Ouroboros Spine Won't be trouble in the world no more
Maybe it was the gasp of Malguk that had given it away, but the approach and quiet voice of her aniqan surprised her. Fear, but in a way that wasn't scary, and a way that made her feel weird and bubbly inside. Different from the bubbles Ma'goo felt when she looked to the beyond.

A wriggle of her tail, and her eyes quickly looked jittery behind them and her breath quickened. Yes! Yes! He had good ideas! "Yah! Yah!" she whispered. "Le'gooo." Crawling, Ma'goo decided she was a ninja. They had to be very quiet. These great feelings overwhelmed her then, and she didn't know what to do with them except hold back the smile tugging at her mouth. Fun! Fun! Sibama had best ideas ever!
Messages In This Thread
Won't be trouble in the world no more - by Nutuyikruk - April 30, 2024, 04:28 PM
RE: Won't be trouble in the world no more - by Nutuyikruk - April 30, 2024, 04:52 PM