"지금 여기로 돌아와!" yells the girl as she bounds after the snake with a quick step (though losing her footing on a tree root and faceplanting into a pile of snow.) despite the embarrassment from the slip-up, iseul is keen on not letting this snake both bite AND embarrass her at the same time! so the girl thundered on after the scaly beast with a dangerous intent in mind.
the snake in question is a bull snake, and while they're normally aggressive, this one realized several things in its tiny little head.
1. this was a big wolf.
2. this wolf was not scared.
3. this wolf already tried to bite him.
so the bull snake slithered as fast as his large body could take him away from the danger. iseul was hot on his trail with strings of curse words following behind in Kujo that could be heard from quite a bit away. iseul was quite lucky with this situation, as she confused this bull snake for a short-tailed mamushi, a common and nonvenomous snake found in her homeland. had she confused her own snakes for a rattler, this story might have been a different tale.
"겁쟁이! 도망치지마!" but thankfully, for her own safety, the girl is running after an angsty (and safe) serpent who tried to bite off more than he could swallow.
the snake in question is a bull snake, and while they're normally aggressive, this one realized several things in its tiny little head.
1. this was a big wolf.
2. this wolf was not scared.
3. this wolf already tried to bite him.
so the bull snake slithered as fast as his large body could take him away from the danger. iseul was hot on his trail with strings of curse words following behind in Kujo that could be heard from quite a bit away. iseul was quite lucky with this situation, as she confused this bull snake for a short-tailed mamushi, a common and nonvenomous snake found in her homeland. had she confused her own snakes for a rattler, this story might have been a different tale.
"겁쟁이! 도망치지마!" but thankfully, for her own safety, the girl is running after an angsty (and safe) serpent who tried to bite off more than he could swallow.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
I completely forgot to join this thread fuck sorry
Ulrich heard shouting from somewhere relatively nearby and took off running in that direction. Something bad was happening. From the sound of it, someone was attacking Iseul! Some hostile lone wolf? A bear? He didn't smell bear. Actually, whatever it was, it was running away. That was good, right?
Ulrich burst in on the scene, and saw Iseul running past him, chasing something.
What is it?he shouted after her, following hot on her trail.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
January 25, 2023, 11:07 PM
omg do not worry you are all good, this snake-flinging post is going to be cathartic for me after today LOL
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: violence
![[Image: JwcN.gif]](https://i.gifer.com/JwcN.gif)
Ulrich would get to see the blind rage that came from Iseul when life decided to kick her around one too many times in a single day. the frustrations of 1 thing going bad after the next often proved to be too much for the young and maturing girl, and an emotional outburst would manifest itself in 1 of 3 ways. she'd yell at someone or something. she'd cry. or she'd break something.
and for iseul at this juncture of time, it was breaking something.
iseul had managed to close the gap between her and the bullsnake and had grappled the reptile with her sharp teeth. in a monsoon of rage, the girl begins to beat the absolute devil out of the snake. this male was up to 5 feet in length, which is small compared to the 8 feet that these reptiles can grow into. but perhaps that was a good thing because iseul was basically gifted a whip as she flung the snake to and fro in an angered manner.
hackles raised and tail flagged with pinned ears, the girl slaps the snake against the ground with a mighty, thud, repeating this movement as if it were clockwork. thankfully, perhaps in the snake's luck, it had died within a few minutes of the brutal beating, and iseul was just breathing it and spraying the red stuff everywhere. it was on her face, on the ground, all over the snake -- literally everywhere.
she hadn't even noticed Ulrich was behind her until his voice scared her, and the girl mid-throw let the snake go accidentally.
right into Ulrich's face. a flying dead danger noodle covered with blood, as if it sprouted wings to attack him.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
January 27, 2023, 05:08 PM
Ulrich was still running when he was slapped in the face by a dead, bloody snake. He stopped short, his mouth open in shock as he blinked several times. Then he smelled the blood and his nostrils flared. He quickly looked down at whatever had hit him, saw the snake on right by his front paws, and jumped backwards with a wordless yell. A second later, he realized it was dead--and beaten to a bloody pulp. He stared down at it for a few long moments, and then sat down heavily and began to laugh.
