Ocean's Breath Plateau …a little bitty dream
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
Looking for @Sumac, but it's all welcome. I just felt like I needed some warm, fluffy vibes. :3

Spring had without a doubt began to creep out of its winter slumber, and made its way to the coast. Once again the sun was shining from a clear blue sky, the wind was gentle, and the land seemed to almost glow. Raindrop walked along the beach, but perhaps it was the sound of the water that had brought her more frequent "urges". It was funny, she'd think, she never normally tinkled quite so frequently, but as she slowly walked upon the sand near their den, the farther end of the Plateau she thought about what else she'd felt. It'd been what? Two weeks since Sumac had come home?

For the last week, she’d either found anything edible as appetizing, or she hadn’t felt hungry much at all. Raindrop wasn’t naive, she knew what could come of the dance she and her beloved shared, the dream they wanted to bring to life. So, if her thoughts were leading her in the right direction, and she was pregnant, she’d need to know someone with healing experience, midwifery. 

But, before all else, she wanted, no, needed to tell Sumac. She gave a soft howl for him, then she waited at the edge of their den as she sat and fiddled with a shell.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
The young Mackenzie was restless, though the urge the wander had significant died off. No - in fact, he refused to leave the area, unwilling to stray far from his beloved. This pent-up energy was a reflection of all that was occurring around him as the first early greens of spring began to tease their way between the rocky crags and crevices. 

He'd spent most of his time milling about the beach, looking for any signs of danger or a potential meal; all the while, he held his breath that his luck would hold, that he'd not be discovered and forced from the plateau. This brought a frequent worry to his mind: would his lack of affiliation with the Moontide pack become a problem for Raindrop, or for any possible offspring they'd rear? Perhaps it would be best if he pledged himself to them, since he was so brazenly feeding off their lands. Something about the situation didn't quite sit right with him, and it furrowed his brow each time the thought arose.

'Mac was standing upon a small jetty, intently staring out over the waves as gulls circled and chattered overhead. He took a sharp inhalation of briny sea air, savoring it, before slowly exhaling. It seemed as though the world was an egg, poised to break from the shell of winter - waiting, waiting, for the moment to explode forth into greenery and new life. An ear flicked, a shadow of a smirk pulling at his lips as he caught the sounds of his constant companion, a small feline, playing ardently with a particularly round pebble.

His thoughts shattered when he heard Raindrop's soft call for him. His head snapped to attention, and without hesitation he leapt from the rocks, paws digging eagerly into the coarse sand as he adopted a hasty pace. Was she alright? Was something wrong? Of course, his mind immediately latched onto possible disaster: Sumac courted it at every corner, with every glimpse of a skittering shadow. 

It took the cat, Raja, a few moments to realize that Big Cat had once again run off, and with a loud complaint, she abandoned her toy (after one last bat, of course) and bolted after him.

Eagerly, he followed now-familiar paths back to their shared den, their paradise by the bay. He felt his chest relax as his gilded eyes found her whole and hale, waiting for him by the entrance.

"My sweet darling," he veritably purred, slowing his pace and moving to embrace her tenderly, applying a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You called? Is everything okay?"
…Even in the darkest night
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He came on swift paws, gently purring as he embraced her with a kiss. She kissed his cheek in return, then looked to his gilded eyes, “Oh ‘Mac, I’m perfectly fine. I’ve just been thinking, about the future.” She began, then brought it within herself to bring up the topic, “I’m curious, and maybe there’s no way to be sure of it, but I’ve come to the thought that…. I might be pregnant.”

She tried to sound to the point, even though there was uncertainty.

Smol post.
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
"Oh?" he replied, a toothy grin adorning his ebony maw. Sumac relaxed himself down to an easy posture, sitting directly across from his love to gaze into her sky-hued eyes. He waited patiently for her to continue, as the future was a tricky, often loaded, topic.

I might be pregnant.

'Mac's heart skipped a beat before resuming its drumming at a hasty pace. He felt a wave of dizziness slam into him, temporarily disorienting his senses. Of course he'd considered the possibility... on a subtle level. Somehow, bringing it into the daylight, into his full consciousness, made it much more real. A cyclone of emotions added to his vertigo: elation, excitement, anticipation, anxiety, panic, terror... he felt each enter his mind and pass away just as quickly as they'd come, only to return within the turbulence.

"You... D'you think so?" he asked in hushed tones after he caught his breath, his golden eyes wide, "Is there a way we can tell - for sure?"

