Dawnlark Plains Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset
373 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
All Welcome 

Aviana laid in the setting sun a few yards from the entrance of the den. She had gone back and forth today, spending some time at the den, going and stretching her legs, coming back, and then back out again. The reasons were twofold: it gave @Faye a chance to test her independence, and it gave Aviana a chance to mingle with her packmates.

She tried to spend a lot of time with @Dawn, mostly because she really enjoyed her best friend's company, but also because she had worried about her after she found out about her attack. The borders were safe enough, but she wondered if a wolf would chance entering their packlands. She hadn't seen any proof that any had come close, but it was still in the back of her mind.

Her head lifted off of her paws and her gaze scanned the area. She still felt weird, knowing Grayday wouldn't happen by and ask how she was doing. She wished he had gotten to meet Faye, to see her grow. She wouldn't be here with him, after all.

She wondered how @Howl was, where he was, if he ever came near the area. Faye was old enough  that Aviana could make a day trip to Arrow Lake, to see if he was around. But, something made her stay. She liked having Faye all to herself, and she worried Howl might want to take her to wherever he lived. Aviana would be torn into a million pieces, scattered all about the Teekons with no hope of being put back together.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
things were improving, slowly but surely. day by day, the puppies grew, and though they were beginning to eat solid food, they were pretty much weaned and independent from their mothers. it wouldn't be long before they were productive members of morningside themselves. for now, the hard times seemed to be receding into the past, and aditya couldn't be happier for it.

the sentinel always made it a point to stop by the dens on his rounds each day, and he was happy to see aviana out, enjoying the sunshine while her daughter played. . .well, somewhere. (he was sure she had it figured out by now.) he gave her a smile and chuff of welcome as he approached, sitting down beside her and canting his head in inquiry.

"hey, aviana," he greeted, blinking softly down at her. "how are you?" there was still some residual awkwardness between them; their first meeting had gone awry, and they hadn't had much chance for one-on-one interaction since then. but things had changed, since then. the woman was much more at home with morningside than she had been, and he was now leader. the time for awkwardness was over.