Porcupine Ridge early sunsets over monroeville
Shadow Ridge
102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
The sunrise upon the open plains set them ablaze. Hex loved to watch the transformation from the heights of the ridge, seeing the grass turn gold and the tops of the trees glisten.

He was in this kind of reverie this morning, sat in quiet contemplation and. . .content.

That was it. He was happy here. He had company, and the land he'd claimed offered shelter and sustenance.

It was the first time he had been at ease since Agrippa, and he sent out a grateful prayer to his pale lover now, yearning to connect with the man in the spirit world.

Do you see me? he asked. Do you see the world I would have created all for you?
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
she was still here.

she offered her body in warmth and spars to @Muskrat — she offered herself in guarding to the cause of this man. if only to see a proper outpost rise from here. yet he seemed rather peaceful in this moment when she spotted his shadowed form.

did he perhaps sit in solitude as a tactician? plan his future and those around him?

the scene was peaceful, but makono never imagined peace.

she offered a sound of wordless greeting and began to approach.
Shadow Ridge
102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Aquilae, he greeted, turning slightly to give her a welcome glance. Nodding toward his side in invitation, he returned his eyes to the grasslands. Each dark hair was now gleaming on the ends, as if dipped in gold, and his gaze the richness of a summer sun.

Hex let another couple of moments of silence elapse before speaking again.

I always wanted to be in the mountains, he mused. Seemed safe, up high. Away from everyone.

Wolves came and went, but no one had stuck around for long. Only the most steadfast would remain by his side, and that was all right with him.

Did you always live in the canyon? he asked.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
it is easy to slip into something like diplomatic warmth. uncertain how personal to be with him even in the wake of helping raise an outpost.

yet she saw, in the way Ra kissed along each hair and put the sun in his eyes, how her lover might have picked this one. she reminded herself she was not here to bed him as well.

instead she only listened once she had settled in alongside him. genuine thoughtfulness on her features.

no, and here something vague like a history lesson. i only trained there for a time before returning to where i came from. the canyon housed an outpost that offered control in its position. the ruins of it might still stand, if you ever wish to gaze upon what once was. she doubted anything worthwhile was still there.

but the layout was still there. she thought she could trace it all in the sand if she closed her eyes and dreamed long enough.
Shadow Ridge
102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Her answer did not escape his notice.

So where did you come from? he asked, cocking his head. I don't care about the canyon. It's been taken over, last I saw.

He looked at Aquilae. I want honesty from my comrades, Hex told her. I am from a creek just northeast of here. I traveled for a while, stayed with a group. They got sick; I was the only survivor. And so now, here I am.

His golden eyes were owlish, boring into her own with insistent curiosity.

So who are you?