Moonspear Coven
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
All Welcome 
All Welcome to any Moonspear members!

Wicca settled in upon the Spear with few issues.
The constant climbing was definitely something to get used to, but otherwise the medic spent a lot of her time out of the way of the rest of the village. 
The crimson lady was currently looking for somewhere to make her den, preferably in the side of a rise or under a fallen tree...something like that. 
Wicca took a brief pause to catch her breath from climbing all over the place, looking out over the terrain, the Glen below them and beyond...

Magical, splendidly so! 
The herbalist smiled softly to herself before starting to continue her search.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Song is Wish I knew you by the Revivalists.

Alaric bebopped through the pack lands. Even footing on sharp rocks. A gentle burn in the muscles along his back and in his legs. If he loved nothing else but the way he was so close to dying on this mountain it would be enough. There was just something about it. 

He lifted his voice the rich baritone ringing off the mountain spear. Not realizing anyone was near while he moved and searched for herbs to add to his small garden by his den. And to add some pieces to the pack he wore around his neck.

You shine like a star
You know who you are
You're everything beautiful
She's hot, hot like the sun
The loneliest one
Still everything beautiful

Well I'll be god damned
You're standing at my door
We stayed up in the city
Until the stars lost the war
So Friday night, holy ghost
Take me to your level
Show me the one I need the most
I need the most

I wish I knew you when I was young
We could've got so high
Now we're here it's been so long
Two strangers in the bright lights
Oh I hope you don't mind
We can share my mood yeah
Two strangers in the bright lights
I wish I knew you
I wish I knew you
Oh I wish I knew you when I was young

Truth, it's all that you need
You bury that seed
It's everything beautiful
And that sound comes from the underground
It's all inside you now
It's everything beautiful
But what you, what you, what you, what you running from?
And they got, they got, they got, they got you on the run?

So Friday night
Holy ghost
Take me to your level
Show me the one I need the most
I need the most

I wish I knew you when I was young
We could've got so high
Now we're here it's been so long
Two strangers in the bright lights
Oh and I hope you don't mind
We can share my mood, yeah
Two strangers in the bright lights
I wish I knew you
I wish I knew you
Oh I wish I knew you when I was young
Maybe we can share my mood
Hmm hmm hmm
Maybe we can share my mood
Hmm hmm hmm
Maybe we can share my mood
Hmm hmm hmm
I wish I knew you when I was young
We could've got so high

Now we're here it's been so long
Two strangers in the bright lights
Oh and I hope you don't mind
We can share my mood, yeah
Two strangers in the bright lights
I wish I knew you
I wish I knew you
Oh I wish I knew you when I was young
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The crimson lady paused in her steps upon hearing the rich baritones ringing from the slopes.
Wicca's warm gaze scanned and flicked the terrain to see who had such a voice, but not yet did she see who it was. 

She followed the sound for many minutes, eventually at the seeming end of his song, Wicca lifted her own melody to the sky in hopes to tempt the ""mystery singer'' closer. 

Song is "It could have been me" sung by Halsey

"Don't wanna live as an untold story
Rather go out in a blaze of glory
I can't hear you, I don't fear you

I'll live now 'cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now

Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh-oh

I wanna taste love and pain
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time
Don't wanna waste one line
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
It could have been me
It could have been me, yeah

Don't wanna wake up on a Monday morning
The thought of work's gettin' my skin crawlin'
I can't fear you, I don't hear you now

Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh-oh

I wanna taste love and pain
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time 
Don't wanna waste one line 
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
Could have been me 
It could have been me 

I wanna taste love and pain 
Wanna feel pride and shame
Don't wanna take my time 
Don't wanna waste one line 
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
It could have been me
Oh, it could have been me
It could have been me!"

604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was with surprised and a smile that Alaric heard the first notes ringing out to follow his song. She was a good singer whoever the mystery was. So with a shift in his position he changed his trajectory and headed towards the song. Imagine his bright surprise when he realized it was the red she wolf he'd met at the borders. Wix? Wit ah Wicca! Was her name.

Good morning, Song bird! He called out with laughter on his tongue and impish green eyes alight with mischief and happiness.
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The charming man from the borders!
Wicca smiled back to him as he approached, tail swaying softly with goodwill "Good morning yourself!" She chuckled back, approaching a few steps to help close some distance between them.
"Your voice is very beautiful." She complimented, assuming it had been him that was singing before she had.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A roguish smile and a glint to his eye as her returned greeting. He looked around him. What brings you out on this beautiful morning?

He shifted his weight to better hold his spot on the sharp rocks that lay beneath them. he didn't want to pitch to the side and go sliding willy nilly down the mountain.

Ah thank you. I am storyteller and sometimes you must sing. And well Singing makes my heart gladden. You too are a lovely singer. You put the birds to shame. He offered her a small wink. There was no untruth there. Some birds she did put to shame. he had heard some pretty gnarly birds.
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The crimson woman tittered a gentle way, amused by him, though with no ill-will.
"I am seeking somewhere to make a den." She explained, though upon his returned compliment and the following wink, her eyes widened some with an obvious blush "Surely you jest!" She smiled, "There must be some hellish-sounding birds here." She offered with a laugh, humble and polite was she, almost always. 
No wolf was perfect, after all!

"What kind of stories do you tell?" She asked of him a few beats later, interested.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I can help you look if you'd like. There's lots of hidden places around here. He looked around as he spoke already thinking of a few places. There was a hidden den between hanging willow leaves. There was another further up the mountain, that overlooked the spear, but that one was a little dangerous if she wanted children someday.

I never lie. He smiled again, quick and kind.

He made a soft hmmm noise. Whatever strikes your fancy. I can tell you love stories that make you weep, I can speak of tragedies and ballads. Of fighters and rogues. Of children and the moon and the stars.
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Wicca was entranced by his words, and it showed in the expression upon her face. 
Interested, all around!

