Hushed Willows Show yourself, I'm dying to meet you.
148 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
In the days since his arrival and acceptance to the pack who made their home among his beloved willow trees, Sundance had learned much about his family. He knew his mothers had perished, that their bodies had returned to the earth - but what of their souls? Where had they gone?

He'd always believed that those of Olive and Seabreeze were not individual, but instead two thirds of one entire. The last part belonged to their other lover, his other parent, who they'd been robbed of months before the earth began to tremble.

Things simply hadn't been the same since they lost Ariel. Sundance could clearly remember the weight of his mothers' sadness after the incident that took him from them, one that did not ever seem to shift.

Despite the unfairness of it all, the druid was thankful. From the sorrow of his sacrifice came the return of a friend in Valiant, the discovery of a big sister in @Eleuthera. It was for her he searched that late afternoon even as the rains came fast, enough to drench him to the bone. On he prowled through the weeping woods, ignoring the chill of his hide and powder blue eyes always searching.

228 Posts
Ooc — Rosie Partytime
Eleuthera, too, was seeking out her brother. There was little more that occupied her mind, lately. Once, the willows were only hallowed ground β€” a place of ghosts and untold stories, of memories and a special, soulful type of pain β€” was now becoming a place of hope. There were times she might even die for these willows, without having a reason why that was more than a life-pledge she uttered to the winds during one of her particularly low moments. But now this placed was filled once again with family; those bound to her by blood, by familial bond, by the title of Faerie, and by soul recognition.

Suddenly, there was so much to be fighting for… and amazingly, somehow, all her strife seemed to fall away.

The willows were not a huge territory. As such, she managed to track her brother down relatively easily β€” made easier, perhaps, by the fact that he was hunting for her as well. When she glimpsed him meandering amongst the willow branches, looking ethereal and druid-like as he did so, she could not help but notice how he comfortable he appeared here. As if he knew, deep into his soul, that if there was any place in the world he could rest his weary soul, it was here. Eleuthera saw it in Sundance, because she felt the same pulse in her own veins.

Striding forward, she wagged her tail and offered him a greeting.
β€œYou know, you look like them." His fur and stature, yes, but there was something beyond all that which she was able to recognize as remnants of the wolves who bore them.Β 
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands