Bearclaw Valley I need time to replace what I gave away
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
I couldn't resist >.>

The ghost with deep blue eyes drew closer without a sound, light on her paws despite the invisible weights that lay across her shoulders. She, the pale sylph, felt an undeniably strong urge to turn away, to slip back into the shade of the trees as though she had never come across this pack's domain, but she willed herself to keep moving. Surely... this would fix her, right? If she was to be broken, was there no way to pick up the pieces and fit them back together again?

After encountering the boogeyman and the despicable things he had done to her, to her lithe body, there was a heavy stone in her stomach that craved only to curl up into a ball and cry the world away. Shed tears in a violent attempt to discard the hurt that ate at her mind and her heart with every breath she took. She desired to desperately to find some way, any way to remove the pain but she could not see a way out aside from simply ending it or trying to fix herself. But it was not as easy as fitting the parts back like sections of a puzzle. To accept the darkness seemed so much more appealing, and yet was she not here upon the borders of a pack?

The woman halted, a cold breeze elegantly ruffling the snowy pelage that covered her body. She remained there for many moments, time passing as though it was still and unmoving, each tick of a clock delayed and stiff. One could not describe in words the rush of emotions that flooded her head, memories of warmth and comfort, of racing with a family and friends at every corner. Would she ever be able to claim such a thing again? Perhaps not. Perhaps she should leave. Hesitation gnawed at her stomach, a sick pit laying at the bottom while she contemplated her options.

No. She would stay. Even if not for the rest of her dull life, she made the decision there and tipped back her head to release a tuneful cry to the wind - a summon for those who resided within, while she herself stood still at the edge of the borders. Deep breaths, Gwen, remember what you once knew.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Tagging for visibility ♥

Since the incident with Indra, he kept even closer to @Reigi than before, rarely leaving her side despite how terribly irresistible her scent was; he kept himself in check, for the most part, only ever giving in to nature’s call when she accepted him. But he couldn’t so easily forget about the others, venturing out when he could to check on things—the scent of heat was strong in the valley, leading him every which way—but he always returned to his companion’s side. He wasn’t eager to seek out the bodies of the other women, not again, maintaining some semblance of control over himself in the sense that he only mated with her and none others; he wouldn’t call his reasoning the work of love, but it definitely stemmed from a mutual respect and understanding of one another. He didn’t want to hurt her in any way, even if his instincts insisted upon other actions.

As a howl reached where he was currently residing, Alexander untangled himself from his friend and offered a soft nudge to her cheek. He lingered for a moment or two longer than necessary, a yawn splitting his jaws apart whilst he shook out his coat before he departed; he drew his tongue over the bridge of her muzzle a few times in reassuring licks before leaving, letting her know she had nothing to worry about.

Reaching the end of the valley’s path, he noticed the white mass standing there with ease; being of the same complexion, he’d grown accustomed to finding the pale beasts against a snowy backdrop. Immediately, his tail rose up over his back and his head lifted so he was standing upright, the space between them closed in mere seconds. “What brings you here?” he asked, slowing to a stop when he was just a wolf’s length away from her. Although the assumption that wolves came to join always crossed his mind, he often refrained from acting upon it for the sole purpose of not wanting to make an ass out of himself—because what if they were stopping by just to deliver a message, or to offer their services? He wasn’t going to set himself up to be laughed at.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
The pale dove continued to stand still, in solemn silence with the breeze failing to cool her itching paws - the anxiety prickled at her spine but she refused to turn tail and flee back where she came. The ghost, a fragment of broken memory, had no particular place to go, nobody to go to, so what good would running away do for her? She bit at the inside of her cheek, orbs scanning the horizon and observing this valley that lay before her.

She did not have to wait much longer.

A large brute materialized from the white of the snow that coated the ground, tail rising above his back in a clear display of dominance. Responding naturally, she dipped her head and shifted her position so that it matched that of a distinctly submissive wolf - after all, she was supposedly at his borders seeking refuge. It felt strange, almost foreign, to not be the one with the head lifted and posture tall. So long had it been since her time as a leader, yet still the familiarity of claiming a higher title clicked with her mind. No, she must drop those habits and return to being submissive.

"Hello, sir." She greeted respectfully, feminine voice falling softly from her lips. Yes, here was the mask that had few cracks and no visible faults. "I seek entry into your pack. I am willing to work to prove myself, and earn my keep - I am a hunter primarily, but I am able to fight and know a little of medicine."
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
This time around, his unvoiced assumption proved to be fact. She sought a home, a place within his ranks, and claimed to have skills that might deem her a worthy candidate. He was used to this now, listening to others speak about themselves and tell him what they could do, even if it was a skill as basic as hunting. Were they not all born with the ability to hunt and fight? The former, usually, but lately he’d seen things that might suggest the latter to be false; it was disappointing to know, but he didn’t dwell on the thought for long—he had someone there to speak with him, after all.