He laughed so hard that he was afraid he might pee himself, and soon found himself completely on the ground, rolling in mirth, roaring with laughter. This was like the time Adylaide had caught two rabbits for dinner, except one of them had still been alive, and hopped away just as he was about to bite into it. He laughed and laughed and snorted and rolled around in the snow, completely oblivious to the fact that Iseul was still there, and probably thought he was crazy.
He laughed so hard that he was afraid he might pee himself, and soon found himself completely on the ground, rolling in mirth, roaring with laughter. This was like the time Adylaide had caught two rabbits for dinner, except one of them had still been alive, and hopped away just as he was about to bite into it. He laughed and laughed and snorted and rolled around in the snow, completely oblivious to the fact that Iseul was still there, and probably thought he was crazy.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
January 30, 2023, 09:49 PM
there are possibly no words to describe the horrified scream and expression on iseul's face when she realized what she had just exactly done. it took maybe about 3 seconds to register that she had let go of the snake, and perhaps about another 3 to realize that the yell behind her meant that someone was probably hit by her wonderous aim of reptile slinging. and now that she had 6 seconds to think in total…
back there was her leader. the man who offered her a place to live, work, and eat under his watchful eyes. a man who learned her words and taught her how to speak the tongue of the wilds better. and instead of showing him that she was useful, she just… threw a snake at him.
she'd never live this one down, her ancestors were rolling in their graves right now just watching this scene unfold. and despite his laughter and perhaps amusement with the situation, iseul runs back in a hurried frenzy to see Ulrich on the ground. and at first, she assumes the worst.
she scared him so much that he collapsed and his body was in shock! why else would he be in such a compromising position? yet, after another 3 seconds pass, she soon can hear the wheezing laughter and has to silently pray that this laughter was not shortlived.
"죄송해요! 죄송해요!" she would yell to him as she runs to his side. and on one hand, the girl knew that an apology bow was to be expected. but the last time she bowed, Ulrich didn't really like it. so what was she supposed to do, bow and possibly upset him more, or not bow and not apologize?
now the girl is stuck in a phase of being unsure, pacing instead as she cannot come up with an answer that would make both parties happy in this situation. "Ulrich!" she'd practically shriek in an unwell tone, "so sorry! I so so sorry!"
back there was her leader. the man who offered her a place to live, work, and eat under his watchful eyes. a man who learned her words and taught her how to speak the tongue of the wilds better. and instead of showing him that she was useful, she just… threw a snake at him.
she'd never live this one down, her ancestors were rolling in their graves right now just watching this scene unfold. and despite his laughter and perhaps amusement with the situation, iseul runs back in a hurried frenzy to see Ulrich on the ground. and at first, she assumes the worst.
she scared him so much that he collapsed and his body was in shock! why else would he be in such a compromising position? yet, after another 3 seconds pass, she soon can hear the wheezing laughter and has to silently pray that this laughter was not shortlived.
"죄송해요! 죄송해요!" she would yell to him as she runs to his side. and on one hand, the girl knew that an apology bow was to be expected. but the last time she bowed, Ulrich didn't really like it. so what was she supposed to do, bow and possibly upset him more, or not bow and not apologize?
now the girl is stuck in a phase of being unsure, pacing instead as she cannot come up with an answer that would make both parties happy in this situation. "Ulrich!" she'd practically shriek in an unwell tone, "so sorry! I so so sorry!"
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
February 02, 2023, 03:57 PM
Ulrich was vaguely aware that Iseul was yelling at him in Kujo, but he did not yet know enough of the language to understand whatever it was that she was saying. Besides, even if he had been able to understand her, he was too busy laughing to pay attention. Finally, he sat up, gasping for air, his stomach sore from all that laughter. And he heard her, then, apologizing profusely in a tone of voice that was not mirthful at all.
Oh, Iseul,he said, the smiled wiped from his face.
