Lost Creek Hollow Printemps
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
Ksura hunted, ranging away from the parklands until he found the scent of rabbits in the grasslands. At night, they boxed and danced- and were distracted by their own springtime madness, enough so that he was able to surprise and ambush a healthy buck and carry him back to the parklands. 

He brought it to where he knew @Ash Star likely rested, with her two sweet children. When he wasn’t hunting, he remained on guard, or patrolled the pack’s territory, knowing now that even though Ash Star had given birth there were two other women in the pack who would also have children. 

It made him feel useful, and this brought him more happiness than he had felt in a long time. So when he approached the new mother, it was with a smile, and a hopeful wag of his tail.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ksura was busying himself among the borders. Ash liked this about him. He saw something needed done, he just did it. He was fast gaining her esteem, perhaps not trust  completely, but esteem. But truth be told the haughty queen didn't trust anyone easily. Darkness bled into all wolves.

He was there and azure eyes turned towards him. And she dipped her muzzle. Hello Ksura.

She stretched out her front paws and slowly uncurled her tail and back paws from around the babies.

Would you like to meet them?

She shifted and nosed at the sweet darlings. Little Sunrise son is Darrow and Moonrise daughter is Aerilyn.
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He blinked at the sound of his name, recognizing the softness of her tone, used so as to not disturb the children. He felt a glowing within his chest as he was invited in- something different from what he had felt when he had first seen Mira’s children, though he had loved them so. 

As she stretched out and moved the soft brush of her tail, the children were revealed- patterned boldly, which was to be expected, and he loved them all the more for bearing any resemblance whatsoever to him despite the fact that their mother, too, sported striking looks. 

He smiled, and lowered himself to the ground, pricking his ears at the sound of their names. 

Darrow, Aerilyn. 

His children. 

”They’re so perfect, Ash Star,” He breathed. His grin widened. ”You did so well,” He said, knowing he should appreciate her for all of the work her body had put into bringing life to these two miracles. He regarded them quietly for a moment, his expression softening. ”I love how soft they are when they’re this little; and how they smell.”
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash was quiet because the children though couldn't hear or see. They could feel vibrations and she didn't wish to startle the  sweetlings. 

She saw a look on his face. One she thought perhaps was pride. He helped make them of course. Were they both his,none his, she wasn't certain, but that was fine. Making a child did not a father make after all. 

She smiled and preened at the compliment. They were perfect weren't they. And she had done most of the work after all, which of course meant the perfection was from her. It had to be. 

A soft blink of wide blue eyes and a gentle almost shy smile. Thank you.

She chuckled. they are wonderful aren't they. The scent, there is nothing to compare.
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She glowed with pride. He kept note of that, and would continue to think of ways to make her an even prouder creature, with these beautiful little ones at her side. Part of him wanted to go closer- to reach out to both her and the pups, but he knew that his access to them would hinge on Ash Star’s judgement. He would be patient, he decided. 

”And their little toes- they’re so cute when they’re so tiny though I’m always surprised at how long their claws are when they’re born,” He admitted with a slight wince. Surely, she knew how it felt to be kneaded by the prickly little paws. Mothers suffered every inconvenience and discomfort, for their children. He could neither carry, birth nor feed them from his own body. Not until they were old enough for digested meat. 

”Darrow and Aerilyn…They’re beautiful names. How did you come up with them?” He asked.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash would be a liar if she ever said she was not a proud and haughty creature. Even vain could be surmised. She knew this of herself. And felt no guilt for it. Ahe was built to be a perfect her after all, as everyone was built to be a perfect them.

Ahw dipped her muzzle down. You may touch thrm. I know it doesn't need said, but I will say it anyway. Careful of them.

He would touch her she knew if he reached for the children and she wasn't upset of this, not really. The man had already touched her in the most intimate of ways more than once. A brush of her fur wouldn't break her.

She laughed dryly. Oh trust me i know all about those little claws and thr little teeth they grow. Mmm i heard their names in my travels and loved them.
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Naturally, he could not stop himself from reaching for the new mother first- a respectful kiss to her chin to show his utter compliance for the words that she spoke. He knew to be grateful that she was willing to allow him to touch them, and he knew as well that even as tired as she might be, a mother’s wrath could easily be awakened if he was clumsy. 

