone, but made way for new: she was hungry, oh so hungry, most anything seemed appetizing. It was usually protein, meat from the caches or clams from the tide pools, and when she wasn’t eating, she’d find soft natural materials like moss, bird feathers, some dug up grasses from the plains next door, for the flooring of the sandy den, which she’d also expanded. 

Her now bloated tummy had lost its fur covering, leaving the skin a rosy pink, also providing something soft for the babes to come. Her back had begun to ache, so would her stomach at times, and not from hunger, no, but from the growing pups. When she rested, lying upon the soft nest she carefully crafted, she’d daydream of the babies, what they’d look like, how many she would bring into the world. She also thought to the day they would come, what would she feel?

Her mother hadn’t taught her much in the parenting category, but her mother did reassured her that all was natural, it was instinct, it would go its own way. At the end of the winter, almost a year ago, her mother and father welcomed a litter, leaving her with siblings, but she wouldn't have the chance get to know them, for after they were born, she’d been taken away from home. 

She couldn't remember anything terrible happening to her mother, and perhaps this would give her a little more confidence when her own time came. But, no matter what happened, she needn’t worry, for she has Sumac, her husband, the father of the babes, and a wonderful pack. Chosen yes, but nonetheless family. And on this note, she lay there in the shadow of the den, and rested, giving way to sleep.
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