Alexander considered testing her claimed abilities, perhaps by sending her off to hunt or engaging in a brief spar. But as he decided which route to take, another question rose up from the depths of his mind and forced its way to the forefront of his mind: “How are you with children?” Although his companion showed no signs of pregnancy—how could she, when it was still so early after—he knew she was in heat and he knew what they’d done could lead to children. Knowing nothing about puppies and doubting that Reigi did, either, he felt the need to find someone that did; perhaps it would be easier to ask those already within his pack, but each were still youthful, it seemed, and he doubted their experience (aside from Blondine, of course, who he knew to be familiar with caring for those that could not care for themselves).
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
The large male stopped to consider her carefully-thought words, and the ghost remained still, silent at the borders. She was almost uncomfortably aware that she was too far now to be able to turn away, to back out from this spur of the moment plan to fix herself, so she simply remained. Perhaps something good would come out of this, after all.

His inquiry to her was not quite one she originally expected to answer, but the pale dove did not show her surprise - rather, she simply perked her ears curiously forward and maintained her submissive stance. "Children..." She murmered, the single word sending a sudden, sharp pang of familiar grief to her heart. Children, something she might never have. As her thick white fur was ruffled again by the breeze, she spoke up and voiced some of her thoughts. "I am good with children - I have never had some of my own, but I have aided various mothers in raising theirs."
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
By answering his question, she revealed something that he wouldn’t have thought to ask on his own: did she herself have children? She didn’t, which he was relieved to discover; he could appreciate the reunion of family members, considering he’d done the same countless times already, but the thought of someday having someone else’s children appear at his borders irritated him. Perhaps he was still bothered by the appearance of his friend’s brother, or maybe his disdain towards offspring unrelated to him just stretched that far—either way, he pushed passed the thought and focused back on the present, the possibility nonexistent and therefore not requiring his attention.

“What about with having them? And the days leading up to that?” he asked, now stuck on finding out just how much he could use her for; whilst Alexander wasn’t ready to be a father, and strongly doubted that he would be able to care for his potential children, he didn’t want anything to happen to them or Reigi. If there were things to be done to make the whole process easier, and she was capable of helping with those things, then he’d gladly grant her access. Otherwise, well… he had no reason to turn her away, but he definitely liked the idea of getting more use out of her more than not.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
With these direct inquiries, she felt it safe to assume that this man was expecting a litter sometime in the future. It seemed he was looking for someone to aid with this, and Gwen might have a purpose in that. This could be something good for her, the ghost mused silently to herself, a spark of hope flickering in her chest. His questions were met with a slight nod as she contemplated what she would do if she did get in. This might be able to help her... at least, she would have distractions from the dark loneliness following her every move like a sinister shadow.

"That, I am also familiar with." She confirmed, recounting the few mothers she had aided in the past. She supposed she was lucky that her mother had taught her much about pups before her passing, else this chance might have slipped from her grasp.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

as if she was summoned, reigi ghosts into existence behind alexander.  her delicate condition was yet unknown to both of the expectant parents, yet the end of her heat cycle was drawing near and with it brought even more changes in her body.

she had heard the call at the borders but, still in the final and enticing days of her cycle, she had let her alpha take care of it.

but it was taking too long for her comfort, so she settled in behind him, sinking down on her haunches to observe them for a beat before she went back to her hide-hole.

all was well in reigi's world.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Another good mark went into her book, the answers appealing to Alexander. And as he nodded in response to her he fell silent, considering what else he might need to know. Truthfully, he still thought about sending her off to hunt, to prove she was capable, but he eventually decided against it. If it turned out that his encounter with Reigi resulted in a pregnancy, then the woman before him would be tasked not with hunting and fighting, but with ensuring the health of his children; the possibility did not fill him with any sudden, fatherly drive, it merely spoke to the side of him that demanded he protect that which was his.

Speaking of which—

The sound of footsteps at his back did not go unnoticed, nor did the scent in the air. Even without looking he knew exactly who it was, yet he still glanced over his shoulder at her. He watched, curious of what she was doing—and fighting the need to lure her back into the depths of the valley—until she disappeared from sight and he could focus back on the pallid woman; although his gaze was on her, his mind continued to wander back to his friend, paws itching to turn tail and take off after her. He could not think straight, not after her appearance, and so he abandoned the rest of his questions and warnings without so much as a second thought.

“You can stay—join—whatever,” he informed her, his lack of focus evident in his words. “Rest if you need to. I’ll check up on you later.” He gave her one last look before nature’s pull became too much to ignore and he took his leave, heading straight—and leading her—into the valley.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —

The pale man nodded and then fell silent, Gwen's cerulean gaze wandering to the snow scattered roughly around her ghostly paws as she stood, before another presence caught her attention. The scent of a woman in heat was found but she paid that no notice, peering around to spot the creature that observed from behind the male before losing interest and padding off into the distance. Then, from that moment onward, the alpha seemed distracted, and it was easy to spot the reasons for this. The woman, however, sparked a flicker of curiousity - the male was clearly enticed by her, and yet she did not hold herself like an alphess would. Were they mates, or were they not?

Deciding to forget about it for now, the dove listened once the brute spoke again, words distant as though he was still captured by the girl who had prowled away, and she nodded. "Thank you, sir." With that, the meeting shriveled away and the Eruna was left alone, beginning to pad into the valley. She would work hard, partly to keep herself distracted and partly so that she might earn the alpha's favour - she did not wish to be cast away again, not if she could be found useful in this place. Gwen just wished to have a purpose somewhere, that was her only hope with a new start in a new place.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]