Blacktail Deer Plateau give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die
172 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
The call is answered quickly by the girl she remembers as Raleska, the feral-looking girl with the yellow eyes of a predator. She envies those eyes as she had when they'd met, wondering what the girl might see in her own yet finding herself afraid of the answer. Hi, She returns with a dip of her head, pausing a beat before she decides it's probably best to just get to the point. I'd like to join Rusalka again, and stay this time, if I'm welcome. She tries not to let herself question her own choice of words; she'll get in, or she won't, and she knows worrying about it won't help, no matter how much she wishes it did.
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RE: give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die - by Keen - October 28, 2019, 02:14 PM