Blacktail Deer Plateau Not much to do
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
His brother was gone. His other two siblings quiet. Rhonen found himself at the edge of the border lookong beyond. Wondering if he too should have gone. And yet he hadn't wanted to explore or adventure.

He had wanted to be with his family. To hunt to learn in the borders that were safe and quiet. Large Paws held firm to the ground. Pretty blue eyes looking out over.  

Then nose to the ground. He'd maybe hunt.
96 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Quote:Would you if Gyr finds him? She herself has nothing to do,either….
After she had returned from some out of border business the previous night, she sought out the borders once more. Patrolling them as a good scout should. Her nose to the ground she smelled everything there was to smell…. Then lifted her back up normally, looking ahead of her upon the dawn lit frosted grass was a young white pup. It must have been Rhonen, she had thought all kids left for adventure, but clearly not him….

She slowly approached, giving a tail wag and a friendly greeting. Poor thing looked so bored, she couldn’t deny that she felt the same way. The pack had been quiet. “Rhonen?” She asked politely, “You are still here, not seeking adventure with your siblings no?”
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
That is fine with me

Ears curled to head and he lifted it. Bright blue eyes turned towards the one that called his name and he felt a flush score across his face. She was pretty. But older and always kind.

He scuffed at the dirt with a paw, and smiled up shyly. Nnnnoo. Ddddid nnnnot wwwant ttto gggo.

He scuffed the dirt again, a furrow in his brow. Bbborder's sssafe.

He looked up at her imploringly. Hoping she could understand him. that she would not strike fun at his ways and words. That she would be as careful as Rusalka was with him. He wasn't certain if this could ever be fixed.
96 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
He greeted her, she smiled in return. It had been quite some time since the pack had merged. She nodded, “I understand, distant adventure isn’t for everyone.” She continued, and sat, “Many adventures can be had within the territory, if you know where to look.” 

He stuttered a tad, however as she was raised, she looked past this. Feature didn’t make you different… this made her consider her own oddity she noticed. “You seem bored, any particular reason?” She loved pups, the way they see the world is through eyes that she hadn’t seen through for a long time. Remembering faint bits of her childhood, “on days like this I would dig through the few snowy frost patches for any goodies hidden underneath.”
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen looked around. Yyyea?

Voice not yet full bodied and grown like thst of his father. Cracking and strange. Questioning blue eyes on her face. What kinds of adventures he wondered.

He shook his head. Nnnot bbbored. Uuunsure.

He looked around.  Trying to figure out how to explain with his limited speech.

Th th thinking. Sh sh should hhave ggone wwwith th th them. Bbbut i i i'm nnnot br br brave.
96 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
She nodded, “mhm, you just have look.” She continued, “it may find you.”

He was thinking, she could tell. Uncertainty in his eyes, his face spoke of it while words didn’t. Ah, she understood it, “I imagine it was a hard choice for you, family is important… however, you may find you have a job to do here.” “With spring I’m sure there will be more pups in the pack, once older they’ll have you to play with.”

She thought of her adopted niece and nephews…. Off to see the world. She loved pups, however…. She sighed, pondering a topic not for right now that must be addressed later.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He smiled then. To think he may not have to work to find am adventure. Though while it sparked joy, it also sparked such a sense of doubt and anxiety it felt crushing. How could he; this stuttering lummox of a boy do well on an adventure.

A smile then. iiiI lllike ttto bbbe uuuseful. Iiiit hhhhelps mmmmom.

He thought of his mother and sister then. He couldn't leave them. No. His dad couldn't take csre of them all on his own.
96 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Quote:Sorry I didn’t see this, some stuff came up

She again almost sensed doubt in the boy. However she also noticed him enlightening, which was good. He said he liked to help his mother “That’s wonderful, what do you like to help her with?” Maybe he could help her find herbs, or other materials and even hunt small game.

She looked around, the sky getting to a slow golden, signaling dusk…. It was getting slightly late and she needed to patrol the borders before nightfall. She would see that the boy gets home safely.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries. I hope all is okay?

Rhonen felt his tail wag as he thought of his family. They were important to him. III lllike ttto hhhelp hhher wi wi with hhher gggarden. EEEven th th thoough Iii Dddon't kkknow th th the ppplants. IIIT mmmakes hhher hhhappy.

He also liked to hunt small game, but he hadn't done that for his mother yet. Because he was still learning. Father had taught him, but he should probably seek him out for more.

Dddo yyyou wwwant hhhelp ooon ttthe bbborders?::
96 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Yeah, it’s getting much better now. :) Would this be a pretty good fade point? I gotta run an errand. I love RPing with you.
She smiled. A garden, that sounded lovely. She could tell indeed how important his family was. He would make a good man, a rare kind.

“That’s wonderful, I always love help on the borders.” “You’re always more than welcome.”
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
55 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'll fade and archive. Thank you. I enjoy rping with you as well.

Rhonen motioned for her to lead the way. And he would step into place beside her. He knew how to mark borders, had seen his dad do it. He could do this. Then when she deposited him safely back home. he'd sleep longer and harder than he had in sometime. Unused to such work.