Sunset Valley i remember those soldier boys tripping over themselves to win our praise
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The south was as uninteresting as the mountain to the north, but in doubling back through the chasm of cliffs and foreign fields, she found her way back to it. The girl picked her way north carefully, as she was aware now of a proliferation of rogues — it was not mindless travel now, but cautiously optimistic wandering. Instead of heading straight north to the mountain, the girl's path arced towards the east once more. 

After some hours of this, she came to a rest in a narrow valley. The wind had started blustering through the grassland, sending eddies of heavy cloud cover across the sky as well as pulsing against her copper pelt; it was chilly, but not so harsh as to undo her. Seregryn ducked in to the wind and continued to slink along, eyes half-closed against the force of it, but only got a few feet before halting and flattening herself among the grass. It was far too strong, that wind — she did not like the feeling of her slight body being pulled and pushed so easily.

When the air was calmer, she decided to brave any further wrath of the strange spring weather. In standing, she felt an awkward lightness to her body; and when she resumed her stalking, Seregryn's confidence grew strong again. She only went a few more steps before noticing a subtle shift in the wind - nothing like the heady pulse of stormy air, but rather, a scent. It was thin but familiar, prompting her to stand at attention and peer across her surroundings without further thought; she even went so far as to bark sharply, letting her voice carry beyond the whistle of the rising winds. If it was a friend, then they would be well met — but if it were an enemy, she would protect herself.