March 24, 2020, 01:25 PM
@Vespera! Set after Kaistleoki is all settled into WhiteFish River again~
Once the pack was all settled at the river again, Hieronymous heard from the others that they had gotten themselves a sister pack out in the mountains. Well, now he just had to go and say hello, meet the new faces and see who they were dealing with. He wasn't around when they were resting up in the plains for the few days, and so he would take this as an opportunity to come and see them for himself.
Knowing the pack wasn't completely settled yet, that Ira still needed to see them one more time before giving her the ultimate blessing - he stopped short of their border and waited for someone to walk by.
Hello! Anyone home?Not wanting to look sketchy, he called out instead. A goofy grin on his lips and a wag of his tail, he waited happily for whoever to walk by to greet him.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

March 24, 2020, 01:46 PM
phone post
Apparently there was an alliance between Kaistleoki and Reneian so the two packs had to share now. Vespera wasn't used to this sort of thing and wondered how that sort of thing would play out, would they share members? Food? Fight wars with eachother? Who knows. But for one thing, the girl wasn't entirely sure who was part of Kaistleoki, who was a friend, who was a foe. So when an unfamiliar voice rang through the valley, the fur on her neck naturally prickled as she trotted towards the racket with her ears forward.
With a steady pace, she made it to where the voice originated with Vespera swinging her head around the corner with a stern look on her face. But the face that she was greeted with looked a puppy with no sense of direction. The dark woman frowned, this freckled male didn't look like a threat, in fact, Vespera figured she could tip him over like a cow. With only her head visible, she sighed and looked tired, "can I help you?" Her voice monotone coupled with a raised eyebrow, at least she didn't snap his nose off, baby steps Vespera.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 24, 2020, 01:55 PM
Thankfully he didn't wait long, and the signs were obvious enough that he did indeed stop at the border and not crossing it accidentally. The footsteps were thicker in numbers in certain areas in the mud, it was his only indication that a pack was beginning to blossom here. The dark woman that approached confirmed his suspicions that he was at the right place - but hopefully, with the right people.
Oh, the life of a scent-less man.
My name is Hieronymous Boesch,He began with a bow, leg curling under his chest as he did so and quickly rising back up with his banner swinging behind him happily.
I believe we are to be sister packs, yes?He left out certain details, hoping she would confirm their pack's name so he didn't stumble onto some deviant's lair and decide to lie and use him for his kindness.
Oh, the life of a scent-less man.
I wanted to see if there was anything I can do to assist you guys to settle in?
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

March 24, 2020, 02:16 PM
The man introduced himself as Hieronymous, he had a last name but the woman really only cared about first names since she herself didn't have a last name, or so she thought. His greeting was coupled with a courteous bow, this notion caused Vespera to narrow her gaze but it was more of a face of confusion. The dark woman blinked without saying a word as he went on about how their packs were now allies. The cloaked woman felt a bit of more relief knowing that he was part of Kaistleoki and not some random dude that just stopped at RE.
"Uhhh, Reneian Empire..." She filled in for him, but her eyes drifted to the sky with her face in deep thought, Vespera wasn't sure herself. The woman dipped her muzzle down with her face still in thought, "I think..." She hesitated but decided to shrug it off so her muzzle tilted up to look at him once more. Hiero asked if there was anything to do that he could help, and Vespera's first instinct was to say no so that he could be on his way and she wouldn't have to talk with him anymore. Then, a thought occured in her head, squinting her right eye and her orbs moving up to the sky, she came up with an idea.
"You could help me train," her eyes fluttered down and gazed into his, her glare casual, for if he said no, she wouldn't be offended.
"Uhhh, Reneian Empire..." She filled in for him, but her eyes drifted to the sky with her face in deep thought, Vespera wasn't sure herself. The woman dipped her muzzle down with her face still in thought, "I think..." She hesitated but decided to shrug it off so her muzzle tilted up to look at him once more. Hiero asked if there was anything to do that he could help, and Vespera's first instinct was to say no so that he could be on his way and she wouldn't have to talk with him anymore. Then, a thought occured in her head, squinting her right eye and her orbs moving up to the sky, she came up with an idea.
"You could help me train," her eyes fluttered down and gazed into his, her glare casual, for if he said no, she wouldn't be offended.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 26, 2020, 03:56 PM
His smile brightened as she seemed to relax after the mention that they were allies - well, soon to be allies once it was all official and done. Behind him his tail swayed as she said the name he was hoping for, glad to know this was indeed the pack he heard of back by the river and not a troublesome group. Now he himself could relax completely when speaking with the young woman.
Once the painted man got her attention, he continued, his tone light and honest, she had to know of his defect before they sparred.
Train? I mean... alright, sure, we can do that.Not often did he find himself training anymore these days, Hieronymous disliked fighting, especially in his condition. However, training with another wouldn't be so bad! It might be fun - provided she doesn't take it too far of course.
On one condition.He began simply.
Once the painted man got her attention, he continued, his tone light and honest, she had to know of his defect before they sparred.
I can't feel pain, okay? Try not to draw too much blood, I won't know if I've pushed myself too far until it's too late.The last thing they both needed was for him to need a few days of near-death experience again. (feel free to have Vespera recognize him here if you want! They were both in EH for a month, he left before she got exiled!)
If you're okay with that, we can begin!With a playful bow, his banner waving gleefully behind him in a slow rhythm, he'd let her have the first move and see if he can give her any pointers. Shoot, it's been so long since he's done any real training.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

