Wapun Meadow that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
please forgive the trashy title xD @Reigi @Xan leaving the details of his fight with Dauntless vague

He had moved onward from the spot of his first fight in these lands rather quickly, not wanting to risk being hunted down and taking on a whole bunch of wolves by himself. He moved through all sorts of sceneries until his tongue was dryer than a desert. He entered the meadow and stared at the expanse of snow, now in patches due to the rainfall of the past few days. The patches exposed vivid green grass that glistened from the moisture and he sniffed in the scents. The air was warmer that day than it had been most winter and he vaguely wondered if that was a hint of spring that he smelled.

Continuing toward the center of the meadow, he spotted the creek and quickened his pace until he was at the edge. He lowered his muzzle and lapped up the water greedily, the cool liquid soothing and wetting his dry mouth. It also filled what part of his stomach that remained empty and once finally satisfied he sat back and gave a long sigh.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
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Master Guardian

the temperature in teekon wilds had been slowly but steadily rising.  flurries shifted subtly into rain.  the sheet of snow that had blanketed the ground just hours before had melted into pockets left only where the wind had blown it into once-large drifts, and even those were visibly decaying, covering the ground in a misty veil of light fog.

days like these ones were reigi's favourite — the first day of maybe-winter-maybe-spring where the sun permeates the cloud coverate and nestles quietly against the earth, stirring up life in its wake.  winters were difficult for the dark girl; she was thin-coated, cursed by some distant ancestry, ever-shivering during the cold months.  when the warmth finally started to stick, her mood repaired considerably.

she followed her paws in the early morning as they lead her past the mouth of the valley and her favourite resting spot at its entrance and towards the centre of the meadow where she knew of a creek.  perhaps now it would be thawed, or at least thinned, and she could finally get a drink and maybe even catch some fish for her and her friends.

as she approaches she slows to a halt, for on the other side is a lone male.  she is wary of them since her shift of feelings towards the encounter with the dark man, and her heterochromatic gaze lay in anticipation as she emits a chuff in greeting.

222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Not soon after he had lowered his muzzle to drink the silence was shattered by a chuff of greeting. Not caring to respond immediately he continued to drink for a minute or two longer before raising his head to look at whoever had called out to him. It was a small female of mixed dark colorage, standing off a good distance away from him. Undecided on how he'd handle this stranger he simply nodded and chuffed back.

finally he supposed he'd move closer and engage in conversation, maybe he'd mock her a bit. See how she responded to teasing. "Hey, what's a small cute thing like yourself doing all alone?" He spoke with the right amount of obnoxious arrogance that he hoped would piss her right off.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
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Master Guardian

lmaoooo i love it.  reigi is entirely nonverbal, he'll most likely have to provoke her.

she drinks as he continues to ignore her, unperturbed by the lack of response she recieved.  the water is cool against her throat and it feels good as it trails down.  the man moves closer but his mocking goes unnoticed as she instead studies his mouth and the way it moves.

hesitantly, she offers the only word she thinks she might know, speaking in truth for the first time in her life. h-ha-aaaaallo?

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Following her was not done intentionally, a scent having led him away from the valley during a short patrol. The decision to actually follow was unconsciously made, the scent not even fully recognised until he’d spotted the dark form in the distance—and she wasn’t alone. At first, he stopped and watched from afar, observing the scene and going over the potential scenarios in his head. But when another whiff brought to him a distinct, masculine fragrance, he could keep away no longer; he couldn’t ignore the urge to protect what was his.

Alexander reached the pair just after her greeting, the speech going unheard. His approach was a silent one, sliding up alongside her and simply standing there, staring the male down and sizing him up.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
ah. Now Nikan has someone worth his time to piss off xD

The way she had responded definitely wasn't expected. What...was wrong with her? Was she incapable of speech or something? Either way it disturbed him enough that he abandoned the notion of tormenting someone for now. He simply gave a half smile that looked more of an awkward grimace and started to back away until the male showed up. Watching as Xan sidled up to Reigi he was at first only amused, but the way the other brute stared him down pissed him off.  It was a challenge in Nikan's books, so he stood up taller and grinned at Xan staring him in the eyes "You have a hot piece right there. I'd have probably tried to seduce her but I see shes owned already" he phrased his words carefully, trying to decide what would provide the most offense to the other.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
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Master Guardian

oh.  had she done something... wrong?  she had copied the vocalizations exactly!  yet still the stranger begins his retreat as alexander reaches her side, also unimpressed.

the fur down her spine ripples as the men stare each other down.  it felt like the trio all over again, and anxiety boils in her gut.  the stranger spoke — oh, he would speak to xan but not to her — and she turned her attention to her companion.  what's going on?

