Rising Sun Valley The time has come
Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder

Ethan was still asleep, as it was early in the morning, predawn, with Inkeri watching over him, as far as he knew. She had said she would keep guard overnight so he took her word for it, but he didn't mind if she fell asleep. That was before the pain started though. 

He woke with a start, to searing pains cramping his stomach. He instantly knew they were contractions. "Inkeri!" He hissed through gritted teeth, his voice no more than a whisper. "It's time!" He said, trying to raise his voice. As another contraction swept over his body, he yelped. His eyes were still closed with pain but he hoped Inkeri would wake, or come to his aid if she was already up.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had awoke before the edges of the sky began to change. She had hunted briefly, snaring a rabbit for her friend. She had been splitting her time between Ethan and Sanja. Sanja worse, so much worse than Ethan. But she had tried to honor all her commitments. She briefly thought of Ethan nursing Sanja's pups if she could no longer, but she had begun to wake.

At Ethan's first hiss, Ink was there in a moment. She stopped at the den mouth, speaking quietly, but loud enough to hear. She knew how anxious and aggressive new mothers could be.

::Ethan are you alright? What would you like me to do? What do you need from me? Me?

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I don't know what I'm doing." Ethan groaned. "I've never given birth nor seen a birth, do you know anything?" He asked. His instinct was to push, so he was trying to, but he was getting weaker from the pain. Every moment or so another wave of contractions would hit him and he would yelp and hiss and clamp his jaw shut.

He wasn't too confident Inkeri could help him, and he didn't feel like anything was wrong, so he figured he'd just keep doing what he was doing in hopes everything turned out ok. "I just want someone here." He whispered.

And then it happened. After a contraction, his body convulsed, and a small pup slipped out. One thing he did know about pups is you had to lick them and pop the sack around them so they could breathe. So as soon as his child was born, he started to lick the clear sack around it. Soon it released and the pup started to breathe. He licked it thoroughly, trying to dry and clean its soaking fur. It was so small. He checked out the pup to make sure it was healthy, and in the process, found out he had a female. He had a daughter.

His daughter was a small brown wolf with darker ears and a lighter muzzle. She looked much more like the male he had mated with than Ethan himself, but he did not care. She was beautiful either way.

He had been thinking of names for the pups, but he had not settled on one of a girl. For a boy he would name the pup Ike, after his brother Isaac, but this little girl needed a name. He was about to ask Inkeri but then the contractions started again, and less than 15 minutes after his girl was born, Ethan gave birth to his 2nd and final pup.

The 2nd pup was significantly smaller than the first, and to Ethan, the first was tiny, so he was slightly worried about their sizes. The 2nd pup felt more natural to him, and he was able to get it breathing and dry quicker. It was a male and Ethan instantly knew he'd name him Ike.

Little Ike looked much more like Ethan. He had longer fur that was pure white, other than very faint brown markings on his face. He was yet to open his eyes but Ethan hoped they'd be blue like his own. The male he'd mated with had had blueish-green eyes, well, eye, and the other eye had been more purple. While it'd interesting if his pup had a purple eye, he hoped they were both blue eyed, or at least green eyed. Something normal.

After both pups were born Ethan knew he was done. He made sure Ike and his unnamed sister were nursing properly, before turning to Inkeri and smiling. "I'm a father." He said happily, yet weakly.

"The boy... I will name him Ike after my brother Isaac. But for the girl.. I do not know. I have some names.. help me pick one maybe?" He said, slurring his speech with exhaustion. He forced himself to stay awake though. The girl must be named before he slept. "Maya, Hannah, Elizabeth... are my favorite name choices. Choose one." Ethan said. "I like them all the same."

Ike is RP'd by me, the girl is an inactive OC until she is adopted. I'm going to make Ike in a second now. Also gonna check which of those names are actually available for the girl pup.

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri spoke softly. Yes I do and I have seen many. You need to breath through the pain. I know it is hard, but it will help you. Breath in and out slowly. Do not tense completely it hurts worse.

Inkeri moved softly into the den, head and shoulders next. She reached a paw out and touched Ethan's with her own. She could offer that support. Hopefully, he did not snap at her.

He was tired, she was sure, but he was doing well. See as natural as the day is long. Long. I like Elizabeth. But they are yours. Your vakre babyer

Trans Male -- He/Him -- Should be misgendered upon first encounter though
137 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Do you think maybe Mya would be good? I think 3 letters for both pups is cool." Ethan said. "And while I like Elisabeth, it used to be my name, and I don't want it to curse my daughter into being trans." Ethan added. "Besides, I think Mya is pretty." He said sleepily. He whispered the names of his pups as he fell into sleep. "Ike and Mya... Mya and Ike..."

Ethan is a transgender male so he appears to be a female wolf to those who do not know him. For realism all wolves should misgender him until he introduces himself.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
332 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I think Mya will be good. Very good, strong names. Inkeri retreated from the den as Ethan fell asleep. She curled out side the den and stood vigilance for her friend. Some predators would smell the new littles and attack, though she had not seen many of that caliber here in these wilds. But she wanted to be prepared none the less.