Blackfoot Forest Flykte
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Ooc — Teo
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Like blizzard snow, she raced across the woodland in a streak of white.

The air was warm and thick with summer. Eventyr panted. The wolf’s athletic figure drew to a pause beneath the shade of a large tree. Moon silver eyes bounced from the bark of one tree to another as the woman drew in a breath and filled her senses with foreign smells. The prey was plentiful there and the fragrance of it filled the forest.

Eventyr searched the sky through the waving trees. There were clouds in the distance. A chance of rain was on the air. Perhaps this was the reason that the winds felt so heavy, and the forest seemed to droop with the heat. Anticipate the coming storm and seek food and shelter before it lands. She had her task, so Eventyr padded swiftly through the forest.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken ran along the tree line, she was better adept at blending. She saw the white wolf, a ring of deep bile rose upon her throat. A Kvitravn, blood enemy, and her chest grew tight and her skin hot. They had came here too, those traitors, the bastards that they were, but she was a healer.

How dare she think such thoughts, she was meant to be neutral, kind, take care of any no matter who they were. However, the prejudices of her youth was not easily thrown aside. She wore the racism like a second skin, even if she didn't act on it. Those chains were hard to break, but she was trying. Trying so hard, because it went against her entire being as a healer to hate anyone.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was unexpected to see one of their kind in the new land.

Eventyr stopped in her tracks, one paw lifted in preparation to run. The pale wolf had run before, in the face of much worse. Escaping one of them would not be a difficult task when her legs were long and strong, and her will was unstoppable. Her moon silver gaze darted from the dark Svartravn wolf to their surroundings. When there was one of the dark-furred, there were bound to be more. Eventyr tasted the air with a sniff that filled her lungs.

You are far from home, dark one. Their native tongue fluttered easily from her mouth. It was a test – how deep did prejudice lie with this Svartravn? Eventyr did not seem shaken. She stood like a pale, fearless ghost. Her long snout was lifted, almost proud against the dark wood of the forest.
36 Posts
Ooc — Bees
white and black.

it made him chuckle, the contrast between them. it was queer, the way they gawked at one another, aghast at the sight despite to every other creature being the same.

( do rabbits think a blackcoat's teeth rend more mercifully than its white sibling's? )

distance from the fjord couldn't hide what they were, although. he knew what to do - it was the outcome which made him curious.

he landed on a low branch, obvious in his oddity, his paleness against the dark wood. the raven made to look disinterested as he preened his feathers, attempting only once to meet his gaze with the white wolf's.

and smile.

329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
This wolf had the blessing of the gods, made clear with the ringing of the caws, and the white raven dropping to dance, and dangle, smile and wrangle. Maiken was Svartravn, but she knew that to anger even one of the gods, no matter who you followed was wrong, as was anything against any of the gods.

The whispered words of her kin dripped off the pale wolf's lips, as if she was born to it as Mai was. They were born to it, both of them. Their birthright, was it not. To be from the same branches of different trees, but still the same, did they bleed the same? Did they hurt the same? The answer was always yes. There was no difference other than the shade of their fur, and the way they worshipped. Could Mai properly condemn another? No she could not, she was a healer, a neutral party. Despite how cold her father had tried to make her such.

As are you, pale queen. The language of their people dripped off of her tongue. The same cadence, the same pronunciation. What was it again that caused such unrest? Why did they fight so?
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A pale raven appeared on the branches of the tree, preening at its feathers. Its pointed head lifted until its eyes met Eventyr. The wolf regarded the animal in reverent silence. This was a blessing. No matter the things that Eventyr had done, no matter the traditions she had cast aside, and the war she had defied. There was the pale feathered bird chattering to her in the tongue of the gods. It had smiled at her.

The other wolf’s voice roused Eventyr. There was no hostility that could be sensed in her words. The pale figure pulled her moon silver gaze from the raven to peer back to the dark one. Eventyr wondered what she was doing so far from their home. For, the white wolf had run from the consequences of her inaction, but she did not think that the same would be said for the woman who stood across from her.

Are there others? she asked the dark one. With you.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Mai watched the  pale feathered Raven as it preened and and pranced, putting on a show. Truly a god, if it could act in such a way. Tricksters, and yet familiar with them. Mai daren't speak, unsure what to do, just silence. While they were blessed with a god's presence.

Mai had simply followed all as they had left. So many of their kin and non. Just all ran from their homes. She was not sure for the sudden migration, yet. But eventually she supposed she would figure it out. She left and followed to get out from under her father's paw, and his iron words.

