backdated to a couple days after @Bhediya's return from her scouting trip
He was still kicking himself when she returned. She'd left, and he'd attempted to follow—but her myriad destinations and meandering trails proved impossible to track, even for the most dedicated of trackers. Besides, he knew he was needed here, securing the borders and learning to hunt the paltry small game.
Pygmalion was kicking himself, but he was also thoroughly incensed with her.
The anger came from love, sure, and worry. Anything could have happened to her, and he planned to tell her that straight away. He let himself simmer for a couple of days and then picked up her latest scent trail, following it with tail lashing irritably. He must remain calm but stern. She must remain. . .well, here.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 03, 2019, 06:46 PM
the relaxation process was much more stressful than bhediya anticipated. every waking moment was spent wondering what was going on and why she didn't already know about it, mainly regarding ibis's health. seeing her with such a hard-hitting cold made the scout's heart clench; if her immune system was still in its golden years, she might think to spend more time with her ibi.
well, anyway, bhediya planned to spend the majority of her day resting at the heart of the wood. this plan likely wouldn't have stood for long anyway, but it was worth a shot.
pygmalion's familiar figure began to appear in the corner of bhe's eye. she shot up from where she lay, tail wagging excitedly behind her as she trotted to meet him. about halfway there, she caught wind of his irritation and stood still, her own tail ceasing to move.
well, anyway, bhediya planned to spend the majority of her day resting at the heart of the wood. this plan likely wouldn't have stood for long anyway, but it was worth a shot.
pygmalion's familiar figure began to appear in the corner of bhe's eye. she shot up from where she lay, tail wagging excitedly behind her as she trotted to meet him. about halfway there, she caught wind of his irritation and stood still, her own tail ceasing to move.
what's up?bhe called, a small half-smile written on her maw.
December 05, 2019, 03:39 PM
A portion of his anger faded upon seeing her lovely face (and after so long, too!) but he still was irritated, and showed it well.
He shook his head. It wouldn't do. None of this would do at all.
Rage from love, Pygmalion thought, and wholeheartedly believed. I'm so cross because I love her.
Where the hell did ye go?Pygmalion responded, brows furrowed.
It's winter, aye? The blizzards pop up in seconds. Ye could have frozen to death oot there on yer own!
He shook his head. It wouldn't do. None of this would do at all.
Next time, I'm goin' wi' ye,Pyg said firmly. He jerked his chin toward the border.
It's fine if ye're not sae far awa', but god's sake, Bhediya! I couldna live with myself if something were to happen!
Rage from love, Pygmalion thought, and wholeheartedly believed. I'm so cross because I love her.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 03:52 PM
there was no one else around, no one to help. pygmalion's words were thrown with a ferocity bhediya hadn't received from him before. it reminded, it didn't remind her of anything, because she'd never had a friend scold her so vehemently. as he continued with his diatribe, the familiar ball of emotion began to build in bhe's throat.
it was a stupid reason to be upset, bhe thought, but pyg's reprimanding made it hard to maintain composure. she took a deep breath.
it was a stupid reason to be upset, bhe thought, but pyg's reprimanding made it hard to maintain composure. she took a deep breath.
why are you yelling at me?there was a moment of silence for any potential response.
December 05, 2019, 03:57 PM
Because I love you, damn it!Pyg shot back, a little breathless. He paused, taking a second to compose himself. In, out. In, out. His ribs rose and fell, slowing steadily, until he found his voice again.
Aye, I love ye. And that means I dinna want tae see ye dead in a ditch somewhere. I dinna want tae find ye frozen into an icicle, or torn apart by wild beasties, or taken hostage by some nutter.
All reasonable things to want, he thought. And the want could come from simple camaraderie or friendship, but no. This was deeper; this was love. He'd known it from the very moment he first laid eyes upon her.
Pygmalion sighed, shifting his paws.
I'm sorry to yell, Bhediya,he said hoarsely.
I just care aboot ye sae much, aye? If something happened, I. . . I'd probably fling myself off a cliff like a damn lemming, is what I'd do.Far preferable to a life without her lovely face.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 04:07 PM
it was fear, not love, that enveloped bhediya's quivering frame. that ball of emotion continued to grow until it was so heavy that she thought it might suffocate her. adrenaline coursed through her body though she stood still, refusing to move lest he pursue her. it wasn't as though she'd been oblivious of his troubling patterns — his silent watching, following her every step — but bhe had chosen to write it off as a benign dependency, rooted in loneliness.
but this, this! —
pygmalion shifted so bhediya stepped back. one paw remained raised should she need to turn and run. most of her energy went to keeping the fear clear from her expression.
but this, this! —
pygmalion shifted so bhediya stepped back. one paw remained raised should she need to turn and run. most of her energy went to keeping the fear clear from her expression.
i...she began, eyes thin and ears taut while she considered the situation,
like a lemming.her voice was low, hardly audible. a small smile crept onto her face to mask how unsafe she actually felt.
December 05, 2019, 04:12 PM
Aye,he murmured in response.
A lemming.The worry coming off her was palpable; he cursed himself, hating how he'd yelled. He mustn't do that again. Shades of his elder brothers had come out all of a sudden, eclipsing the normally mild-mannered Pygmalion. For he was that, right? Mild-mannered, kind, gentle?
A gentleman. He should behave as such.
Please don't go away wi'out letting me know,Pyg begged softly.
I want tae protect ye from anything and everything. Ye're too precious to me and this world is too cruel.It would swallow her up without a second thought, and of course she knew that. . .but she was brave. Far braver than her small frame would suggest.
