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Ooc — Vami
Directly after this. For @Centri

Arrluk had led Centri from the foothills on their low lying mountains, showing her once they were beyond their borders and into the open how the mountains circled around. They were within the Deersight Hills, filled with green grass and rolling land. Ahead, it was easy to see the large lake which made up much of their secluded homeland. 

He was mostly quiet through their walk, though smiles at the sight of the deep blue water. I spend alot of time around the lake and river leading into it. The killer-whale boy looks to her soft features, wondering what first might catch her eye in her new home.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
By Shikoba's instruction, Centri followed along with Arrluk around the territory -- practically skipping as they went. The young girl was overjoyed, excited to be welcomed in her new home and continue her studies as a medic. Though despite this there were nerves that still plagued her, like how to conduct herself around the other leaders qhen the te came, and if the village would even accept the idea of a silly young girl who wasn't as skilled at medicine as she couldn've been.

--The flower nymph only hoped that her promise would be kept. To both Shikoba and her former home.

Distracted from thought, mindlessly pittering feet had brought them both to the foot hills of green feilds. The young boy who'd she'd met along the boarders had shown her the sight of a massive, crystal-watered lake which she stared at in awe. It never occurred to Centri just how large the territory was from the outside, and now she got to see for herself without restrictions. "The tears of Fleur run beautifully in these lands." she spoke in soft tones, taking a step closer to observe, and looking back to the young orca with a tail waving behind her. "Your lands are beautiful. Much larger than the ones I used to call home -- I almost feel so small."
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Though she was pale like soft seaside sands, she was vibrant in personality the way @Ajei and his sister Galana were in pelt. In some ways she also reminded him of his sister @Vairë with her light tanned pelt and freckles on her face. 

She walked with a happy skip and laughter in her pale eyes. It caused Arrluk's own seagreen and blue eyes to crinkle as he smiles softly into her direction as he quietly and secretly watched her from the corner of his gaze. 

Arrluk didn't know what the 'tears of Fleur' meant, but by the way she said it, it seemed like it was a good thing. You are small. He says with a small, playful smile as he referred to both her small body and delicate figure. Then, turning back to the lake and moving forward further into their home he adds, One day you'll have to visit Moonpear. The mountan peaks there are massive. Then after another pause he informs, The packs Moonspear and Moontide are sister packs of ours...and Saltshore too. I have family in all of them. All of us are welcome to visit eachother whenever we want.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
34 Posts
Ooc — <3
'You are small.'

A muzzle turned over her shoulder to narrow her eyes and pout, though the playful tune that carried in her voice contradicted her expression. "I may not grow any larger than this, but I will claim the bragging rights of already being adult." At least, she can assume Arrluk was younger than her, based on the way he looked and carried himself -- a cheeky, victorious smile coated her delicate features while she followed him further towards the path. Although as the young medic silently observed him, she noted his large paws and noticeable bulk -- it was almost scary how fast wolves grew around this age, especially the boys. She could ever recall her younger brother being larger than herself...

Proceeding to mention more foreign places, she listens with ears tilted. Moonspear, Moontide, Saltshore -- then, there was Moonglow. "Four packs....that's a lot of family!" She exclaimed with widened eyes. Somehow all of them were related; all bonded through blood and Centri couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the idea....with a tinge of envy. Sure, the women of her tribe were sent out to spread out amongst other packs, just as she had done in joining Moonglow, but none knew where each other were. They were not neighbors -- nor a doorstep away from each other. The momentary sadness caught up with her. Even turning the young medics smile into a frown when she'd turn from him for a glance at the trees instead.

"How many generations might that be? I've only really heard of your parents from madame Shikoba. What of the rest....do you have siblings, like me?"
[Image: 70837757_F3RAFEjneFcqxvi.png]
"Common" | "French"
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk's ears fell at her words, a sheepish expression given to show off his small front teeth. Ah, you got me there. He lowers his head, tail waving as he continues to smile. She knew how to take it and dish it right back, that was for sure! 

It is... He murmurs as they trail along, coming closer and closer still to the lake until they were moving along the lake bed. Galana was missing, Second mother... But he was still lucky in having many family still around, whether blood, marriage or adopted in due to their bonding. 

This year, my elder sisters Samani, Vaire and Sialuk will make the third. They each lead one of those other packs. He informs when she asks about the generations and his siblings. There are my litter brothers, Massaraq and Kassuq and Galana, my sister born to Red Mother, my mother's second mate. I have an older brother through their marriage and many other older siblings of mom and dad and of Lote too, but, I've not met them. 

Now that he was saying this all aloud, he realized how oddly confusing and complicated it might have sounded. Arrluk didn't know all the details enough to explain the love triangles (or square?) Which made up Kukutux, Aiolos, Lote and Sakhmet.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]