Gilded Bay gurur brahma, gurur vishnu
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Ooc — mercury
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@Norsamu as we discussed in chat otherwise AW

he had to center himself, or the grief would never abate. he spent many an evening on the sand, staring at the waves, losing himself in the endless rhythm. where did it start? would it ever cease? or were the waves a metaphor for life--

--for in the crashing upon the shore, there is death, and then the water recedes. waves swell up--new life--only to die again.

it was poetic, really. and govinda found peace in the concept. his utter meltdown on the island, and the subsequent injuries and exodus, had been his descent onto the beach. cast out in many pieces, reforming once more here. this was the beginning of the second--or third? fourth?--swell, and he felt it rise within him, a phoenix from the ashes.

there was much to miss in his old life, but he had come to terms with the fact that, through his own fault, it had slipped from his grasp forever. there was no conceivable situation in which he could walk into the maplewood and carry on, business as usual. nor would he ever stroll across the sands of undersea, a welcome guest.

all had been destroyed by his own paw. but perhaps it was always meant to be this way.

in spiritual death, he had found new life.

he was endless, like the waves.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
sorry its so late!!

The maned gal enjoyed this particular bay, because often objects swelled in the sands. There was areas she kept the rocks and shells away from the waters, but often she forgotten where they were placed; thus continued her digging of treasures and beauties. Norsamu enjoyed the passing of hour as she did this, it was a hobby she took time into doing. Though last time she came here, a mysterious snake lad disrupted the gathering of objects, and confused her by his riddles and tales. He wouldn't ruin her fun though! So she returned back for what was left behind.

Except, there was someone else in the area. He didn't seem like a creep like the other gent' she met, and thus approached the figure with a cheery outlook, "ahoy!" The large female greeted as she approached him. He seemed dispirited, but she didn't let that damper her own mood and gave a jolly greeting, "aye, nice day isn't it?" Though the leaves turn red and the winds turn cold, it didn't bother the maned wolf Norsamu.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the difference between his quiet meditation and her raucous greeting couldn't be more pronounced, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. no, a smile came to his face at her arrival; he nodded, lifting his eyes to the clear sky before looking back down at the stranger, wagging his tail.

"it is," govinda said quietly. "a little chilly, but nice. who are you?" it wasn't an interrogation, just an innocent query. she seemed friendly enough, and relatively harmless, though her build suggested at least a familiarity with violence. he would stay wary, for now, but his natural openness would shine through regardless.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
The attitude changed, so she continued on with a cheery grin, unmindful and rather uncaring toward an earlier mood, "suppose so! But ain't it feelin' nice?" The winds every now felt great through her thick mane and pelt. What really bothered her was the damn winter! Even her lion's mane gets too cold with that! Oh how long that season was too, but like last year, will mosey through it. Maybe build something out of the snow- probably. She may hate it, but hey, gotta make the most of it, winter doesn't just go away.

"Aye? Name's Norsamu, ya fellow traveler. How about ya?" She didn't mind the question and introduced herself with a happy cackle.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
govinda shook his head, laughing as he shivered. "bilkul nahin," he said emphatically, his teeth gleaming in a grin. "i cannot stand the cold. you've got a much thicker pelt than mine; of course you'd enjoy it," he pointed out, expression growing cheeky. norsamu. she spoke like no one he had ever heard before; he liked her rollicking cadence.

"govinda," he responded, giving a slight bow of his head. "pleasure to meet you. do you live around here?" he had always preferred conversation to meditation, anyway. sometimes losing one's tether to reality did more harm than good.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"Nay! Just the neck lad, rest gonna shivel up like an old man!" Norsamu laughed at the cheeky responds, finding amusement in it. Though she responded back with the truth, as her neck in particular was rather lush compared to the rest, and stood out with the glorious white, "well, we can share, aye?" She added, mischeviously looking at the companion before her.

Though she faltered back to a simple cackle and friendly grin, and gave a shake of the head, "nay, just a wanderer." There was thought on staying at the bay for a while, buuut. The colder season quickly started to change her mind, as the seabreeze tended to be rather fierce during winter. She felt it'd be best to head inland, "how about ya?"
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he let out a guffaw at the remark, both surprised and amused. he had no words, simply laughing, until he was finally able to compose himself enough to answer her question. "much the same," govinda responded, trying to keep the note of confusion from his voice. to be honest, he wasn't sure what he was. or where he was supposed to be. touch and go, really.

"wandering isn't so bad," govinda continued. "i was a tramp for the first part of my life. it is easy. . .you don't have anyone to worry over but yourself, and you don't much worry about that, either." he felt the familiar flash of envy, then realized that he was once again in that situation--not tethered to morningside as he was before. should he take advantage of it, leave the plateau and the bay?

