Hoshor Plains salute as the warrior cries
149 Posts
Ooc — metic
Pack Activity 

she'd been off completing her rounds when she sighted him; an elderly bull injured in what was likely a defensive assault. it was difficult to tell what had inflicted him with such damage, though it was clear that the old brute would not last for more than a few nights. he'd already been secluded to the outside of the main herd, pushed away in retaliation for the weakness he now displayed.

he'd given his life to defend them, and his reward was isolation for his final moments.

she contemplated a moment, admiring the beast for all that he was before she tipped her head skyward and called for the pack. this was a moment they'd been patient for, an opportunity to hunt and fill their bellies full. an opportunity to learn the dangers of the bison without the worry of the entire herd upon their flanks.

the beasts had been down before by the tide wolves. they would fall to yellowstone fangs just the same.
-Peace in your Violence-
394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven heard the call and a sort of shocking anticipation snaked up his spine and curled around his innards. There was a moment where a dark feeling of delight hit him. He snaked along the edge of the territory and followed the sound.

This was a wolf he didn't know. But she smelled like the wolf that had let him in the pack lands. So he settled nearby and kept singular red eye on the beast below them. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into it. How wonderful. He couldn't quite help the quick perusal for the wolf Envy since she wanted to hunt too.

Then he waited.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
the old, injured bull was the perfect quarry; a golden opportunity offered to them on a silver platter. the warbear's gaze focuses upon it as he joins the other at his wife's call. the beast useful now, only to fill the belly of the wolves that wrangled the male and female herds and claimed the land as their own.

in a way, arktos briefly considered, it would be a mercy killing for him.

he waits for the others to join them, content on letting nephele direct them all as she saw fit: she had found it, thus it was her hunt to manage and lead.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
97 Posts
Ooc — Bone
warning for language. naughty bad word alert over ere

It did not take long for the imp to slither over, eager at the promise of food. Company, sure, but food was her main objective here. Excitement quickened the pace of her gait, and prompted the wag of her tail, like a dog promised a treat. It wasn't until the peeked over the hill and spotted the gargantuan beast that they were tasked with killing Culling from the herd.

Her heart dropped in her chest. Yes. This was exactly what she signed up for when she assailed the boss on the outskirts of the prairie... Yes, it was already common knowledge among the wolves of yellowstone that they'd be both keepers and hunters of the bison that roamed here, and yes, she knew she'd have to participate.

BUT BOY WAS THAT FUCKER BIG! Much bigger than she had any confidence for. She couldn't help the slight, nervous jitter that wracked her frame and shook her toothpick legs where she stood.

Should've maybe listened to the description of the pack's duties before offering herself, mind, soul, and body up on a platter, but in her own defense, she'd likely have starved had she decided to be picky about who to room with. Either way, she found herself rightly screwed here, staring down that big ol' bastard grazing like nobody's business down below.

She just hoped she wouldn't end up with her brains squashed beneath his hooves.
149 Posts
Ooc — metic
apologies on the wait for this!!

their numbers increased ever so slightly as the two heavyweights of their collection fell in not long after the call was sent out. envy was just a moment after the two men, and with no others appearing to be in the vicinity to join, she decided this was the group they had to work with.

it would be a challenge with just the four of them, but their task was not a mountain so high that it could not be conquered. she swept her gaze from the lone bull to those who had joined her, a thoughtful beat passed over each one as she decided the best way to approach the hunt.

"arktos and dreven are our muscle," she began while turning to face the two men. "we'll need you both for the brute force of taking the bull down." to envy she turned then, "envy and myself are the quickest, we will give chase to weaken it, tire it, and lead it straight to the waiting fangs."

she glanced between the three for any input on her plan, heart quickened at the excitement of their first true hunt upon the plains.
-Peace in your Violence-
394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
So muscle he was and had always been. He shifted and felt his stomach tightened in quiet anticipation. He scoped out the areas where he and Arktos could lay in wait.

Then red eye turned towards the alpha and he waited calmly for the other man to make a choice on spot.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
the frown that tugs at arktos' lips does little to hide his displeasure that it is only four of them against the ill bison. he has his doubts of their success but he is here and if anyone else has their own doubts they seem to keep them to themselves.

nephele directs dreven and him to be the muscle and he offers his wife a firm nod of his head; akin to a tip of a cowboy hat. he didn't need to be told twice.

green gaze scans their options of good places to lie in wait and lands on a thicket of thick, tall golden grasses. [q]c'mon.[/b] he motions for dreven to follow, hunkering down among the grasses in wait.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
97 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Chase! Yes, that was her command. She'd take to it like a good dog, and fall in alongside Nephele, just waiting to be unleashed.

Stamina was no concern of hers, many a day she'd amble around the territory and find herself travelled a long ways from where she started, no thought spared to the cracking grooves of her paws or the idle ache in her limbs. To move was a mindless endeavour. Here, however, she felt that hesitance itching at her limbs and hoped it would not rear its head when the moment mattered.

Hopefully, the bison would startle without much work, and these worries would roll off her back as easily as they had creeped in. For all the size and brute strength it possesed, there was nothing quite so powerful as the biological fear of a wolf, two would surely send the fucker runnin'.

She traipsed an impatient circle around Nephele as the muscle stalked off into more concealed ground.