She nodded. Many have come here. I am as of yet unsure why. But I am alone. Forgive me I am Maiken, a healer.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The woman said that many had arrived, but that she journeyed alone. This was some relief to the pale wolf. She did not want to be faced with the Svartravn clan on her own. It was not only in the Kvitravn clan that prejudice ran so deep. Many of her people would shun her for even speaking to a dark furred wolf. Eventyr could not fully understand the importance of their practice. She believed in the gods. She was faithful. She only wished they did not have to war against one another.

When the dark wolf said that she was a healer, Eventyr understood.

I am Eventyr. Once, a hunter and fighter. Now… her voice was aloof, careless as she shifted her gaze away from Maiken. A runner. I am also on my own. For the first time since she had left her homeland, the pale figure thought of her sister. She could not help but imagine that it wouldn’t be long before Berserkir was at her heels.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken had not seen as many as of yet, but she had smelled enough. See enough tracks to know many were here, in these wilds from both clans. Both sides. Maiken herself was rather glad she hadn't run into more than just this she wolf. She wouldn't have liked to meet more, that would hate her for her pelt. Though this one seemed to have the same outlook as Maiken herself did.

There are many of your clan too, i can smell them. I endeavor to treat all the same, but prejudices run deep in our families.

Once a hunter, a warrior, now a runner. Wonder what she had done to run. But wasn't that what Maiken was in a way, a runner. Running from home, running from family, running from the lessons that they taught.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
News of the Kvitravn clan’s proximity made Eventyr worry. She would have bet anything that her sister was chasing her down. Sometimes, when the winds were calm and the night air was thick was summer warmth, she could imagine the picture of Berserkir scouring the lands for those who had not followed their clan’s orders. Eventyr could not blame her. If it had been a year ago, she might have traveled alongside Berserkir to find the defectors.

I do not wish to see my people. Not now. I ask that you do not speak my name to another. Her eyes narrowed upon Maiken with a shrewdness. They did not need to know that Eventyr was there. The pale wolf wondered if the healer would understand this anonymity – the desire to not be seen.

Is it your goal to bridge the gap? To bring both clans together.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken heard her speak and tilted her ears back. It was indeed worrying that so many -ravns were coming to these woods. What was the reason for this exodus, even she didn't know she was a bit confused and wary.

Her words carried a warning and a plea. Maiken frowned in thought, what had this she wolf done, that she did not wish to tell her family. Though Maiken wouldn't have wanted her own family to know where she was. 

I will not utter your name to any.

She did not ask and it was not her plan to ask. It was none of her business. She simply would never mention the she wolf. I do not wish to bridge the gap. I merely wish to help both sides if they will allow me. I am a healer, not a fighter.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
That mutual understanding was appreciated. Eventyr dipped her snout stiffly to the healer. Prejudice could be broken, a voice whispered in her head. The pale wolf lifted her moon silver gaze again so that it might rest on the dark-furred one. They did not have judgmental eyes upon them. Even the white raven sat upon its perch with a cheery glimmer in its eye. The peculiar smile on its pointed face seemed unnatural, even to Eventyr.

I do not know if you will be blessed in your goal. Some will hate you. Some will try to hurt you.

The Kvitravn wolves had all been raised on the culture of feuding families. Some of the Kvitravn groups were less extreme with their prejudice. Others were violent and cruel. No one could tell if Maiken would be met with welcome from the pale-furred ones. If they had abandoned their homes and had journeyed to new lands, perhaps… Eventyr could not be sure.

Won’t your clan shun you? A question she did not expect to be answered. Eventyr was still curious.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken could understand, even empathize with this wolf. She knew what it was like to not be who everyone wanted you to be, to hide in plain sight as it were. Maiken was judgmental in her heart of hearts, there was still prejudices that reared their ugly heads, but she was fighting them, trying to drown them out. She truly didn't feel that way, but she couldn't help the wheedling word of her family when they would sneak in.

I know they will, but I have been hurt before. I have fought before. I am a healer, it is my job to take care of everyone regardless of who birthed them.

Maiken knew what would await her. She would be shunned possibly, even possibly killed. But she would not allow it to deter her. She would heal all those that needed it.

Possibly, but my father already wanted my death the day I was born. So it won't be much different. I am a healer, but a warriors heart beats in my breast.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Eventyr did not know how to approach this subject with the healer. The pale wolf had left her clan behind because she had not agreed with their desire for war. She had denied the will of the Kvitravn wolves. Even knowing this, she was unable to see how this medicine woman could put aside the beliefs of her clan and seek to treat both the worshipers of Kvit and Svart. How many others were out there?