Raja finally caught up with Big Cat, and immediately began headbutting his haunch. 'Mac ignored her, paralyzed in the intensity of the moment.
…Even in the darkest night
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
After she’d spoken, he almost seemed different, it appeared his breathing was fast. Raindrop could tell by now when emotions hit him, she could feel it. She just hoped that her assumption didn’t stress him out. She waited a moment till he caught his breath, before nodding as they spoke in hushed tones. “I think so. Maybe someone with knowledge in healing could.” This brought a new thought to her mind. Eventually, she’d have to tell Rodyn, because this was his pack which she was only a part of, not to mention Sumac wasn’t pledge to the ranks either. A hint of worry came across her face. “When we do find out, at some point, I’ll need to let Rodyn, Moontide’s alpha, know of this.” For someone that didn’t worry about much, this scenario did, because what if Rodyn sent Sumac away, or penalized him for trespassing? Would Rodyn, the kind man that let her join their ranks, call this Plateau home, cause upset for her and her soon to be family?
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac nodded, and then cast his gaze downward as his thoughts turned in. A healer... he didn't know anyone like that. Did he? Wait! Kukutux! He did know one, if not the best one in the Wilds. Maybe she would be able to tell? But... Kukutux's lands were all the way in the Wilderness, and if Raindrop was truly expecting, he wasn't so sure he liked the idea of her traveling. A frown crossed his maw.

"I... do know of one healer. A really, really good one. Kukutux - the leader of Moonglow. In the Great Bear Wilderness. I've never been to their lands myself, but I don't know how I feel about a journey all the way there," he stated slowly, mulling it over in his head.

His frown deepened as he looked up and noticed his wife's own taut expression, realizing that it wasn't one he often saw. What was troubling her? Perhaps the prospect of going through the process - Sumac knew it was a taxing time on a woman's body, and he marveled at the strength and miraculous capacity of mothers.

It was then that she spoke her worries, and they mirrored Sumac's own.

'Mac sighed, and gently shooed the miniature cougar from his flank with a forepaw.

"Raindrop... I've been thinking. Maybe it would be best for me to approach the leader of your pack and ask for admission. The last thing I want to do is give you any trouble, especially with your pack. And, well, I don't want to cause our family any trouble, either," he explained, dipping his head and looking up at her with a guilty expression. He felt ashamed for this burden - he should have taken care of it sooner. How childish it now seemed to him to think he could have the best of both worlds! No, the time had come for him to take responsibility, especially if there were prospects of him being a father.
…Even in the darkest night
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He spoke of a woman, Kukutux, the leader of Moonglow. Raindrop perked up a little bit at the mention of this name, as she knew Kukutux as well, she was the one who organized the woman’s circle during the great bison hunt. “I’ve met her, once. Back during a great hunt upon the flatlands. I’m sure she could, her knowledge is as vast as ocean.” ‘Mac was right, because during the woman’s circle, Kukutux touched base  on all things womanhood, from the fire time to how to care for one’s pregnancy and how to prevent it, although the last option baffled her, because raising children was a wonderful part of a woman’s life. “Well, we can cross that river when we get to it.”

The quick spurt of happiness soon faded as ‘Mac spoke of his worries, and they were a reflection of her own. He felt the need to confront Rodyn, because he didn’t want to cause trouble for her, her pack, and their family. She quickly replied, “You could never cause me trouble. Your troubles are my troubles, and we face them together.” Confronting the alpha was a noble thing, and if he wanted to do this, then she would stick beside him. “I will be there with you, then.”

What way would you like to turn this? Maybe invite Danni (Rodyn) to the thread at some point?
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
'Mac lifted his head a little, a small smile winding its way across his face. Love and admiration for the strong woman before him shone in his sunshine eyes, and his heart was a drum beating steadily for her, and her alone.

He straightened and closed his eyes, then took a few steadying breaths as he turned inward and listened to the quieting storm dispersing there. Within moments, a resolve crossed his features, and he reopened his eyes, determination glimmering from their gilded depths.

"Yes, I would speak with your leader. Tell them all, so that they may judge me accurately and my conscious might be cleared," he stated, his course laid out before him. "I would be honored to have you by my side when this happens, but I feel it may be better to get it over with sooner rather than later."

He tilted his head to the side, as if requesting her input. After all, his decision would strongly impact her as well, and he valued what she had to say.

That sounds good to me. I think 'Mac's pretty settled on joining Moontide, believing it to be for the best. We can invite Danni into the thread if you feel that's the easiest, or I can start a new joining thread.
…Even in the darkest night
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He smiled, a small one. Took time to calm the storm within him, and she watched him close his eyes, grounding himself with steadying breaths. When he once again open his eyes of gold, he had a determination, and her features warmed with love. 

“It shall be done.” She gave a nod and moved to stand beside him, “Let us go seek him out. Clear your conscience, clear your name.”

No matter what happened, she would still stand beside him, for he was her life, and the father of the life she carried. 

Awesome. An official joining thread would be fine, we can fade this one here if you agree.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac inhaled again, and exhaled slowly, nodding. It would be difficult, and truthfully, his anxieties were clawing at his mind; but his personal ethics demanded this action, and so he'd take it and dive in, head-first.

He admired Raindrop's own show of determination and allowed a smile to grace his maw despite the butterflies in his stomach.

"It shall be done," he repeated, lifting himself to a standing position as his gaze settled on the direction of the heart of the plateau.

Good for a fade and I'll get a joining post up as soon as I'm able.
…Even in the darkest night