"Would you tell me a story of Gods, while we look for a place?" For my den, the implication stood. 
Wicca held herself in such a way now that expressed the open, friendly air she felt towards Alaric, small smile ever present with her features.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Hope this is okay. I did a search. I made it into wolfish rater than humanoid.... heh <3

A small smile to the she wolf as he thought of a good story for her. Then he began. 

Now it's important to remember that Gods are all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, but they are also fickle and tricky at the best of times. And they tend to take things personally.

A twitch of his tail and he started walking around the area, leading her towards some different places to look to see if she would like her den there.

Once upon a time there was a king with three daughters. His youngest daughter Psyche was the most beautiful of all three, with fur as white as pristine snow and eyes as deep and dark as the pools of kissed moonlight sea. She was so beautiful in fact, that there were rumors she was a goddess, or even Aphrodite herself, and wolves began to worship Psyche instead of the goddess Aprhodite. Of course Aphrodite was then offended, and she sent her son, Eros the god of intense desire and love to scratch Psyce with his claw and force her to fall in love with something hideous.

He shifted his hips as if he was a beautiful woman walking, a serene smile on his face. Then he pretended to be an angry Aphrodite, crossing his paws in irritation, a dark look upon his face. Then he mimicked the scratching of a claw. 

Now Eros was winged wolf and he did fly to the palace, to obey his mother for he was a good son, but he accidently scratched himself with a claw and fell in love with Psyche instead. He flew away without scratching her, and she continued on without being able to fall in love.

He mimicked sneaking on tip toes towards the palace, a gentle scratch upon his forearm. A start struck look on his face as he apparently stared at some beautiful woman. Then a tiptoe of paws away from the palace. Tears upon his face.

Now this worried her father, for how could his daughter be so beautiful and not be in love with anyone. So he asked the Oracle for a prophecy and he was quickly distressed to learn that she would love a dragon-like creature of fire that even the gods feared.

Alaric moved as if a distressed father, threw himself to the ground in grief and rage at the telling of the prophecy and then put on a thinking face and thought long and hard about what he should do.

Her father in a moment of grief decided they would sacrifice Psyche. They would leave her at a tall mountain. And then Zephyr the god of the nort wind, transported her to Eros' Palace in the clouds.

Alaric moved his paws in a motion as if flying through the air.

Now despite that Eros never appeared during the daytime, because he didn't wish to bring his mother's ire upon his beloved. Psyche was happy in the palace. But jealousy ate at her sister's hearts and they manipulated her into going into her husbands bedroom during the day and peek at him and when she did, she accidentally burned him with her light, and he fled from her.

Alaric pretended to be happy, jauntily walking, then whispering in his paw as if talking to another. A soft titter and then he snuck along the trail, pretending to sneak a peak at someone. And then he galloped around Wicca as if he was running away.

Aphrodite vowed revenge, and kept the lovers separated. Psyche had to go through several trials to earn the right to see her husband again, even though Eros eventually opposed this. Eros had to escape Aphrodite, to go find Psyche and stop Aphrodite’s revenge. They lived happily ever after.

He gave a soft bow and then motioned at a small crossways, two trees above each other, a large enough space beneath them to dig out a den if she so wished. he smiled then.
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Wicca listened, spellbound by Alaric's acting and story-telling skills. 
With him she walked, gently padding her way up the slopes as he portrayed the tale. 

Many a time, the crimson woman would pause in her step to allow the Bard plenty of room to carry out the weaving of his words in both action and voice. 
She remained entertained until the end, where she blinked back to reality to see the trees and the space underneath them, large enough for her to take her den!

She beamed back at Alaric and had she hands instead of paws, she would have applauded his artistry, but alas, she was not such a being. 
Therefore, the crimson lady smiled back upon Alaric, "Your story was amazing, I loved your portrayals!" She complimented, "Absolutely spellbinding!" She deemed, looking now with an appreciative eye to the crossed trees he presented to her vision. 

She would approach the place and scrape at the dirt until she found a soft enough patch, then with an inviting glance to the Bard, she would begin to carve into the soil.

604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric smiled at her and offered a small wink. My story is only as amazing as though who listen and take it to heart. So thank you for being an amazing audience, my lady. She had been truly an audience that bards prayed for. It was nice to ply his trade again. He loved a good story.

He stepped to the side while she inspected the area and scratched a soft spot and once she started to dig and looked to him to help. He stepped in large paws taking out dirt by the spot full. To the side he placed it, pushing it into a sort of circle in case she wanted to use it for something else. Sometimes he would make a circle in his den of dirt and then press it hard into the ground, into small hills that would be his resting place where he would put leaves and grass, or furs. He preferred furs.
24 Posts
Ooc — Liv
We can fade whenever, Danni! <3

Wicca continued to dig beside Alaric in friendly, polite silence as the den slowly but surely was made, deeper and deeper until suitable to a woman her size. 
Upon near-completion, the crimson woman paused to take a small breather, smiling to the Bard with gratitude.

"I can finish alone, if you desire to be elsewhere?" She offered genuinely, not wanting to be bothersome or keep Alaric from any other activities he may need to attend to for the day. 
Looking skyward, some time had definitely passed since they started! 
The sky was brighter, weather warmer now than it had been this morning. 
Her golden gaze flicked once from her new den to the Bard. 
"Thank you for your help, by the way." She smiled, not wanting his efforts to go unmentioned.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you for the thread. Fading here. <3

I'll help you finish it. Then I'll take my leave.

A smile of sureity, a soft wink as he went back to widening and packing down the dirt. So it wouldn't fall in upon her. A furrow of concentration in his brow.

He nodded. You're welcome.