Redhawk Caldera call me a spaceman
183 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Frolic knew she should’ve felt excitement at the news of her sister’s children, particularly because of the way Eljay spoke about them. She wondered if she would’ve felt this ambivalent before she’d done what she’d done. Then she remembered that she’d been this person all along, a thought that sat like a stone in the pit of her stomach.

The news of Teya’s absence stirred more of a feeling, a pang for the mild-mannered widow. Her father didn’t mention her children, so Frolic wondered if they’d gone with their mother. Now that she was older, with a much better understanding of death, she realized how terrible a loss they’d suffered after losing Bronco.

Frolic stiffened at Eljay’s invitation. It wasn’t that she was opposed to meeting her nieces and nephews, she just worried. What if she hurt them? She didn’t want to think she was capable of senseless violence, much less hurting the innocent. But Raveon had been with child when she’d…

Maybe later? she said, voice pitched slightly higher. Clearing her throat and reaching to hold onto one of his paws, Frolic said, I really want to spend time with you and mama, Glee and Badger too if they’re around. And what about Dwin? Is she here?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Messages In This Thread
call me a spaceman - by Frolic - June 10, 2024, 09:40 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Eljay - June 11, 2024, 03:31 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Frolic - June 11, 2024, 08:14 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Eljay - June 19, 2024, 02:53 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Frolic - June 19, 2024, 08:03 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Eljay - June 20, 2024, 08:01 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Frolic - June 20, 2024, 09:01 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Eljay - June 21, 2024, 07:30 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Frolic - June 24, 2024, 09:01 AM
RE: call me a spaceman - by Eljay - June 26, 2024, 01:08 AM