Stone Circle lunch
81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
All Welcome 
The Stone Prince trots confidently through the blooming meadows of the hunting fields. The granite wolf's tail swayed proudly behind him. A fortuitous bounty held within his jaws: a deer fawn. The summer newborn has been stumbled upon as Ujurak assessed one of the herd's movements. The fawn's white spots were stark against its tawny brown fur. He marveled over it, almost feeling bad for the poor thing. But he had found it, and he had a pack to feed.

Turquoise eyes flitted between his destination within the prism grove and the ground in front of the feet. His step remained brisk to escape the midday, but he did not which to stumble over the fawn as he carried it. A dark form caught his eye in one such sweep of his gaze. A shadow swayed back and forth, occasionally passing over the path before him. Turning his attention upwards, a black set of wings lifted high overhead. A lone raven. Ujurak's jaw tightened on his prize. He set into a lope to find a place within the grove to cache the fawn.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had not known the leading pair well. But she had tried to do her best by the children that had been left behind in their grief. She had hurt them though herself and she felt as if she needed ot make amends for that.

So within her maw a brace of fish. She went in search of some of the younger leaders. Quickly spotting the one they called the stone prince. A smile and a muffled chuff. She leaped forward to meet him halfway. Dropping her fish upon the ground.

Do you need help? Help? I am Inkeri. Inkeri.

81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
In his path did a new face appear as Ujurak ducked away from the open meadow skies. Although unfamiliar, Kvarsheim's scent mingled with her own and his eyes brightened at her introduction. When they met he dropped the fawn between their feet.

Halló, Inkeri. I am Ujurak. His tail waved casually behind him. Turquoise eyes returning briefly to the circling corvid, undoubtedly waiting for leftovers.

I am looking to keep this fawn from scavengers, closer now, he could detect the fresh fish smell upon her, did you have something to cache as well?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small smile. I know this. This. I was here when you were born. Born. But it is nice to meet you. You.

She nodded and patted the fish. I am a fisherwolf. Fisherwolf. Always.

A wag of her tail and she lifted her head to study the bird. My family always believed in the ravens. Ravens.

81 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The smile drops from his eyes but there is still a curve to his lips. Was she around? The stone prince struggled to recall the ink and paper wolf. Nonetheless, his tail still waived to the skáti.

It looks like you have quite the catch! Ujurak's head dropped to sniff curiously at the fish. Upon straightening his posture he followed her gaze back to the nosy bird that looped overhead. What did you believe about them?
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri didn't blame the youth. She had only been around for a time before she left. I was only around for a bit. Bit. You probably do not remember me. Me. And that is okay. Okay. I wish to make amends. Amends. For not being here. Here.

Inkeri's eyes grew sad. That they were the bringers of gods. That they were the gods. Gods. There were two warring families. Families. Black and white against each other. Other. My parents were one o feach. Each. Foolish now that I think on it. It. That we did so much harm. Harm.