Whitefish River i can see a dog, i can see a frog
Poet III
OOC: In the process of IC joining Neverwinter Forest but impatient, so this is vague regarding that. Naturalist thread #1!

IC: The ungainly woman—she could not fairly be called a youth any longer—picked her way carefully along the rocky bank of a river which to her was nameless, observing its currents with dedicated focus. She had learned to fish when she was young, her mother being an excellent hunter and all, but Poet had never really excelled at it. Her paws never seemed to go where she aimed them, and more often than not she ended up smack dab on her big booty in the water, without really understanding how she got there.

No, it was not fish that interested the DeMonte, but rather, the way the river went in stop-and-go segments, without any logical rhyme or reason. Water would be rapidly spilling over stones and coursing through deep pockets for a metre or two, and the next few feet it would be swirling back on itself in eddies of confusion. Water was nothing like air, she decided with a faint huff as she diverted her course from its edge; air was easy to read, but water was impossible.

The woman tipped her head back to scrutinize the sky instead, and was somewhat surprised to find heavy, gunmetal nimbostratus clouds rounding the mountains to the east. Her ears twisted forward and her lips pulled downward into a poignant frown; she had expected a good day, full of nice weather, but it appeared the clouds had other plans for them. Nimbostratus almost always came with promise of snow... And now that she had noticed them, Poet sensed a change in the air itself from when she had first headed out to the river. It was damper, and felt more still; a certainty, then, that snow would come within a couple hours.

She remained there, gawking up at the sky, for much much longer than any normal wolf stood in one place staring at the sky, allowing ample time for anyone to chance upon her (sadly for her) and discover her weird, nerdy love of the clouds.
Messages In This Thread
i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by Poet III - January 10, 2014, 12:14 AM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by RIP Galena - January 13, 2014, 11:01 PM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by ZC33 - January 15, 2014, 10:51 PM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by RIP Galena - January 16, 2014, 05:50 PM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by ZC33 - January 17, 2014, 09:37 AM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by RIP Galena - January 18, 2014, 12:45 AM
RE: i can see a dog, i can see a frog - by ZC33 - January 20, 2014, 02:12 PM