Jade Fern Grove [M] The Fortune Queen of New Orleans
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Conception

She awoke in the dead of night. Having known it was coming she felt the telltale burn. That aching, longing to join with someone, anyone for ever so brief a time. Blue eyes alight upon the stars. The moon etching its lovelorn light into her colors.

She felt alive with passions and wants. No, a need, a deep deep need. She removed herself from the pack lands. Leaving her scent in her wake. Calling out to long lost lovers, boys that would become men in the early hours if the dusk before dawn.

So she went on the prowl. She would take what was given and give it all back.

192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
While he had planned to make for the mountains, he'd wandered North on a whim toward the grove, following the Minnow River toward a place where he hoped the ice would either be thin or broken. He had a craving for fish, but sensed that he might be out of luck. With the recent dip in temperatures, open water was harder to find. He scratched at the surface of the water near the shallows with his claws, but saw no signs of water gurgling beneath. 

He sighed softly, knowing how impossible it would be to get the thought of trout off his mind once it was lodged in there. Nothing else would taste the way he needed it to- it would all taste flat, flavourless...Even the thought of sheep's blood didn't entice him, once he had a craving in mind. 

He was, however, distracted from his woes, when a scent flitted toward him on the breeze. It was extremely rare for Ksura to drop a fixation once he had it in his mind- but this? Oh, this smelled much better, and it robbed him not only of his apatite, but of his sanity as well. 

Siren calls drew him in, and an instinctive desire he had never known before was awakened. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with himself- but he knew he had to figure it out- and as soon as Ash Star came into view, he knew that it would have something to do with her- she was the beacon, the lighthouse- and he was the ship headed for refuge.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She wandered with no point in mind. Simply existing in her own siren song. Allowing herself to feel something deeply.

Blue eyes aglow with a worldly light. A gentle smirk upon her mouth. For one week a year. She knew absolute power. She was a goddess. It was divine, it was godly, it was. Everything.

No words needed spoken as she walked slowly towards the new member of the riverclan. As she wound around him, weaving her scent upon him. A nip to his shoulder a nudge and then she bounded backwards. Her tail up and over in a wag.

Her body calling. Come and catch me.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She loomed, and he worshipped. Every strand of fur on her body, the glint in her eyes, the footprints she left behind in the snow...With her spell cast he was helpless, and for someone who had never known any god, he found himself uttering soft whimpers- prayers, that she might hear him, choose him, and allow him to become nearer to her. 

Nearer to thee, oh divine one.

He bristled, goosebumps pimpling his skin and causing his fur to lift as she circled him. He froze, ears perked and posture stiff as she wound her way around him, fearing that any movement might drive her off or make her lose interest. His chin lifted slightly, and he felt a thrumming growl grow in his chest. He must be desirable, strong. 

And, apparently, fast. 

This was no problem for him. He had played many games of chase in his life- and the invitation caused his heart to leap. Without hesitation, he bounded after her, matching her buoyant stride- but ready to drop into a dash if she chose to run.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The burning desire in his eyes filled her. The ever pressing need growing. But not yet. Not yet. A sift sigh as she fought the feeling for the moment. Though, she knew all to well it would encompass them both.

To his whimpers she answered with gentle whines and small noises. Nips to where she could reach and then bound away. She was not too far, never too far. Just waiting.

A hairs breadth, so close. Shw let him catch her this time completely, effortless. A strong one. 

i can't remember do we have to have a post count for these?
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: baby-making
I don't believe so! I think that's more for trades, maybe? We will need to likely stick a mature tag in the first post though.

Ksura had chased with the intention to play, and with the intention to kill. He had tussled with littermates, and had felled one sheep after the other in a pasture that he had turned into a slaughterhouse. He chased after her, but did not tackle her to the ground as he might have done in play. Instead, he remained close, nipping at her withers, as if asking her to stop, and wait, and be still. His heart raced. The moment she slowed to a stop, he slid to a halt alongside her, his shoulder against her ribs. He chattered his teeth together excitedly, a moment given to her to make certain that she was willing- before he moved, and followed the instinct he had been chasing. 

He discovered a delight that made him ravenous for more and more until he was spent, suddenly breathless and exhausted. When they came apart, he felt dizzy, but tried to avoid staggering, lest his inexperience make itself known, though the look he gave her likely said it all. "Woah," He breathed, grinning from ear to ear.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: baby-making

She had run and he had chased. A beat of thosands of paws that had done so before. Thrumming deep within her chest. A song made of moonlight and darkness. One that left her heated in the moment.

At the first, a low moan of delight. And then as instincts worked together. They did what they knew how too. Her voice ringing out in delight. Aching and then whole.

Sudden laughter at the end, though it was not cruel at his words. She eyed him with the blue of her gaze.

Yes. Woah is good.

