Blackfeather Woods where'er i walk, ten thousand flies precede me
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
553 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin wasn't sure he'd ever been so far before. he'd trailed the would-be trespasser from the rise, following them westward. then a herd of elk had caught his attention, and he'd driven them across the sunspire for sport.
the mountains closed behind him, and by the time they parted for the lowlands, ancelin was rather lost. but he would trust internal GPS to get him home, and decided to find something for lilia while he was out.
chasing a cloud of blackbirds from the corpse of a pronghorn, ancelin tasted the oddly sweet meat for the first time and when he had filled his belly, he chewed off one of the sharp weird antlers, meaning to take it home.
it was open here, naked in all directions. he boggled to see a rainstorm openly approaching; the sight of a storm cell sailing right for him spooked ancelin, and he raced for the only cover of trees nearby: a twisted forest almost devoid of light.
ravens cawed as the soaked redtail wolf found himself in their tangle, unknowing that years before, blood ancestors of his very own had walked this earth.
Messages In This Thread
where'er i walk, ten thousand flies precede me - by Ancelin - September 21, 2023, 08:54 PM
RE: where'er i walk, ten thousand flies precede me - by Mira - September 21, 2023, 10:59 PM
RE: where'er i walk, ten thousand flies precede me - by Mira - November 09, 2023, 04:33 PM