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Reigi held the majority of his attention, despite his eyes remaining on the male. He stood close enough to her that they were all but touching, furs—scents—intermingling with one another. He refused to look away until another inhale brought with it anxiety, which drew his gaze to the girl at his side. He leaned into her, letting their bodies touch, offering her his support and silently telling her it’ll be fine. If not for the crude comment, he would have gladly led her back towards home but, in an instant, his head snapped forward and his eyes narrowed instead.

Alexander stood at his full height with muscles tensed, ears pushed forward, and lips curling back to reveal just the front row of his teeth; he was issuing a warning, insisting that the male back down. Between the comment and the body language, however, there was no way he’d be heading back home without first receiving the opposing male’s complete submission.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Beautiful. That was the possessive and protective anger he had been hoping for. He met the male's gaze head on still keeping the air of a simple arrogant asshole as he turned and began to circle the pair in Reigi's direction. As he neared the female he stared at Xan and leaned in close to the female's ear "What do you want an uptight piece of work like him for baby? Come with me, I'll show you some fun" he practically purred as his eyes gleamed with delight.  He flashed another grin in Xan's direction and proceeded to run his tongue across Reigi's ear before moving away and circling back to stand a few feet away from Xan.

"Why don't you fight me for her? If you manage to chase me away, I'll go with my tail tucked. If I beat your uptight ass, I'll take her with me" he said in the tone of a business man. Either way he had absolutely no intention of taking the girl with him, she couldn't even speak properly who knew what else she couldn't do. She was cute though, he hadn't been lying about that part.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

reigi's discomfort waned as her companion came to her aid, and she melted into his plush alabaster fur as he comforts her with touch.  another exchange of words and she can feel his muscles ripple underneath that tundrian pelt, anger boiling over.  her hackles raise in response, ears pushed forward at full attention as her tail moved to arch over her back.

her lips raised to reveal shiny teeth that glinted harsh under the january sun.  they lashed out in warning as nikan began to circle like a predator.  her teeth click together wildly as she unleashes a growl.

the feeling of wetness on her ear comes as a surprise even though her gaze had followed him around.  her warning bites turn to full attacks instead of threats as she grips his ear while he is still in proximity.  with a violent tug of her head, her canine pulls through and blood begins to pool down the side of the male's face as the leather hangs limp between her jaws.

she discards it, trying to latch onto the side of his face before he pulls too far away but ultimately missing.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Though the words sparked something within him, calling out to the untamed beast from his youth, he did not react.

Not immediately.

He was eerily silent and as still as a statue, gaze unwavering as the male’s ear was torn from his head—good. The flashes of ivory and crimson were what finally made him spring into action—and spring he did, becoming nothing more than a ghostly blur as he lunged towards Nikan with jaws agape. The brute both challenged and threatened the young king, then proved himself ballsy enough to touch that which belonged to Alexander—mistake after mistake after mistake.

There were no restraints to hold him back, no morals to keep him from going too far—there was nothing but teeth and fury. He aimed his jaws at the man’s face immediately, seeking anything he could reach—eyes, primarily—to tear into. He would not allow for any of his pack to be so blatantly disrespected, especially not his friend and most certainly not himself.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Everything else he'd been expecting but the sudden lunge and pain caused by the girl was absolutely not. He snarled as blood dripped down the side of his face and managed to back away as the girl lunged again, this time missing his face. He looked up toward Xan "The bitch has-" he was cut off as a white blur blocked his vision and then teeth and pain.

A familiar feeling of burning was over his right eye. The bastard had reopened the wound that the wolf he'd first seen had made across his eye and once more the optic squinted shut against the stream of blood flowing into it and burning. With intent of retaliation he lunged forward with his chin tucked to protect his throat, only extending his jaws to aim a sharp bite toward Xan's face. Whether it was the pain or he was just clumsy and foolish today he missed entirely and sailed past the white brute's shoulder.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
if reigi didn't suck so bad this would be longer

he says something and she can hear the malice in his voice as he seethes, and her blood thrums in her veins.  this is what she was built for.

she lunges again but alexander's successful hit knocks her off of trajectory.  growling, she continues to be all up in nikan's space to be a distraction while her white knight works away on the brute's face.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Blood invaded his senses—leathery nostrils flared as he drew in eager breaths, a metallic scent in the air and taste on his tongue—but it wasn’t enough. Alexander’s point had yet to be made and submission yet to be given, making the wound inflicted terribly unsatisfying—and presently, he felt no foreseeable wounds would be enough to appease the northerner.