So he drew close enough to hover his muzzle over each, catching their scents and smoothing the fur along their back with a whisper of a touch. Featherlight, gentle. He settled down then alongside her, carefully folding his paws beneath his body, and keeping enough space between himself and his leader so that the pups could move around if they wished. 

He hummed thoughtfully; the names had belonged to acquaintances. He smiled, offering her a slightly guilty look- knowing that he would not have to weather the gumming and chewing as their teeth came in. ”It’s so strange to think we all started out that small.” He said. ”And even stranger how fast they grow and become like…Real wolves.” Mira’s children would be fairly self-sufficient by now, if they still lived. He tried not to think about it too much.

”How are you feeling? Is there anything I can get for you?”
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash was surprised when he reached for her first. She wasn't upset by it, merely surprised. But she felt a sense of ease that he would do so. IT meant he was listening closely to her. And by letting her know he had heard what she said. 

There was surprise further when he settled near, but gave room. She breathed softly. Inhale and exhale and laid her head to her paws to look up at him through lashes, while still able to turn and see the babies. Her tail swept forward to curl around them for warmth, but leave space for him to watch and them to wiggle. 

Ash chuckled. Some of us stayed small. 

She was not ashamed of her size, but she was indeed smaller than many wolves. She thought perhaps she may even be slightly smaller than Silver, definitely smaller than both Ksura and Wren. 

She shook her head. I am mostly just tired. But perhaps you can get me a rabbit later. I do love rabbit.

And that was one of her favorite meals. Even better than Venison she felt, but most wolves would have had a heart attack were she to tell them.
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”Only in size,” He said with a soft shrug of his shoulder. She relaxed, and reading her cues, he allowed himself to sink a bit deeper against the ground, settling his head down on his crossed forelegs, tilted so that he could still see the children with a flick of his eyes. 

Ash Star loomed without being loud or large; her strength came from deep within, it seemed. She was steadfast, a stone in a stream so deeply rooted that even centuries of a gentle current would do little to make it budge. 

”I can do that,” He pledged. He preferred hunting prey that he could catch on his own, anyway. He’d sniffed out a warren nearby- he would visit it later. ”Any other requests? Are you comfortable enough? I’m sure I’ve got some chunks of fur that I’m about ready to shed,” He offered.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash chuckled then. She knew that despite everyone around. Ash had a big personality and as most with big personalities. Sometimes she grated on the nerves of others. ANd she didn't care. Not really. She knew she would be fine if she were on her own if other's left her. She would not compromise her sense of self for anyone.

She tilted her head to look him over. I am comfortable, but you can certainly leave some of your fur for the little ones to know your scent as they age. Please take a hare to my altar in the forest. You will see other offerings around it.
191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He sat back up when she accepted his offer, so that he could pull some pale clumps of dead fur from his sides and flanks. It came willingly- it was time for him to shed so that he could handle the change in temperatures. 

The thought of the babies growing up, knowing his scent from day one appealed to him as well. He wanted to be as familiar to them as possible.

”Of course,” He agreed, once he was finished plucking. A rabbit for an altar seemed like a bit of a waste to him- but if it was her desire, he would make it so. Angering Gods was not on his to-do list, nor was angering Ash Star. ”Just put it there and leave it, yeah?” If he was going to do this for her, he wanted to make sure he was doing it right.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was quick to offer up his fur. How strange it was that men grew so bold in fatherhood. Nothing bad. And it was good. She just found it astounding.

She chuckled. I know it seems strange and you needn't put the whole rabbit just a leg or some meat. I can do the rest.

She would offer prayers to Sos to Atka. Thank them for their children at a later time.

191 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He wanted to ask what she meant by “the rest” but at the same time, he felt it might be a private endeavour, and perhaps best left to her. ”As you wish,” He replied with a nod. 

He would let her do her practices- and hope that he might someday learn what it was that her worship involved, and what benefits she might reap from it.