Redhawk Caldera There's lessons you learn
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440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Pack Formation 
He ventured from the deepest clutches of the woods.
Aningan said he had to recruit and work to form his pack.
So that is what he shall do!

He wandered out of the woods, looking for anyone who seemed like they would be a good fit for his pack; his ideals.
And teach them of what MAegi had taught him. What he thinks is right, and Maegi just had...a breakdown. Surely what the first teaching is, is the truth.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He wasn't exploring in silence. There was a loudness to his step. An almost deliberate crunch caused beneath his feet. Eventually he would happen upon a figure in the distance, unsurprised if he had been heard already, and with  a call to the other he moved towards them. 

 A young male that seemed unbothered by the openness in which he stood. Collision offered him a warm look, though nothing more than only barely friendly, "Hello," His voice was a deep baritone as always and he stared onward inquisitively, "How're you?"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
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440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
His head lifted from a particularly interesting patch of scat from an animal of which he'd not smelt before.
Alas, his meandering search was interrupted by some clumsy old thumping approaching him.
He lifted his head, wondering what sort of animal was making this ambling clamour.

A wolf was the answer.
He was surprised. But felt assured that he wasn't being snuck upon.

His tail waved with open friendliness, turning to greet this stranger with a soft chuff.
"Hey!" He chirped back, tail wagging now, "I'm good, bit wet innit," he chuckled.
"How's your way, traveller?" He wasn't very good at talking. Often fumbled and muddled his words and they come out close to what he means, or just a jumble of words that might be comprehendible. Either way, he was sure this man was bright enough to know that he meant if he was also having a good day.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The stranger greeted him as any other would. Passable mention of the weather. Collision offer naught more than a nod of his head and glanced to the sky above. It had been raining forever and he had no doubt that it would continue. The dark clouds seemed endless. A constant reminder of the lingering chaos within himself. It didn't need mention today. 

 "Quite alright. Muddy," He gestured to his caked legs. He could use a good cleaning, but what was the point? 

 "I'm Collision. You are?" The boy didn't wear a scent that was familiar to him. It wasn't particularly clouded with confusing scents of others either. Perhaps he was a part of a small-knit group. Perhaps he roamed among none. A loner. Collision had never been fond of the feeling of lonliness. That didn't mean this stranger didn't. Curiosity for a distraction lead his end of their encounter.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Sorry for the wait
Rowan laughed softly.
He had a rather soft laugh unless something tickled him quite so.
His laugh was often like the passing of wind through a meadow or a brushing of snow through the trees.
"It is rather damp isn't it."
He wondered why it was like this. He just hoped that those shakings weren't a yearly occurrence.

Rowan looked Collision up and down. He really had been through a swamp by the look of him, but looking at himself and he could just about see his creamy white breast was clumped up with his own mud, so whatever.
"I'm Rowan," he replied, "Where'd you come from? I didn't think there were any packs close to here."
The closest one he knew of was his Mother's up the river. And that was some way from here.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He wasn't fond of being dirty. Of course, he wasn't particularly keen on the time it would take for his personal upkeep at the moment. There were greater distractions at work. 

 Collision offered him a hum of agreement, "It's been a rather wet summer," The heat quelled slightly by the constant rain. Cold front after cold front embracing the lot of them. 

 The other seemed to observe him and it would be a lie to say Collision didn't do much of the same. Getting to know the features of the stranger. Allowing his mind to drift to what he was doing out alone. No scent clung about him that suggested others. 

 "I'm a good tavel away from my pack. The Reneian Empire is a good ways that way," His muzzle gestured towards the general west from where they stood, "There's a few others down that way. Supposedly more in formation. Where'd you come from?" Collision couldn't be the only one sharing; now could he?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Rowan nodded.
He didn't know much about the seasons yet, but if this was wet for summer, then he should expect differently next year.

They watched each other for a moment. Not maliciously, but just observantly. Remembering each other.
His eyes followed the turn of the muzzle to the distant mountain peaks.
He just realised how far away from his Mother he was now, though before it was a lot further.
"That is a long way," he commented.
But where had he come from? He couldn't say Blackfeather Woods, he might get eaten. Though this man seems more reasonable. Rusalka was temporary, even though they had shown him kindness and leadership. Maybe Kaistleoki, though if he was from the mountains he'd probably know better.

"I..I come from Blackfeather Woods. I'm starting my own pack there."
He waited for the screaming. For the teeth to come flying for him. He braced himself to be chased far far away.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
There conversation was idle. Nothing particularly notable. Collision was intrigued by the male, but only in the way one would stare at a tree and wonder what kind it might be. Ultimately dismissive. Perhaps on a better day he would be inclined to care more…perhaps in a better time in his life. This one were tainted.

He mentions where he comes from and then he makes a statement that bolsters more importance. Collision’s ears turn forward and his eyes grow further inquisitive. Now there was something of meaning.

"What makes you qualified?” Perhaps the question presented itself as demeaning, though not intended to do so. Collision had never understood the idea of creating his own pack from scratch. He felt he could, but the notion of leading when there was so much more to do left him curious. There were those born to be followers and those born to bring them together. Perhaps Rowan was the man to do just that. As for himself…there were smaller tasks that he felt he was better suited for. Those that needed full attention of a pack mate. Those that needed someone to care for them directly without distraction. Collision was that man. Wasn’t he?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
His fears didn't come true.
Those nightmarish thoughts faded.
Collision wasn't going to hurt him. At least not yet, it seemed.

