Stone Circle you don't have to wear your best fake smile
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The female wondered through the territory trying to clear her head and calm her nerves, she was still a little shaken up at what happened at the border. Vespera slowed herself to a stop and lowered herself to a seating position just to breath, she made long breaths as she was trying to collect her thoughts, maybe she could sleep it off. However this plan of settling down would have to wait since she heard a howl break through the air, the female's ears perked with her head craned up, she recognized this howl, it was Niaki. Vespera flared her nose, the last time she answered that call it had not been a good day for her. Vespera got on her paws and decided to ignore it initially and began turning the opposite direction, but at mid-step she paused. Vespera put her leading paw down and looked at the ground, she was in deep thought, hold on now, this could be an opportunity of redemption, my first impression wasn't that great and maybe I could make it up to Nikai. With this in mind, the female turned back around and began to walk towards the howl, but yet again, she stopped and hesitates. Hold on, if Nikai is there then that Alya will be there too since she seems to be so possessive of him, and if she is there, I am ready to give her a piece of my mind. Vespera growled to herself just thinking about that, she was going to turn back around for the third time but again she was conflicted, ugh, I might as well try, I still don't want to leave a bad impression on one of Valette's kids when she seemed so happy to see him again. The female closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, I will do this for Valette, and no one else, the female made a final decision in her mind, she reopened her eyes but gave a sour expression as she reluctantly slugged her way over to the howl. Vespera had made her way over but she didn't quite reveal herself to Nikai yet and she stayed behind a bush, scanning to see if Alya was there. No sign of her... Good, Vespera could finally put on a normal expression as she stepped out of the bush to walk up to Nikai, but she was still resisting the urge to eye down his leg. The female finally made her way over to Nikai, but she stopped about two feet from him since she was still unsure about him, she didn't say anything since she wasn't the type to greet anyone so she looked at him in the eyes, waiting for what he has to say.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
Messages In This Thread
you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - January 22, 2019, 09:24 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Vespera - January 26, 2019, 12:36 PM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - January 29, 2019, 05:20 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Vespera - February 04, 2019, 01:56 PM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - February 05, 2019, 08:46 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Vespera - February 07, 2019, 01:07 PM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - February 08, 2019, 08:19 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Vespera - February 10, 2019, 12:09 PM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - February 12, 2019, 08:45 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Vespera - February 13, 2019, 11:09 AM
RE: you don't have to wear your best fake smile - by Nikai - February 14, 2019, 10:25 AM