Firefly Glen Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
i think we can probably wrap up with your post? :-)

though pool's words are taken as a compliment praimfaya accepts them with a low murmured it does not come without a price. to be wise beyond her years. to be a good commander. all of it has demanded a hefty sacrifice from her: blodreina. praimfaya has paid for these traits ( and these compliments ) with her mother's lifeforce. thus, she does not feel that she has the right to take them for granted by offering a simple 'thanks' ( as she perhaps could've ). they are appreciated but not in a way that makes her feel boastful. they're appreciated quietly. privately. roangeda is south of here, settled between a woodland and a mountain. though there is plenty of ample no-man's land ( and a lake on haunted woods' side ) between both. her directions feel a bit vague to her, as they have every time she's responded to that question, despite the gesture of her muzzle in roangeda's direction ( working on giving detailed instructions is on her list ).

that is fair, praimfaya accepts with a soft smile. even if it does not, i hope your path crosses with mine again. she offers earnestly. if you think you'll be ok on your own i should probably get back. before my dad starts to worry — is what goes unsaid.
Messages In This Thread
Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 21, 2019, 12:08 PM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 21, 2019, 03:21 PM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 22, 2019, 07:59 AM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 22, 2019, 09:41 AM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 24, 2019, 10:16 PM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by RIP Praimfaya - September 25, 2019, 12:30 PM
RE: Ma Zasush Dasse; Its just a flesh wound - by Pool - September 26, 2019, 12:29 PM