Iseul, calm down. Hush. I am not angry with you. Wasn't that clear from the laughter? No harm has been done; the snake was dead. Take a breath.And, to encourage her, he took one, too, inhaling slowly through his nose, down into his belly, and exhaling just as slowly through his mouth.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
February 08, 2023, 01:24 AM
he sits up -- laughing?
no, that must be from shock! it must be!
there's no possible way he could be laughing in such a situation. but when she hears him speak, his tone is very clearly not angry. and despite this fact, iseul can feel her heart pounding against her ribcage. she feels like a kid who's caught with their hand in the cookie jar, awaiting possible punishment!
yet, he comes to breathe with her. and she watches him closely with peeled eyes, doing her best to follow with her own shallow and shaky lungs. after a few attempts, she does finally come down a bit. but her ears and tail still droop as she comes to look at the bloodied shoestring.
and afraid that her apologies might get her another chiding from Ulrich, she says the only thing that possibly comes to mind at that moment. "I no like them, danger." 'them' of course meant snakes, but she wasn't sure what to call them in English! instead, she looks to her leader and hopes that he might tell her what to actually call them.
but at least she used her new word, 'danger' correctly?
no, that must be from shock! it must be!
there's no possible way he could be laughing in such a situation. but when she hears him speak, his tone is very clearly not angry. and despite this fact, iseul can feel her heart pounding against her ribcage. she feels like a kid who's caught with their hand in the cookie jar, awaiting possible punishment!
yet, he comes to breathe with her. and she watches him closely with peeled eyes, doing her best to follow with her own shallow and shaky lungs. after a few attempts, she does finally come down a bit. but her ears and tail still droop as she comes to look at the bloodied shoestring.
and afraid that her apologies might get her another chiding from Ulrich, she says the only thing that possibly comes to mind at that moment. "I no like them, danger." 'them' of course meant snakes, but she wasn't sure what to call them in English! instead, she looks to her leader and hopes that he might tell her what to actually call them.
but at least she used her new word, 'danger' correctly?
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
February 09, 2023, 06:25 PM
short post bc I am trying to catch up on threads! sorry!
Iseul did calm down after a few moments, breathing as he instructed her to. However, he noted the droop in her ears and tail, as if she were sad. He frowned, trying to think of how to convince her that he was not upset. He stared down at the snake as she spoke, and nodded.
Yes,he said.
Danger.A pause.
I am still not angry. Actually, if you couldn't tell from all the laughing, I thought it was rather funny.His eyes twinkled as he looked up at her again.
I don't think you threw that snake at me on purpose, and it was dead. I'm... impressed with your bravery. Snakes can be formidable opponents.If he had remembered in that moment that Iseul's first language was not the same as his, he might not have used the word formidable, but oh well.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
February 15, 2023, 12:59 AM
lots of things were learned.
how to use the word 'danger', what a snake is, and that Ulrich is a forgiving wolf! and now he would come again to reassure the anxious girl, who finally comes to breathe and think more. still, iseul can feel the heat emanating from her cheeks as her leader speaks to her gently. he says a lot of words, and with enough context, she was able to add some form of meaning to them.
she didn't know what bravery or formidable meant, but she had a guess it had something to do with being able to fight snakes, and maybe other things too! "not funny when they bite," she comes to tell him with a laugh, looking at her tail for a moment and being thankful the tip has not become a stump.
for a moment she comes to look at the reptile. "i toss snake," she says slowly, "but not mean to; snake is slippery!" the word she was looking for was 'accident', though it wasn't able to come to mind quite yet. but she had a feeling that her message probably came across clearly enough to be understood. "but snake is meat, so... maybe not bad." there was some use to them, perhaps this was the only use iseul saw in them.
how to use the word 'danger', what a snake is, and that Ulrich is a forgiving wolf! and now he would come again to reassure the anxious girl, who finally comes to breathe and think more. still, iseul can feel the heat emanating from her cheeks as her leader speaks to her gently. he says a lot of words, and with enough context, she was able to add some form of meaning to them.
she didn't know what bravery or formidable meant, but she had a guess it had something to do with being able to fight snakes, and maybe other things too! "not funny when they bite," she comes to tell him with a laugh, looking at her tail for a moment and being thankful the tip has not become a stump.
for a moment she comes to look at the reptile. "i toss snake," she says slowly, "but not mean to; snake is slippery!" the word she was looking for was 'accident', though it wasn't able to come to mind quite yet. but she had a feeling that her message probably came across clearly enough to be understood. "but snake is meat, so... maybe not bad." there was some use to them, perhaps this was the only use iseul saw in them.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
February 23, 2023, 02:22 PM
Ulrich's head cocked to the side as Iseul made the comment about how snakes were not funny when they bit, and then looked at her own tail.
Have you been bitten before?he asked, voice full of concern. Clearly, if she had, it had not been venomous, or she would not be sitting here before him today.