She titled an ear. Very tired. Her limbs trembling from the marathon they had just run. She curled and settled to her haunches. He could join her or he could leave. She would leave that decision  to him. But she panted gently. A warmth deep in her chest for the young man. And a soft pang when she thought of a similar uoung man whome she had almost loved.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He was reassured that his performance had been good- he personally thought he'd been spectacular, but he didn't exactly have much to reference- and when she sat, he sat alongside her, hoping she wouldn't mind the company. After so much brisk activity, the cold might settle in- and he sought to drive it off by shielding her from the light breeze. 

He could look at her now, feeling a bit more accepted and familiar now that...Well, not that it was something to read into too much, but still- that sort of intimacy was something he figured permitted him to look at her as he hadn't before. Furtively, he met her gaze, his eyes blinking as if staring toward a bright light. He smiled at her, and then noticed the faint line on her muzzle. "What happened there?" He asked, bobbing his nose and flicking his eyes from the scar and back to her gaze.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw would have given herself a little chuckle had she known he was worried about his performance. Not that she had loads of experience in the matter. She did know a good one when she had a mind too. And he had done more than well.

She lifted a paw to touch it. A faint smile. A man named Ingram. I am not a particular warm wolf and I have my own thoughts on many things. We were fighting about gods. I for mine and himself for his. And well this is my reminder. We became friends, even lovers, then now. I am unsure where he is or what he's doing strangers again.

Scars can tell you so many things about a wolf. But above all they tell me they are a survivor.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Jealousy sparked; this man had hurt her, and while he was her once-lover, Ksura found it difficult to forgive a man for having picked a fight with Ash Star. He made several assumptions- that the man had been the one to start the fight, and that he had been the unreasonable one- due to his newfound bias. He decided he would have to be watchful, so long as Ash Star was receiving intimate attention- if this man came back...He wasn't sure Ash Star might turn him away. 

He disliked the notion of being ousted from his position as her temporary attendant, and as such, sought to prove his loyalty. The wind could beat at him, and the temperatures could chill him- but while he was in the fondness of her gaze, he felt immune to everything else. 

"You are," He said, a touch of fondness and admiration in his voice. "We both are," He said, remembering. He shifted, so she might see the small patch of white fur near his hip- the place where a significant wound had been healed by creatures capable of miracles. "I thought this was going to kill me, but," He shrugged his shoulders. He knew enough to understand that it hadn't been divine intervention, but he had been saved nonetheless from what would have inevitably been a slow and painful death.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw didn't hide her ways or the things she had done, would do. It was not how she was built. Mostly simply because she felt she was not often in the wrong.

He had moved to block the wind. Yhis was nice of him. So she sought out a part of his shoulder and neck to preen at. Though she knew it would light a fire again, for now she was sated.

Practiced gaze went over his scar and she smiled.

You knew a very good healer. I always admire good healers. I am healer myself.

She wondered briefly what had been sp cruel to him. He seemed kind and decent. Loyal. But perhaps that was how he was wounded. Because he was those things not despite of.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He kept a straight face, so he might keep his secrets. He could picture them- both the one who had inflicted the wound, and the ones who had worked to heal it. The ones who had given him food, but had smelled of chemicals. He remembered the metal wires of the cages, the enclosure where he had beaten a path around the perimeter day after day after day...

He didn't know Ash Star, but he believed her when she said she was a healer. He leaned a bit closer, his expression warming. "Are you a good healer?" He asked, his tone flirtatious, as if he had spoken something else entirely. He dared to nibble the soft fur behind one of her ears, willing to accept rebuke if he was being too forward.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His life and his secrets were his own. And were she a different woman,perhaps she would have found it in herself to ask? To care? And yet she didn't. 

He meant nothing to her at the moment other than a means to an end. Perhaps in time if he stayed in Riverclan her warmth would grow to encompass him as it had done with crow and silver, her own chilren, but for now.

Ash Paw grinned. as good a lover as healer.

Then feeling the ardor grow she got to her feet and danced bwckwards leading him further into the grove. A purpose. A plan. She would get what she wanted from him. Take as much as he was willing to give.
192 Posts
Ooc — Jess
His brow raised. "Ouuu!" Came a soft, surprised noise, unbidden from his lips. She peeled away from his side and he felt the cold sweep in immediately. He rose to his feet as if tethered to her, pulled along by some invisible heartstring. His smile grew as she backed away from him, and he prowled forward- accepting her boast as an invitation. 

If she healed as well as she made love, she could cure anything. 

He followed after her as her willing patient ready to take in all the treatments the expert medic had to offer.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'll end this one so i can get a puppy adoption drafted. But we can have an updated one if you like <3

She lead he followed. And she was filled with her own power. How amazing it felt to be the force that called.

A small smile. She would take him to the darkness where shadows touched light and make him pray in such good ways.