His words seemed like they should be spoken with harsh criticism, though they were soft and rather inquisitive.
Rowan settled again, all tension leaving him again.
Reneian Empire didn't think of him as an enemy.
"I know the woods, and I think I have the ability to lead," he started slowly, thinking. "That I suppose it's who follows me that makes that decision." His eyes met Coliision's again.
"I know there are wolves that think anyone who lives in the woods is evil or something, but that isn't true. I want to prove that and create a place to keep those who need it safe."
He will take on any and all cases and needs who ask for his protection. And he will live up to the demand.

He hoped he wasn't trying too hard, but he had never been asked before.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It didn’t seem as though what he said was ill-received and Collision needn’t offer a second thought to the question that leapt from his mouth. He listened and observed. Forming his own opinions…The male was younger (though, perhaps not so much younger) and if you knew; you knew.

He shook his head in disagreement of what the other said, “A place cannot be innately evil. A home is what you make it,” The Vale was not evil. The wolves in the Vale….He had other thoughts about that. There was a darkness shroud over it now. Greedily wrapping her cold fingers around all that he had hoped it could be.

“Your heart is in the right place…” He didn’t particularly need to dive deeper into what the male stood for. He had already begun teetering on the edge of information that was not his own to ask. Information that was private, “As long as you’re happy and humble,” humility was an all too important trait in a leader. Arrogance lead to downfall–inevitably.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He might be right, but Rowan wasn't sure.
Blackfeather had stood for years protecting the Melonii. And subsequently, he was assured some saw it as an evil fortress. Dark, foreboding, and held a matching, gruesome history.

But his words were wise, and Rowan could only agree.
And was glad Collision thought he was right. It made him feel like he was on the right track. And soon enough, his pack would rise. Now...a name.
"Thank you," he grinned, golden eyes bright.

Ah, recruiting. Like Aningan said. He knew this wolf had a pack but the offer can still be opened...
"You can join me if you wish? Or maybe we can make a relationship between our packs," he smiled sheepishly, hoping he wasn't too bold. 
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision was surprised at the male. Honestly. There was a stereotype he mostly held when it came to those creating packs. They were usually arrogant. The younger they were the more inclined to be so it seemed they were. Not this one. He at least presented himself as having a good head on his shoulders and made it seem as though he were dedicated to a positive cause. 

 The shocking delivery of an invite sprung forth...and Collision was not quick to decline him. It was the first time he had been offered something other than the Reneian Empire and to be honest...He almost said yes. He almost wanted to just to get away....but could he abandone them?

 No. He offered a small smile and a long sigh fell from his lips. Rowan would have no idea what he had just done for the man, "Tempting," He muses. There would be no lying to the ambition of the other, "Unfortunately, I have some unfinished business that needs me." He couldn't leave those that he had come to love without him when they could possibly need him sooner than ever he thought. 

 Though...perhaps Rowan had provided him with an opportunity to get some of them out. Perhaps he could encourage Vespera to leave with her children. If Rowan was who he presented himself to be then maybe he was a safe horse to bet on. Though...he had once thought the same of Reiko; hadn't he?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A pause sent Rowan's heart into his throat.
Was he about to be accepted? He could almost see the thoughts in this man's head through his eyes.
The possibility of just staying away from the pack.
Of not returning.

Of course, he was denied. But it was ok, he was received well enough.
"Of course," he replied with a bright smile. He couldn't have left Rusalka on a whim.
And Collision wouldn't leave his Empire on one.
"But my invitation is always open," a good point to make. He wanted to accept all he could.
He didn't know of the turmoil in the Empire, and may never will.

"Where will you go now?"
Perhaps back to report a new pack forming in the valley. Perhaps it had been long enough away.
Or was he to keep going?
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Thank you for the thread. I adore Rowan <'3 He's such a lovely character!

Rowan was going to be a good leader. Perhaps rough around the edges, but that was to be expected in youth. A smile contorted Collision's lips and he rose back to his feet from where he sat. He liked the thought of having a place to go when the Empire fell through for him. 

For the first time he was willing to admit the inevitability of the failure in compatibility for them. 

He knew he would soon depart. 

"To the Vale. There's some that would do well knowing about someone like you," He supposed it would be good if he could tell Vespera there was refuge and a good place for her and the children to choose to go to, "I can't assure the Reneian Empire will accept a new alliance. However, you've got one of us on your side. Should you need anything--seek me out," Rowan didn't know him from Adam; That much was true. Though, Collision hoped he were viewed as trustworthy. Additionally, when he spoke it was always with the most honesty he could muster. Lying proved troublesome time and time again, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Rowan. I'll be on my way," He dipped his head and turned heel. He really did need to go home. For now....
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He was glad his offer was accepted.
Though it made him wonder why some would need him.
What was happening in the Vale?

"Yeah, have fun!" he called to the man as he departed.
Once again, the yearling was left to his own devices
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One lie is enough to question all truths.