"any plans to settle?" perhaps it was prying. she didn't have to answer if she didn't want to.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"Aye? Ya sound like ya had something before." Norsamu took note of the 'first part of my life,' and pointed out her thoughts. The lad before her sounded like he was into something before washing around these parts, and remembering his earlier stature, perhaps it was true. While more depressin' tones weren't a huge interest, she thought to move it aside just a bit to hear some kind of tale. Worthy sacrifice, but if he didn't have anythin' interesting. Well... Shit.

"Nay," the large female shook her head, "always been travellin'. Ain't know else. Em' past mates travelled, n' I followed, it ain't fun to stay." She did have a place to call home, but it was where her family was. A cliche' saying she felt was true, as her and her old rogue mates would travel the lands together, going on adventures, finding treasure, sometimes getting a partner here and there. She had thought for a bit to settle, but it was a reckless thought, and one that drifted once it started to get cold. The bay ain't worth it if her ass freezes off, "adventure always be callin'. Treasure n rumored beauties, hidden places, who else gonna find it but I?" Norsamu said with an arrogant grin and a laugh.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
i did, govinda responded, his voice suddenly cold. he heard her out, though his mind was elsewhere, many miles away. when she had finished, he turned his gilded gaze upon her once more, watching her for a long moment before responding again. it's a good life. there are perks to wandering; there are perks to settling. a wolf probably needs a healthy mixture of both.

one would always envy the other. the committed man yearned for freedom; the free man hoped that someone would tie him down. the grass was always greener on the other side of the mountains. even if one devoted their time to both, could there ever be a truly even split?

was there ever true satisfaction in life?

sounds like you've got your life figured out, govinda added, a corner of his mouth lifting in a half-smile. now he really did envy her. once upon a time, he had been this carefree. several seasons of hardship and loss had stamped it out of him. maybe for good.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Ah shit, she did hit a sore spot. Norsamu regretted pointing it out, and wish to take it back, as a cold and serious tone hit the male before her. There was no tale to share, a disappointment toward the black and white rogue. Even after gave her this silent, awkward as hell stare for her before dropping some words of wisdom. To shake it off, she countered with her own, "well my balance, half explorin', half drinkin' rum!" And cackled, missing the alcohol beverage. Hoped with that she would then proceed to ignore the more saddened moments, as they are just a drag to speak out.

"Suppose I do," the large maned female said in confidence, puffing out her chest in an arrogant manner, "ain't no point doin' what'cha dislike, aye? Drink away and pick up the gals and lads! Gather beauties and treasure!" Norsamu gave a hardy laugh, joking on the free life she had of adventure, but not so much on the one-night stands. Sure she met a few beauties of men, but unlike some sea wolves, she didn't stay too long during those parts of travelling. What she adored though as the rum, her one true partner!
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it was refreshing to speak with someone so full of life, so happy. govinda found himself grinning along with her, his ears perking far forward as she spoke of a drink he had only heard of but had never seen--or tasted. rum? he asked, laughing. i thought that was only in the stories. you drink it, truly?

now he was intrigued. would whatever it was give him the same sort of carefree attitude? if so, he'd swig away, right now. he was willing to try anything at least once, apart from a select few things he already knew to be dangerous. (cliff diving was not on his bucket list.)
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
As someone who proudly drunk its wonders whenever she could, Norsamu was more than happy to share it splendors, "nay laddy!" she said with a widened grin, "it lives! winter be comin', enjoyin' it before it arrives!" As the recipe to create said-drink required fruit, it would be quite difficult to find some once the snow hits. Even now it proven difficulty to try and find some that werent swarming with ants, but at least she made a few batches before the time came. Though with her vigorous drinking habits, who knows if it'd even last a month.

"Ya interested?" Her widened grin shifted toward a more mischevious one as she wanted to lure the other to try, "tis' a drink by the heavens." Norsamu found it tasted even more fine once she took a sip with another- so she did not mind sharing her limited batch. Ain't fair if she hogged it all for herself, when all should know of its glory!
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it only took him a split-second to decide. he sorely missed the impulsivity of his past life. definitely, yes, he responded, mouth splitting in a bright smile. lead the way, wanderer. govinda was excited, now. his earlier melancholy had dissipated entirely, like storm clouds scattering in the sunlight.

how drunk am i going to get? he asked, once they were presumably on their way. it had to be assumed that govinda was a bit of a lightweight. he had never done this, after all.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
She was happy, and boy did it show with a charismatic smile and an energetic swing as the large lass moved her body upward, "tis a bit far, but worth the journey." It wasn't extremely far, but the landscapes would change as the two would travel toward there. She thought it was worth it, especially for the drink of splendors. Norsamu would travel to the sky and back if it meant taking one last swing toward it's nectar, "prolly' gonna go bonkers." With one last grin to flash at him, she would start to head to Stavanger Bay, with Govinda hopefully behind.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!