Yes, they are slippery,he agreed with a chuckle.
And they are meat, although...He glanced down at the snake with a distasteful look.
I don't know if this one is edible now.Iseul had fairly destroyed it, and it did not look very appetizing, all bloody and covered in dirt.
Well, if you want it, go ahead and eat it.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
February 26, 2023, 09:32 PM
she nods her head quickly to him a few times. "too many," she admits to him honestly with a scrunched face, "not deadly, just hurts if big snake." the little ones that slithered over the fallen leaves were the least of her concern. it was the thicker and bolder snakes that made her blood boil, after all. while they lacked teeth, they made up for it in strength at times.
he seems surprised at her idea of eating them, though it seems he thinks more of the one she bludgeoned to death rather than a fresh one! "oh no no," she comes to say with an embarrassed laugh, "not after that." at this point it was fish food.
...which actually gave her an idea.
"but fish might eat snake," she says to him, "fish eat fish, maybe other meat." maybe she had found another way to make fishing a little bit easier! "what ulrich think?" would he think of her as a genius? probably not, but she liked to have hope for such moments in her life.
he seems surprised at her idea of eating them, though it seems he thinks more of the one she bludgeoned to death rather than a fresh one! "oh no no," she comes to say with an embarrassed laugh, "not after that." at this point it was fish food.
...which actually gave her an idea.
"but fish might eat snake," she says to him, "fish eat fish, maybe other meat." maybe she had found another way to make fishing a little bit easier! "what ulrich think?" would he think of her as a genius? probably not, but she liked to have hope for such moments in her life.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
March 05, 2023, 05:05 PM
Ulrich tilted his head at Iseul's idea.
That might just work,he mused, thoughtfully.
Shall we try it? There are several spots in the rivers that are not frozen over.He gazed over head head, thinking.
Which river should we try? North or south?It didn't really matter--there would be fish in either one.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
March 15, 2023, 12:04 PM
he didn't seem to think she was crazy!
when Ulrich asks for which river to head towards, iseul thinks for a moment (and remembers that she has no idea what north or south means), so she sticks her muzzle in the direction of north and says "that one."
wouldn't it be delightful if they had finally cracked some secret fishing code? eh, maybe that was a little too optimistic, but she liked the idea nonetheless. so the girl comes to grab the mangled thing and begins in the direction of the northern river when Ulrich came to lead.
"is this north or south?" she asks with a full snout, a bit bashful but curious as it was another set of words for her mind to remember.
when Ulrich asks for which river to head towards, iseul thinks for a moment (and remembers that she has no idea what north or south means), so she sticks her muzzle in the direction of north and says "that one."
wouldn't it be delightful if they had finally cracked some secret fishing code? eh, maybe that was a little too optimistic, but she liked the idea nonetheless. so the girl comes to grab the mangled thing and begins in the direction of the northern river when Ulrich came to lead.
"is this north or south?" she asks with a full snout, a bit bashful but curious as it was another set of words for her mind to remember.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
March 16, 2023, 05:21 PM
Ah, north,Ulrich said, realizing that Iseul didn't know the words for north and south.
The river towards the Shadewood is north. The one towards the Plateau is south.He paused.
Since we are now facing north, I suppose I should also tell you that the direction to the left of us is called west, and the right is east. A way to remember is to know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I'm sure you know this in your own language.He didn't want her to think that he thought she didn't know directions. He knew it was only that she didn't know the words.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
March 21, 2023, 07:58 PM
did a discord roll and sadly iseul will not be too successful in her fishing!
shadewood is north, plateau is south. sun up in the east, sun down in the west. she had been waiting for these new words for quite sometime now, and it's apparent that she's quite happy with these new words from the wag in her tail as she steps with Ulrich.
from the first day that she was released into these wilds and woke up confused with her sister, Iseul has always felt the lingering smoke of fear within her lungs. no wolves spoke Kujo, and most were unwilling to share with her some lessons on how to pick up the common lingo of the land. it was by chance that she ran into the very few who taught her the basis of everything. perhaps even a bigger strike of luck to have come upon the river isle as well.