March 28, 2020, 12:21 AM
rolled: 6
The man seemed to agree to a quick spar, however, he stated that blood shall not be drawn due to the fact that he couldn't feel any pain. The cloaked woman's ears spiked up so fast to the point where she thought they were going to rip off hee head and fly into the stratosphere. Her face bewildered, she hesitantly agreed, "alright..." Vespera had to admit that not being able to feel pain was a great advantage in battle, not being able to feel the blows that your enemy deals would be honestly epic.
But she had to back track the thought that if she were to get sick, she wouldn't know where so she sort of understood the male's reluctance of a real fight. Vespera blinked at him with her violet orbs as she revealed the rest of her body to him, ready to scrap with him. And with a playful bow, he invited her to begin whenever she was ready, "okay then, I'll promise only to try not to draw blood," a playful smile was displayed on her lips as she drew her body low to the ground with her hackles raised. She concluded to not use her teeth for she knew that would be the quickest way to spill his blood, so, she instead launched herself at him with a swift lunge.
As her body sped towards his like a bullet, she outstretched her right paw a bit so she could get some momentum in her swing. Once she was close enough, she swung her right paw and gave Hiero a hard smack to the side of his face. Vespera remembering her promise, she made sure that she only hit him with her pads instead of her claws, so once her paw connected with his face, she moved her body to the side so she was able to land on her paws, towards the right side of the male. "I better not see any red, I actually put in effort to not use my claws," she chuckled with a playful smirk, fights always did put her in a cheeky mood.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 28, 2020, 12:32 AM
Sure not feeling pain was a great advantage in battle, to fight until either one of them would fall - but it was also a great disadvantage when one didn't feel like dying that day or putting their own lives on the line for something so trivial as a training session. Pain was an advantage to know what was hurting to what degree - and so, honestly, Hiero only saw himself in the biggest disadvantage as possible. A one time use weapon before being tossed away.
Once everything was agreed upon, the young lady moved first. She was quick on her feet, he had to admit that! The paw caused his vision to blur for a moment, twisting his head away - but just as she thought, he bounced back rather quickly. No pain, no problem in a way. Swinging his head back and around under her chin, he aimed a swift and heady headbutt under her chin. Up and in to knock her head backward and away from him as he stepped forward.
He was no stranger to blood-less battles, it was a different strategy, a different way to look at a battle than the usual bloody mess it became for most. All he had to do was be as attentive as possible and maybe teach her a thing or two along the way.
If I see blood - the spar is over.He was adamant about his one rule. It was a long way back to Kaistleoki still, too far away from Speedy to take a look at him. It was too risky to even chance a wound.
Once everything was agreed upon, the young lady moved first. She was quick on her feet, he had to admit that! The paw caused his vision to blur for a moment, twisting his head away - but just as she thought, he bounced back rather quickly. No pain, no problem in a way. Swinging his head back and around under her chin, he aimed a swift and heady headbutt under her chin. Up and in to knock her head backward and away from him as he stepped forward.
He was no stranger to blood-less battles, it was a different strategy, a different way to look at a battle than the usual bloody mess it became for most. All he had to do was be as attentive as possible and maybe teach her a thing or two along the way.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