A flash of teeth caught his attention, urging him to evade, though it was unnecessary. Either blind or a fool, the male missed, leaving himself open for yet another attack—an opportunity that Alexander snatched without hesitance. Twisting around, his body lurched forward with his forelimbs outstretched, aiming to latch onto Nikan’s scruff; with his weight, he intended to force him down whilst simultaneously yanking up on the flesh grasped between his jaws.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Nikan growled with aggravation as the female kept getting all up in his space, making it hard for him to retaliate properly. Suddenly the other man was attached to his scruff and he was shoved down. His legs buckled and he hit the ground but he rolled over, hind legs attempting to slam up underneath the male and push him over.

He missed again. His hind paws simply kicked the air and now he was rolled over and floundering like a fish tossed alive onto the shore. What a fucking day this was...
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
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Master Guardian

once their opponent had been flipped over, teekon's resident bonnie and clyde got to real work on him.  while alexander worked at his front, reigi aimed to hit one of his flailing limbs, snapping it between her jaws.  

it was a wound that had once already been opened, scarred over, and was now freely bleeding into her jaws.  with fervor she clamped and shook her head wildly, seeking to tear the tender muscle beneath.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Whilst his companion tore into the male’s leg, Alexander was forced to remove himself from atop him. The constant flailing of limbs, though landing no blows, made it difficult to find a new point of attack. Frustrated, a growl ripped its way up through his throat, creating a primitive sound to disturb the usual click of teeth and tearing of flesh. He removed himself from the male’s immediate surroundings, retreating to stand by Reigi’s flank whilst watching her damage the limb clasped between her jaws; it was mesmerising, the way she unleashed true, unburdened ferocity on their opponent.

It was hard to look away from her, but he did so anyways in order to focus his attention back on Nikan. Becoming almost eerily still, the phantom hung back and waited for an opening to present itself so that he would once again lunge forth and attack.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
An all too familiar searing pain stilled his thrashing and he stared blankly at the female attached to his foreleg. The same foreleg that had been wounded twice before. The foreleg now being shredded again by yet another woman. Unable to yank it from her grasp he simply tried to headbutt her in the side of the face while pushing with his free leg, but due to her shaking his headbutt fell upon her in something more of a nuzzle and his free leg simply swatted the air. The stench of his blood was nauseating but he wasn't willing to give up. At the earliest chance he'd get to his paws and launch at Xan again, he still didn't consider Reigi to be worth his time to beat her. It wasn't her who was doing all the damage to him anyway.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she'd had no intention on letting their opponent get back to his feet but his limb twisted between her jaws, ripping through the meat before it yanked from her mouth completely.  she snapped wildly in frustration before continuing to be a general nuisance in nikan's direciton.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
@Nikan & @Reigi — Henlo, I suck. We can prolly knock this out within the next few posts, if the die doesn’t decide to be a lil shite. Xan rolled another hit.

There was a moment when the male stilled, Reigi’s movements being the only motions made between the three of them. It was then that Alexander launched himself forward, jaws agape and aiming to clamp down and tear into the muzzle of his opponent. He moved without care for the life of the man, fully intending to shred the man’s face—but if he couldn’t go quite that far, then he’d make damn certain he at least left the brute with a reminder of their encounter.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Between Reigi and Xan's constant attacks and the amount of wounds being dealt to him,He was weakening quite quickly. His breath came in short pants and his movements were panicked and uncalculated. As Xan went for his muzzle he reared back a few seconds too slow and ended up getting a good bite on the bridge of his nose. He groaned and tried to back away,bumping into Reigi. All he could do now was submit if he wished to live. 

With a low whine he rolled onto his back and exposed his belly but kept his throat tucked in, not believing they would let him live if he simply exposed his jugular to their waiting mouths.

@Reigi feel free to pp the final hit and @Xan if you can have Xan give him permission to run or something similar I'd appreciate it!
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.