"Ulrich so helpful." she says to him in a muffled voice, though a smile on her face with the snake between her teeth. and soon enough the pair were upon the isle's edge, the river still struggling to remove some of the bigger chunks of ice. though, there was enough of a clear path for iseul to walk into the water.
and so she does just that, wading into the water and letting the snake remain submerged in the water. the water was right beneath her belly, and she was quite thankful to not have to go any deeper than this as the water was still chilling. and for the longest moment that she stood there, the fish kept swimming by and showed little interest in the bloody bait. maybe a snake was too scary?
"no bites" she comes to say to Ulrich as she turns her head to look at him.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
April 01, 2023, 04:33 PM
Ulrich ducked his head and smiled at Iseul's comment about him being 'so helpful.' He was glad she thought so, but he was terrible at taking compliments, so he did not give a verbal reply, too busy doing everything he could not to contradict her.
When they got to the river, he watched and waited while his Deputy went and tried to bait the fish with the dead snake. He did not mind the wait, glad to sit in companionable silence at the river's edge with Iseul. Unfortunately, the fish were not hungry today, or perhaps did not like the snake bait, and none took it.
When they got to the river, he watched and waited while his Deputy went and tried to bait the fish with the dead snake. He did not mind the wait, glad to sit in companionable silence at the river's edge with Iseul. Unfortunately, the fish were not hungry today, or perhaps did not like the snake bait, and none took it.
Oh well,Ulrich said, with a smile.
We can try fishing again later without the snake. Yes?
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
April 04, 2023, 12:38 AM
thankfully, Ulrich didn't seem too mad that Iseul couldn't catch anything with her mad idea. And in a certain way, this would solidify something in her brain about her leader. not only was Ulrich reasonable with her skills, i.e not expecting her to be magnificent every single time, but he was also kind about things.
while iseul certainly loved her father, she knew that he often had a shorter fuse with patience and would get annoyed when things didn't pan out. Ulrich had more patience and just some godly ability to just go with the flow. this certainly reduced her own stress levels about not doing enough to make him happy.
"another time," she comes to say with a nod, deciding to leave the snake in the river, "yes." she comes to exit the water and shake off the excess [far away from Ulrich so that she doesn't get him all wet too]. "Iseul better at ahh– patrols." that activity was usually pretty easy to follow directions with.
while iseul certainly loved her father, she knew that he often had a shorter fuse with patience and would get annoyed when things didn't pan out. Ulrich had more patience and just some godly ability to just go with the flow. this certainly reduced her own stress levels about not doing enough to make him happy.
"another time," she comes to say with a nod, deciding to leave the snake in the river, "yes." she comes to exit the water and shake off the excess [far away from Ulrich so that she doesn't get him all wet too]. "Iseul better at ahh– patrols." that activity was usually pretty easy to follow directions with.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
April 09, 2023, 06:09 PM
Ulrich laughed when Iseul said she was better at patrols.
Yes,he said.
Me too.He glanced around at their location.
Would you like to patrol this side if the Isle with me?He'd already done his patrolling for the day, but he could always do more. He was such a homebody that there wasn't much else for him to do, anyways, and he enjoyed spending time with his Deputy.
Ulrich is my happy character. I do not enjoy a lot of IC drama, such as physical altercations, or whumps, so if you are interested in RPing such things, please do not do so with Ulrich, or PM me first. I would love to thread with you, but in a stress-free way!
June 11, 2023, 04:19 PM
a nod of her head would be a clear answer for the man.
iseul would come to fall in stride with him, perhaps a bit further behind his shoulder to show that she was happy to be led by him. there were many things that the girl was unfamiliar with, such as her growing feelings of experiencing the newest world that surrounded her. and while things certainly felt overwhelming at times, it was nice to know the isle was meant to keep her grounded.
so off the two of them went, speaking here and there as the girl recounts the day silently in her head.
iseul would come to fall in stride with him, perhaps a bit further behind his shoulder to show that she was happy to be led by him. there were many things that the girl was unfamiliar with, such as her growing feelings of experiencing the newest world that surrounded her. and while things certainly felt overwhelming at times, it was nice to know the isle was meant to keep her grounded.
so off the two of them went, speaking here and there as the girl recounts the day silently in her head.
Iseul is still learning English and will frequently pause to find the right word. This often occurs with an audible 'uh' or 'ah' sound, as well as speaking a bit slower to try and avoid mistakes. Your character is welcome to notice this!
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