Whitebark Stream the moment you smiled at me
80 Posts
Ooc — delaney
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the morning was overcast, the soil underfoot squelching with each step from the overnight rain. it worked against ezra and he was unable to implore stealth as he wished to. still, he crouches low at the stream's bank: gaze sniper focused on the wolverine lapping at it's waters.

his mouth waters as he stalks it, breath stilling as he waits for the best moment to launch himself at it.

if he could catch it .. it would sate more of the hunger than the birds and eggs he and @Skaigona had been surviving off of.

his paw gets stuck in the muddy silt of the stream bank as he launches himself and he alerts his quarry to his presence.

it's a blur, a rush of adrenaline; underestimating the viciousness of his quarry. he's met with bared teeth and swiping claws that cut across the his nose, the pain trailing down across his lips on the right side of his muzzle. it is a sharp slicing pain that throbs as he recoils back with a sharp yelp of pain; tasting his own blood, nose full of the wretched, pungent metallic scent.

the wolverine bullies ezra back. humiliated, in pain and bleeding, ezra retreats from that section of the stream: his goal to go further down the stream to take stock of his injuries and attempt to nurse his wounded pride.

currently: healing from wolverine claw marks on his nose that trail down to and past his lips on the right side of his muzzle ( these wounds will scar ) 1
Messages In This Thread
the moment you smiled at me - by Ezra - September 29, 2024, 10:15 AM
RE: the moment you smiled at me - by Mack - September 30, 2024, 03:18 PM
RE: the moment you smiled at me - by Ezra - October 06, 2024, 03:16 PM
RE: the moment you smiled at me - by Mack - October 10, 2024, 12:33 PM
RE: the moment you smiled at me - by Ezra - October 12, 2024, 05:05 AM