June 26, 2020, 12:12 PM
looking for @Minori (whenever you have time!) but @Takara , @Naoyuki , and @Miwa are all welcome to join or cameo ^^
Huā knew she must check on her general. Her piercing scream had echoed across the island in the week passed, and the empress had not followed it, feeling it was not her place to be present on the scene of birth. That ought to be reserved for Minori and whoever might serve as father, and perhaps a wetnurse if they'd had one. But she had passed casually by the den in the past few days without approaching too closely, hearing the sniffles and mewls of children and smelling milk. Successful, then- whether one or four, any living child was a success.
Today she was keen on visiting the new mother, checking in, collecting the information about Yuèlóng's new puppies and congratulating her. The magic den of seaglass was enchanting, and Huā stopped outside, calling gently into the mouth of the den, though averting her gaze with politeness.

June 27, 2020, 01:03 PM
The gentle suckling at her breast had almost caused her to doze off before a soft voice called out. Heart leaping her lips pulled over her fangs by instict as she curled tighter around her babies despite a protest from Naoyuki and a whine from Miwa, the movement apparently having disturbed their meal. Once the sleepiness had fled her system overrun by adrenaline she realised it was Hua and released a soft breath immediately settling into a more relaxed position "I'm sorry. I must have been drifting off. You can enter" while the words left her with a trickle of anxiety she was absolutely certain that the delicate siren wasn't going to harm her pups. Turning she nestled them back into her abdomen and once content that they were nursing again faced her general with a smile "Is everything alright? How is Aiolos?" she asked recalling the fight against the...well she'd consider the stranger impressive if he hadn't been attacking her packmate.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
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Purple= japanese
Bold= english
July 04, 2020, 04:06 AM
Once Minori allowed her entrance, Huā strode in eagerly, giddy to see the appearances of the newest additions to Yuèlóng. The empress could only peek them slightly as they blended in with their mother, largely dark, the nightblue of a raven, touched by dusty points destined to lighten with time. They were beautiful. And she voiced exactly that,
Minori had questions of her own, too, and Huā was happy to answer them.
Your children are beautiful. What are their names?She questioned curiously.
Minori had questions of her own, too, and Huā was happy to answer them.
Thing are alright. Aiolos is healing okay, fur on his neck is bit thin but he is not infection. I am hoping that you heal well too.She murmurs, though knowing that the majority of the blows were dealt to Aiolos- still, Minori had been shaken just as any would be in a fight, and it could've come down especially hard on the pregnant mother.
Was the birth okay? Do you need anything from me?She questioned, happy to help where applicable. It only seemed right, after all... they had treated her like a queen after her birth, always bringing food and offering help- it only seemed fair to return the favor to her dear jiàngguān.

July 10, 2020, 02:44 PM
The pride of hearing her children praised brought a smile to her face, tail wagging slowly as she relaxed her posture. This earned a couple of small disgruntled squeaks from her children as once again their source of milk was adjusted just out of reach. This time she didn't turn and let them begin to wriggle their own way toward the food source, starting the process of learning early on. "The boy is Naoyuki. It means Honesty and Happiness in Japanese" her eyes sparkled and the stern, stoic look was completely absent as she turned and brought little Miwa between her forelegs nestling her into the fur of her chest so the cute little white marks under her closed eyes could be seen. "this is my first daughter. Miwa. Beautiful Harmony also in Japanese" she was proud of her heritage...that flame inside her heart would probably never stop burning, the fact that her and Takara's children carried the name of their homeland meant much to her.
Hua reassured her that Aoilos was alright aside from a bit of baldness where that beast of a man had refused to let go. If it were not for Hua biting him right where it hurt most and her risking her children to tackle him away....well that was a thought that need not be focused on. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll have to meet him more officially, everyone else too" for a General supposed to keep a pack safe she admitted she didn't even know half of the members within their borders. Hua asked how the birth went and how she was proving even more how kind of a leader she was...but she had the same burning fire within her that made Minori appreciate Liri back in Blacktail Deer Platuea. "It went beautifully...I have two healthy children. Recovering...well that's different. I'm not feeling myself lately" she was honest though her ears shifted back showing her anxiety "I'm sure once I eat better and start getting up to move around again i'll strengthen up" there was genuine belief there, she knew she wouldn't stay sick forever because she absolutely refused to. She wasn't an old lady yet and still had a few good years left in her to further her standing as a warrior....but that was becoming less important to her with Takara and her children in her life. Patrolling and hunting wasn't something she'd given much thought to aside from sneaking out once a day just to keep her muscles active. It was beginning to pass through her mind that perhaps she was happier when not pushing herself for the power and recognition she would have been given at home.
Hua reassured her that Aoilos was alright aside from a bit of baldness where that beast of a man had refused to let go. If it were not for Hua biting him right where it hurt most and her risking her children to tackle him away....well that was a thought that need not be focused on. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll have to meet him more officially, everyone else too" for a General supposed to keep a pack safe she admitted she didn't even know half of the members within their borders. Hua asked how the birth went and how she was proving even more how kind of a leader she was...but she had the same burning fire within her that made Minori appreciate Liri back in Blacktail Deer Platuea. "It went beautifully...I have two healthy children. Recovering...well that's different. I'm not feeling myself lately" she was honest though her ears shifted back showing her anxiety "I'm sure once I eat better and start getting up to move around again i'll strengthen up" there was genuine belief there, she knew she wouldn't stay sick forever because she absolutely refused to. She wasn't an old lady yet and still had a few good years left in her to further her standing as a warrior....but that was becoming less important to her with Takara and her children in her life. Patrolling and hunting wasn't something she'd given much thought to aside from sneaking out once a day just to keep her muscles active. It was beginning to pass through her mind that perhaps she was happier when not pushing herself for the power and recognition she would have been given at home.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
July 10, 2020, 07:11 PM
The small child of deep bluish black and marked with white dis not react as the two adults conversed, after all her ears were not developed enough to hear their words. Instead she dreamed, her mind filling with colors and shapes she did not understand and yet were all the more real. She gave a squeaking sound in her sleep, her back paws kicking as if she was running or maybe letting after something. She did not know this was all happening as her mind drifted, she was happy in her own little world.
—「japanese」| "common" | <icelandic> —
August 01, 2020, 02:43 AM
I'm sorry for such a long wait, I got totally overwhelmed by taking on too many threads!! D: also idk why this post got so long oops >_<
When Huā heard the names of the children, her eyes widened with some wonder. The names held a similar structure to those of their mothers'- and the lovely meanings made Huā's children's names look foolish. Little Blue and Dewy Jasmine, were those really names in comparison to the glory of Honesty and Happiness, or Beautiful Harmony? The empress loved whatever the naming convention of this 'Japanese' was. She smiled gently, eyes shifting from one to the other as she tried to commit their names to memory. It was hard to tell them apart now, when they were both little dark puppies, but there were some differences in markings which she knew would likely unfurl and become more obvious in time. Not to mention, that it was a boy and a girl... she would know them individually in little time.
They have very beautiful name. I can not wait to see how they grow up,Huā chirped with a soft smile, knowing these were not her children but still feeling a pride and protectiveness for them- they were Yuèlóng. They would grow up strong swimmers and great fishers, perhaps one or both might go on to adore nature as she did- or maybe they would be warriors like Minori, or singers like Takara. When Minori said she ought to meet some others, Huā nodded thoughtfully- wondering if she should throw another pack activity soon. It was good to help foster those bonds, and she especially wished to see all the parents become friends so that they might work together. If a child was not watched by one... there might always be another adult to keep them safe, relative or not.
Huā frowned as Minori's ears shifted backward and she explained she wasn't feeling herself. When Minori suggested that she would feel healthy again after moving more, the worryworm in Huā wanted to tell her to sit still, to take it easy on herself- she had just given birth, for crying out loud! But Minori was older and more experienced, had even had children before- and now the empress did not want to behave like a fool, trying to tell the general her own boundaries. Minori would know herself better than anyone.
Well... I am very sorry to hear you do not feel well. If you think moving is best... that is okay, but please be careful.Ah. There was her paranoid side coming out- damn it.
You let me know if you need help when-ever. I will bring you food when I can, as well.Snd with that the empress' expression shifted back to an awkward smile.