I do not seek to stop you. If it is your spirit’s purpose, you will fulfill it. That was all that needed to be said about that. Eventyr bit her tongue to keep herself from mentioning how naïve it seemed. She did not know this one well enough. All she knew was that a hundred warrior hearts could not stop the judgement of the gods.

Perhaps it will be different here. The moon silver of her eyes shifted to their surroundings.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken studied the ivory wolf in front of her. A quick retort on her tongue, a cruelty she could say, but she stayed it. It was not in the way she wanted to come off as. She had difficulty believing in her own purpose and she did not seek to worship one over the other, or revere one over teh other, no she simply wished to heal both sides.

She did not know how to voice what she wanted, or what she meant. She did not know how to point out that though she worshiped Svart, in her opinion he was the better ravn. She could not voice that, and not have it sound cruel or unjust. Just because she believed something different than someone else, it didn't mean that that wolf's own belief was worst or better than hers. No it was simply different.

We can hope it is, but these wolves here may be uncivilized and not even believe in Svart or Kvit. I have heard of hit before. Strange ones those are.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale wolf was uncertain about Maiken’s next words. The dark one said that there could be uncivilized wolves in the new land – wolves who did not have faith in Svart or Kvit. Eventyr understood well enough that there would be strangers who would not know the sacred ravens or their power. Beyond this, she could not understand what this- this dark-fur could bring to them that would compel them otherwise. She had not said as much, but her confident tone was enough for Eventyr to fill in the blanks on her own, to assume what she thought was a missionary’s journey.

And what will you do for them?

The coldness in her gaze had lost its curiosity. A creeping sense of frustration had started in her chest and was working its way to her limbs. The Kvitravn and Svartravn clans were infuriatingly arrogant. But even the pale runaway carried the very same tenacity. No amount of running could steal that from her bones.

Perhaps they are more civilized than you know… Unlikely, but Eventyr wanted to push some buttons.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken was surprised at the coldness of the tone. Though she shouldn'thave been. She tilted her head. I'd help them too. No one is better than another. They need me then i help them

Maiken was confused. She hadn't meant to twist her words or make it seem that her arrogance had no bounds. She was not arrigant, she tried not to be at least.

They probably are. I have yet to meet many. she swished her tail.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Healers were peculiar creatures. Eventyr could not comprehend the willingness to help everyone. It would only rob Maiken of her time, her effort, her care. What would she have at the end if it? A warm tingling feeling that she’d done well. That wasn’t much, when all things were considered. It wasn’t much at all. The pale figure could not help but to think that this Maiken was naive. Eventyr didn’t have the time or desire to help see her clearly. 

May the raven guide you, then. 

The moon silver of her eyes shifted. Eventyr would need to leave. She could not remain standing around to share idle chitchat. Berserkir would be there in no time at all.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken could clearly read the room, and with a wrinkled nose and a confused air, she dipped her muzzle. Thank you. May they raven guide you as well, and offer protection. You ever have need of me, look me up. I'll help you.

Maiken nibbled at her lip and spoke softly. There are plants that will mimic death, should you ever need to use them. I have a few, very few, but I offer them to you if you need. It is dangerous so I do not offer this lightly.

She didn't have many. One of the few plants she had seen and recognized in her travels. There were others, probably she could find. That you could eat and sleep so deeply that you barely breathed. But it was dangerous.
36 Posts
Ooc — Bees
at some point, the raven had ceased attempts to appear disinterested, and openly stared at the pair, up until the white one - eventyr - moved to leave.

a bit of a disappointment, that this encounter didn't end in bloodshed.

the runner was a loner, shunned and tracked. more careful and quick. less likely to get in trouble.

a bore.

he cast a glance at the black - maiken, that one - and evaluated her instead.

a healer, an idealist, convinced of the sanctity of her profession. that could be intriguing.

but the stalking of his kvit self could cause needless problems.

he had a long moment of indecision, letting each head her way, then rose with flap of white wings.

it would take effort, yes, but it could be doable.

the raven circled long in the sky, watching where one wolf went while conscious of the other, and flew after the white one.
24 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale runaway did not know how she would accept the healer’s offer, or if there would ever arise an opportunity to take her words and put them into action. Eventyr was surprised and appalled that she had shared such an easy conversation with one of them. So far from her homeland, she imagined that her faith was strained and tested. The pale raven’s wings turned her ears, but her moon silver eyes shone on Maiken for a moment longer.

I will not forget you, or your words, dark healer. One day we may meet again.

There would be time to determine friend and foe later.

Eventyr bowed her head curtly and turned from their conversing point. Her long legs set off at a trot. The pale bird could follow if it wished. She would believe that it was a sign from Kvit – a sign that she was doing the right thing.