here comes the sun.
The day was crisp, but beautiful. Large patches of clouds cast long shadows against the Montana terrain. The sun was held high in a bright blue sky, giving the impression of warmth, but the air bit cold around Piper's nose and toes. The colors of ember glistened in the autumn foliage and shone in spite of the breezeless weather. Fate would have it that Piper and Kalden embarked their new chapter in the embrace of Tutha Dé.

She didn't know much about the pack before they joined, just that Kalden loved the mountains. She didn't press why he was drawn to the elevation. She preferred the softer flow of the meadows and valleys down below, but she wanted to make him happy. She flicked her ear towards him as they walked the land together, letting the ground take them where they needed to go.

"Should we make a den?" She chirruped, her soprano tone jingling like bells in midst of the autumn wake. She turned to Kalden, bumping her hip into his muscled stomach in affection. "The ground will be too hard to manage later."
Messages In This Thread
here comes the sun. - by Piper - October 18, 2013, 12:10 PM
I will give you the moon - by Kalden - October 21, 2013, 02:41 PM