She would run right into danger, he knew it. He had to protect her.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 04:24 PM
pygmalion's obsession would continue because bhediya didn't know what would happened if it stopped. there were times when she was alone, but her entire existence depended on the control of someone else. first, it was her father; he gave her to fathi, then she found grayday. this was only another run of the cycle and bhe wasn't strong enough to fight it.
instead of retreating, she drew in a deep breath and approached the northern king. each step was slow and heavy, carrying with it the weight of the prior step's implications. the dying alarm was replaced with solemn acknowledgement.
bhediya's tail was tucked tightly between her legs as she burrowed her face into pygmalion's scruff.
instead of retreating, she drew in a deep breath and approached the northern king. each step was slow and heavy, carrying with it the weight of the prior step's implications. the dying alarm was replaced with solemn acknowledgement.
bhediya's tail was tucked tightly between her legs as she burrowed her face into pygmalion's scruff.
December 05, 2019, 07:55 PM
The dichotomy of it all: as Bhediya tensed, Pygmalion relaxed. He took her into his embrace, eyes fluttering shut.
What else mattered, truly?
He placed a soft kiss on her nape and then backed away, smiling.
It's all right. I promise I'll keep ye safe,he whispered, breath stirring her wavy pelt. His shoulders sagged in relief. She was home; she was alive and well. She was with him.
What else mattered, truly?
He placed a soft kiss on her nape and then backed away, smiling.
Sorry again for bein' such a brute,he said sheepishly.
I do hope yer trip went well, then.He wondered where she had gone, what all she had seen. (Who she had met.)
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 08:06 PM
bhediya stalled beneath pygmalion's embrace. unless he moved her, she would remain there, holding steady against his chest. there was a strange sort of calm that overcame her, one that drew from a well she knew would eventually empty.
she counted each beat of his heart.
she counted each beat of his heart.
it was okay, bhe whispered — nine, ten, eleven — as she tried to control her own flutter.
did you miss me?her voice was soft, fragile, a reflection of her cowering being.
December 05, 2019, 10:21 PM
More than anything,he assured her solemnly.
I figured ye were oot scouting and not, ye know, gone awa' fer good. But it was still pretty lonely to walk through an Emberwood without ye.
He wasn't exaggerating. He'd spent much time in silent ponderance, unusually quiet for such a chatty wolf. Bhediya truly brought out the best in him. Well, except today. But he'd do his best to keep his temper in check from now on. His love deserved that and more.
What all did ye see?Pygmalion asked, cocking his head.
I'd love tae take a trip 'round the wilds wi' ye, perhaps when spring comes around.(That is, if/when she wasn't nursing their children.)
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 10:37 PM
leaving the territory with pygmalion would have once been an easy decision. they'd done it several times before, under different circumstances than were being posed. this was the first time that he'd ever made bhediya feel unsafe but it was enough of an experience to remind her of her place.
no, she wouldn't leave anymore. pygmalion's explosion was a verbal consummation of their relationship and the start of a new trauma. if he wanted her in the emberwood, that's where she would be.
still, denying him wasn't a viable option. not under the current circumstance, bhediya thought. later, after they'd cooled down, she might test the waters, but there were too many unknowns where they presently stood.
no, she wouldn't leave anymore. pygmalion's explosion was a verbal consummation of their relationship and the start of a new trauma. if he wanted her in the emberwood, that's where she would be.
still, denying him wasn't a viable option. not under the current circumstance, bhediya thought. later, after they'd cooled down, she might test the waters, but there were too many unknowns where they presently stood.
i'd like that, bhe said. there was plenty more to see, plenty more.
i'm sorry for leaving, she continued, then taking a small step back. an attempt was made to face him, but her gaze was quickly diverted toward the ground between her paws.
December 05, 2019, 10:43 PM
He shook his head gently, eyes heavy-lidded.
Yeah, Awol. Wee Awol would make a tremendous bodyguard for Bhediya. But at least he was sexually non-threatening, so that tipped the scales in his favor.
Ye dinna have tae be sorry, Bhediya,he murmured, sensing her reluctance, her penitence.
As long as ye let me know when ye're off on a scouting trip. . .so I dinna worry, aye? I can go wi' ye, or send someone in my place. Like Awol, perhaps.
Yeah, Awol. Wee Awol would make a tremendous bodyguard for Bhediya. But at least he was sexually non-threatening, so that tipped the scales in his favor.
Really, don't be sorry,Pyg insisted.
It was a wee misunderstanding and I lost my heid. I promise it willna happen again.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
December 05, 2019, 10:54 PM
it was a promise. pygmalion, if nothing else, could keep a promise. bhediya lifted her gaze, though only for a moment.
before he could protest, bhe began her slow retreat. her tail remained tucked, though significantly less-so, as she crept toward the border. once far enough to be out of audible reach, bhe would allow herself to feel the panic that she'd stifled throughout their meeting.
i'm going to find ibis. tell her i'll be home for a while.she mustered a wary smile and reached to nuzzle pyg's scruff once more.
before he could protest, bhe began her slow retreat. her tail remained tucked, though significantly less-so, as she crept toward the border. once far enough to be out of audible reach, bhe would allow herself to feel the panic that she'd stifled throughout their meeting.
December 05, 2019, 10:58 PM
He returned her touch if she'd allow him to, closing his eyes as he smiled.
Oh, all that he would do for her. . .
Pygmalion sat down where he stood, tail curled around his paws, blissfully ruminating on Bhediya and the memories they could make together.
All right, love,he said quietly in response, and then watched her walk away. She would return, he was sure. For now, he would revel in the satisfaction of knowing that she knew. She knew! the depth of his feelings now, the lengths he would go for her.
Oh, all that he would do for her. . .
Pygmalion sat down where he stood, tail curled around his paws, blissfully ruminating on Bhediya and the memories they could make together.
As of January 18, this wolf is in the final stages of the rabies virus. Violent interactions are at your own risk.
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