March 28, 2020, 12:48 AM
Vespera wanted to roll her eyes about being such a stickler to his rule, but she already engaged into the spar so she just had to bite her tongue for now. Her attack landed on him successfully and made the male stagger back, the world seemed to slow a bit as Vespera quickly scanned the man to see if she drew blood. But, time resumed when she saw that there wasn't any which made Vespera wonder, why is it such a big deal? If you can see it, then it shouldn't be a big issue... Whatever...
She was lost in her thoughts a bit when Hiero snaked under her chin and delivered a headbutt to her chin. Unlike Hiero, the dark woman could feel the sting, oh how she envied the man for not being able to feel pain. Nonetheless, this blow did knock her back a bit and made her stand on her back two paws with her front flinging in the air. If she were allowed to draw blood, she could so easily slam her fangs onto his open skull, but she had to restrain herself. So instead, she raised her front two paws into the air and slammed them down on his head and forced him to slam to the ground. The girl was careful enough to place her paws towards the back of his skull so that he wouldn't slam into the ground muzzle first.
Once she made her attack, she used Hiero to use him as a footplate to bounce backwards, but she didn't use all her weight on him. Once she gained a little distance, she glared at him with her fur swaying in the wind, with her eyes burning with the fighting spirit.
She was lost in her thoughts a bit when Hiero snaked under her chin and delivered a headbutt to her chin. Unlike Hiero, the dark woman could feel the sting, oh how she envied the man for not being able to feel pain. Nonetheless, this blow did knock her back a bit and made her stand on her back two paws with her front flinging in the air. If she were allowed to draw blood, she could so easily slam her fangs onto his open skull, but she had to restrain herself. So instead, she raised her front two paws into the air and slammed them down on his head and forced him to slam to the ground. The girl was careful enough to place her paws towards the back of his skull so that he wouldn't slam into the ground muzzle first.
Once she made her attack, she used Hiero to use him as a footplate to bounce backwards, but she didn't use all her weight on him. Once she gained a little distance, she glared at him with her fur swaying in the wind, with her eyes burning with the fighting spirit.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 28, 2020, 01:20 AM
As she staggered back, her lack of training was obvious. Losing her balance and staggering back on two legs instead of crouching down on all four - this was the lesson she was waiting for. Wasting no time, he rushed in, lunging with a faux bite to her exposed belly, clamping his teeth down at the last second only to poke her in the belly with a cold wet nose. He only meant to alarm the cloaked woman of her mistake, he just wanted to poke her quickly.
Disemboweled.Even as she used him to bounce away, if this was a true battle, the damage would have been done by now. The battle would have been his, and she, left picking up her entrails as they dragged along he ground until septic symptoms finished her off.
It's not enough to look cool and do neat things - you have to stay level headed, think, stay grounded.He explained, hoping something clicked and maybe with some practice, she could use that fire she is brandishing in a more controlled manner before it burns the user.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

