Blacktail Deer Plateau Now, would you mind if I bared my soul?
<span style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px;"><I>russian roulette</I></span>
20 Posts
Ooc — Tokio
Night had fallen, blanketing the world in the rich colors of the night. Dark purples, reds, oranges, pinks, blues. They sky was a myriad of these, not allowing itself to be defined by one or another, Lux saw as her honey gold eyes took it in, tracing abstract patterns in the dots of lights she knew to be stars. Breath left her parted lips in white girls of steam that curled around her nose, briefly warm before the cold rushed to caress where breath had dissolved. Sleep came and went for the Spartan who had power napped for a few hours so that she could be up to patrol the borders in the dead of night. She felt the irritatingly insistent urge to prove herself to the Alpha pair, though Peregrine specifically. It was a competitive thing that she had itching under her skin, the feeling that he didn't fully accept her because he couldn't understand her was. She hadn't taken a direct offense to it figuring he was a bigot. Even then the itch was still there, persistent as fuck. She didn't want her place in the pack to solely ride upon Hawkeye's acceptance alone.

Shoving thoughts of the ink blot alpha pair out of her mind, she inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent of the plateau, of the crisp winter and the earth before she returned her attention solely upon the path of the borders before her. Lux had just began her patrol when a familiar voice drifted in her direction, causing her to give pause. Sound carried in the night, Lux had learned a long time ago, so there was a good chance he was a football field lengths away from her, but his words sparked curiousity. Giving a studious, hardened look over her shoulder at the shadow ridden lands outside their borders the Spartan then headed in the direction she thought Peregrine was in. As it was, he wasn't too awful far away from her, but as she moved closer she detected the scent of prey mixed with his, curious in that it was not tainted with blood.

"Forgive the insubordination," Whether it would be forgiven or not was yet to be seen. "But what in the hell are you doing?" The Spartan inquired, puzzled, looking from Peregrine to the baby bunny cuddled at his paws.

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RE: Now, would you mind if I bared my soul? - by Luxuria - February 28, 2014, 08:18 AM