Lost Creek Hollow Kitsch
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He was surprised at how mild the winter had been. For a month, he travelled along with a woman and her children, in search of others who had gone missing; eventually he had split off to go and search for the remaining girls on his own, only to find that it was an impossible task. Two wolf pups, lost in the wilderness for months now- and he wasn't sure what he dreaded more, coming back empty-handed, or finding whatever it was that remained of them. 

He sought a home for refuge, and attended to the first border that crossed his path. He knew nothing about the wolves who lived here- but so long as they were relatively sane, he decided it was as good a place to settle, anyway, while he continued his search in the area. 

He brought with him the haunch of a rocky mountain sheep that he had killed earlier in the day; his specialty. And with some amount of humility, he waited patiently near the borders for someone to wander by.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Upon their pelage a wolf with almost as manycolors as she. A titled head as she moved forward and Blue eyes taking him in and the prize he had won.

She drew herself to the edge haughty and proud as always.

Hello. What brings you to Riverclan? I'm Ash Star.

She waited patient and wary. But also slightly curious. The red on his back was notable.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Ksura would not have to wait long- and at the sight of the woman who approached, he tucked his head low, nudging forward the offering of mutton. He stepped away so she might feel free to take it; he was a capable enough hunter that if she claimed this for herself and then turned him away, he would not struggle to kill again. 

"Ksura," He said, with a quaint bob of his head. His indigo gaze he kept averted, and his ears tilted back in deference. "I am searching for two girls, lost two moons ago, in those mountains," He said, gesturing toward the Sunspire Mountain Range that formed a long chain in the distance. "I am looking for a home base, so I can continue my search...I can act as a scout, in the meantime, and return with food." He offered. 

Simply put, he would be scarce- but useful.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She noticed the offering, but made jo move to take it yet. His deference making her slightly more prideful. Yes he was good.

She blinked. We just had a girl stumble upon us. Perhaps she is onw you seek.

She eyed him. He seemed capable enougj. Well built, suited for hard labor . 

 You may do thia, but if you are not who you say your are. I'll rip you apart myself.

She had about wnough of wolves who said onw thing and acted another. Ingram, Wren, Crowfeather and now perhaps this one.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess

His ears perked. Perhaps it was Athalia or Amalia- the most likely to wander. "What is her name? And how does she look?" He pressed. Not that he knew exactly where Mira was, anyway- but a promise was a promise. He would look out for her girls, if he could find them. 

Her threat glanced off his shoulders, and he merely flicked an ear as he might at a fly. "I have no one else to be." He said with a light shrug. His gaze lifted for a moment, so she might see the steadfast, earnest glint in his eyes, before he lowered them again.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She blinked. Iris. 

That was the name given and thus the name shared. If she were different and had another name, well that was on them.

She nodded. Then welcome. Lets get you settled. Can you carry that haunch?

She didn't really want to carry it and it would be pretty bulky for her anyway. 

She would lead him firther into the territory give him a place to lay his head and then take him to the girl.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He frowned. "Not the one I'm looking for- unless she changed her name," He said with a sigh. It would have been a stroke of luck for him to have stumbled blindly upon a pack that harboured even one of the children- but he wasn't known for having such fanciful strokes of fate. 

"Absolutely," He said eagerly, moving forward to pick up the sheep's haunch, sinking his teeth through the soft, plush fur and followed after Ash Star.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small softening about her eyes. Gentle nature warring with pride. Perhaps her pride was merely a cross to hide the kind. Thorny woman. 

I am sorry. I do hope you find them. I will make prayers to my gods and if I have time help you look.

She motionwd towards a few dens. There are a few here and some deeper in the forest if they interest you. We have caches near our homes and the healing den.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He blinked his owlish eyes in response, not really able to say anything while his mouth was full. He was a bit confused about why she would pray to a god, though. The only time he had ever heard the word, it had been a part of a string of expletives which usually ended with his name...And it certainly had never been uttered as a prayer. 

He glanced from one den area to the next, finding it all a bit smothering. While he did detest the cold, he thought perhaps he might find a den a bit further from the rest; perhaps on the fringe of the territory, where he might have a bit of space, and turn less heads when he came and went, frequently. 

He followed Ash Star, hoping she would take him to a fit place to stow the haunch away.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She knew not many knew or believed in gods. Amd that was okay really. She could handle it.

Finally near the healing den she stopped. You can put the food here.

No matter how she felt about Wren. Sandulf was here and wounded.

She looked him over. I will let you aquaint yourself with the area. In our numbers we have Crowfeather and Silvertongue as fellow leaders.