There was a surprise surge going through her belly, her eyes widen a little bit as she felt his grip but then a boop from his nose to complement the attack. The man called out 'Disembowed,' which made Vespera's face twist in confusion and annoyance, once she got to her paws, the man stated that she shouldn't try acting cool, to stay level headed and grounded. While Hiero was trying to advise her, Vespera's bewildered face was still painted on her, but her eye twitched, "I wasn't-" she was beginning to feel agitation in her body, but she bit her tongue, she closed her eyes and inhaled. In her mind, she was getting a little frustrated, well I'm not TRYING to! You're the one who didn't want any blood! I'm trying to be as gentle as I can! Do you WANT me to take your ear? The cloaked woman was screaming in her head of all the things she could be saying to him right now, but she fought both tooth and nail to keep her mouth shut.
Once she exhaled, her nerves did feel a little better, but she was still irritated, so she decided to channel that irritation into something better. A growl rumbled in her throat which was then followed by a smirk, "okay then..." she said with a playful, but there was mostly taunt in her voice, growl. She lowered herself to the ground and without any hesitation, she rocketed herself towards the man with high speed and using her head as a battering ram, she knocked her skull into his chest to send him backward. Once the man was off-balance, she rose her paws like a rearing horse and forced her paws onto him to pin the man down. Vespera craned her head up with a playful smirk, trying to forget her annoyance, "good enough for you? Oh, master of spar?" She chuckled with much sarcasm and tease in her voice as she continued to battle in her mind to not take his nose off.
Once she exhaled, her nerves did feel a little better, but she was still irritated, so she decided to channel that irritation into something better. A growl rumbled in her throat which was then followed by a smirk, "okay then..." she said with a playful, but there was mostly taunt in her voice, growl. She lowered herself to the ground and without any hesitation, she rocketed herself towards the man with high speed and using her head as a battering ram, she knocked her skull into his chest to send him backward. Once the man was off-balance, she rose her paws like a rearing horse and forced her paws onto him to pin the man down. Vespera craned her head up with a playful smirk, trying to forget her annoyance, "good enough for you? Oh, master of spar?" She chuckled with much sarcasm and tease in her voice as she continued to battle in her mind to not take his nose off.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 29, 2020, 01:10 AM
Not realizing how much he upset the cloaked woman with his antic and words, even if he did it would only further his point for her to keep a leveled head instead of letting it cloud her judgment. As he waited for her next move, what came next wasn't something he was expecting to come from someone like her. Not everyone was bold enough to use their heads, quite literally.
Once her head made contact with him, it indeed pushed him back just enough to be put under her influence. With his back hitting the ground, and Vespera looming over him with a paw on his neck to pin him down, he instinctively pulled his chin down to protect his neck and look up at her from under his brows. Pulling his legs up to protect the other vulnerable areas and chuckled to diffuse the situation.
Once her head made contact with him, it indeed pushed him back just enough to be put under her influence. With his back hitting the ground, and Vespera looming over him with a paw on his neck to pin him down, he instinctively pulled his chin down to protect his neck and look up at her from under his brows. Pulling his legs up to protect the other vulnerable areas and chuckled to diffuse the situation.
You got me, you win~ Good way to take someone off-guard with a good ol' headbutt.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

March 29, 2020, 08:42 PM
Her attack was successful with her looming over the man in triumph and her tail raised. She looked into his mixed eyes, the man gave her a chuckle and told her that she won and complimented her headbutt tactic. The Duchess exhaled through her nose to signify that she was relaxed and that she wasn't bothered by the situation anymore since she won and basically showed him. Lowering her fluffy tail, she backed off of him and gave the man room to stand up and collect himself. The cloaked woman gave a tiny smell to make sure that there wasn't any blood to speak of, and so far, there wasn't any. This dumb rule in her mind made her frustrated, she had to be careful around him and that would lead her into an array of mistakes in combat. But perhaps she did need to learn to be more calculative because all she knew in battle was to be the one on top, and it didn't matter how you did it.
Vespera shook her coat, an indication that she was more relaxed now, and looked at the male with her violet orbs, "haven't I seen you around before?" The woman raised her brow, but her face looked uninterested since she really didn't care and this statement was a little random but her instincts told her that she has seen him before.
Vespera shook her coat, an indication that she was more relaxed now, and looked at the male with her violet orbs, "haven't I seen you around before?" The woman raised her brow, but her face looked uninterested since she really didn't care and this statement was a little random but her instincts told her that she has seen him before.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
March 30, 2020, 12:35 PM
Once she had given him the space to get up, the painted wolf would shake off the dirt that accumulated on him during his time on the ground. Just because he was brown didn't mean he liked the feeling of dust and muck on his fur and skin.
Not around here, never been here before till now.His eyes rolled up while pondering her question, not yet clueing in that they both were in Easthollow at one point at the same time.
I must be off for now, but feel free to call for me if you need anything, okay?With another curt bow he began to back away from the Empire's borders.
You know my name, just holler for me. I look forward to the packs being united officially.With a smile, he was off, back to Kaistleoki down up the mountain again and down - there had to be a better route than this... maybe they could look for one soon should the two packs share borders in the end.
New Threads: closed, he's dead, let him rest
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota
Companion: Hiero can be seen with a grizzly bear as a companion in most of his threads! His name is Dakota

April 04, 2020, 04:55 PM
Vespera shrugged as the man denied to ever seeing her before, it really didn't matter anyway since she was just going to at least try to put the past behind her. As Hiero departed, he invited her to call him up if she needed someone to spar with, the woman just nodded, she really didn't have anything else to say.
As the spotted man left, Vespera turned her back and continued with her patrolling.
As the spotted man left, Vespera turned her back and continued with her patrolling.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
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