August 08, 2020, 01:32 PM
"Thank you. me too"
There was a warm hush in her voice as she lowered her muzzle and gave Miwa slow soothing licks to soothe whatever wild dreams she was having and then planted a kiss to Naoyuki's brow. There was not a war or natural disaster on the planet that could keep her from these children...she would not fail them the same way she had failed Deku. Leaving her children to rest again despite feeling as if she could kiss and groom them forever she looked up at the concerned siren, eyes softening and a warm smile forming on her maw as the woman seemed concerned and offered her assistance. It was tempting to ask if she could help Takara bring food to the den, the beautiful songstress worked so hard every day but she was never one to ask for help it brought her guilt and also made her feel weaker than she already was. "I won't push myself...these sweet babies need me. I have duties to Yuelong. I can't let myself collapse" she hesitated and licked her maw eyes sliding to the side as she relented thinking of Takara again "But Takara has been working so hard...if you could bring something just once in a while it would help her" she knew the songstress would eventually tire herself out and she didn't want that to happen...didnt want her to fall ill and wander away like before. Eyes raising back to the kindhearted siren Minori gave a slow wag of her tail "Thank you for your kindness Hua..I can't wait until our children meet" maybe they could all be friends...give her a reason to stay..to not leave the island if something went wrong as it tended to. totally not foreshadowing .
There was a warm hush in her voice as she lowered her muzzle and gave Miwa slow soothing licks to soothe whatever wild dreams she was having and then planted a kiss to Naoyuki's brow. There was not a war or natural disaster on the planet that could keep her from these children...she would not fail them the same way she had failed Deku. Leaving her children to rest again despite feeling as if she could kiss and groom them forever she looked up at the concerned siren, eyes softening and a warm smile forming on her maw as the woman seemed concerned and offered her assistance. It was tempting to ask if she could help Takara bring food to the den, the beautiful songstress worked so hard every day but she was never one to ask for help it brought her guilt and also made her feel weaker than she already was. "I won't push myself...these sweet babies need me. I have duties to Yuelong. I can't let myself collapse" she hesitated and licked her maw eyes sliding to the side as she relented thinking of Takara again "But Takara has been working so hard...if you could bring something just once in a while it would help her" she knew the songstress would eventually tire herself out and she didn't want that to happen...didnt want her to fall ill and wander away like before. Eyes raising back to the kindhearted siren Minori gave a slow wag of her tail "Thank you for your kindness Hua..I can't wait until our children meet" maybe they could all be friends...give her a reason to stay..to not leave the island if something went wrong as it tended to. totally not foreshadowing .
We can wrap this up if you want! I'm trying to clean up my log to start newer ones again ^_^
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
Purple= japanese
Bold= english
August 26, 2020, 07:05 PM
Okay, very well then.Huā agreed, dipping her muzzle as she noted her new duty: bringing food for Takara every so often. The empress was not a hunter by trade, but she could bring down several fish in short time, and would be sure to do so. She hummed an agreement to Minori's last sentiment, and then said her farewell, leaving the woman to her family time once again.

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