Firefly Ravine Amphibian Fiesta
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven

Andr laid down alongside the base of the river and stretched out. Turning onto his back the rougher ground littered with various pebbles and rocks acted as a great back-stretching surface. Turing over again onto his belly he crossed his front paws and rested his head on them. His eyes followed the lively activity of the insects and amphibians lingering at the water's edge this evening just before dusk.

He watched as frogs jumped into the water, kicked below the surface, and emerged several lengths further down. How they sat in the water and croaked causing ripples to appear. But most common were all of them jumping from rock to rock and launching their tongues up into the air hoping to stick to a wandering insect. It seemed as though no matter how many there were or how many were eaten they keep on eating and the insects kept on coming.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney had been travelling for a few days. Her paws ached from constant movement and she longed to take a break to eat something. Sydney spotted a few mice and slowly sneaked up to them...waiting...waiting...POUNCE! Success! The rodent was small though, and did little to content her. Another attempt...and failure. Attempt after attempt...but she could not catch more than three. Tired and frustrated she meandered over to the river. There were many fireflies and frogs jumping around and trying to catch something. The frogs are more lucky than me when it comes to hunting! Sydney noticed a brown wolf on the other side of the river. She let out a howl to inform him of her presence.   @Andr
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He lifted his head and turned to look at the source of the soft howl. It was a white and silver-coated female. A bit on the thinner side of her thought at first. He got up, turned to face her, and dipped his head down. "Good evening Miss" he greeted before lifting his head once again. He was sure to use his manners.

One Week Nudge @Sydney :)
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sorry, I have been a bit busy irl.
Sydney was having quite a hard time keeping her tail at a polite position. Don't growl. Don't growl. DON'T GROWL! But...the wolf seemed friendly enough to her. He was actually quite well mannered, unlike many wolves that prowled these woods. Sydney frowned as the remembered the young wolf that had the audacity to chase her, but she was trespassing in his territory after all. That was quite a few days ago, a quarter moon to be exact. She still felt the attraction to the coast as before, as Sydney had only come so far in search of food. Even after eating those mice, her stomach rumbled with discontent. Realising that she had started staring off into space, she quickly straightened up. Umm...hi?

174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Good :)
She said very little and Andr saw the makings of a frown appear on her face. Her eyes wandered and did not meet his own for a handful of moments before she said Hi. His ears twitched as he thought he heard a faint rumbling from her.

"Were you hoping for a more private evening Miss? I'm sorry if I'm intruding" He thought that perhaps her frown was because of him. Although he couldn't think of many reasons why given the short interaction they had thus far.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney quickly sat down, trying not to offend the other wolf. She quickly tried to recall what the wolf at the Ankyra Sound had told her. Umm...MANNERS! ...yes! Avert eyes when speaking! Swiftly, Sydney averted her gaze and let her tail assume a more relaxed posture. No...its alright. I am just a bit hungry, I have not eaten much for a few days. It would be good to mention that in case this wolf had any tips on where to find food. 

174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
No need to tag unless you want to nudge me. Most people get notifications based on their subscription preferences :)

Hungry! It was a word Andr disliked hearing coming from the mouth of a female. The others in his pack had teased him for it, knowing of its triggering nature for him. In his mind, it was something he could easily prevent, and to hear it meant he was not meeting his requirements as a man. Although, now that he was meeting new individuals, with which he had no previous influence, a lack of personal responsibility was likely warranted.

"In that case would you mind a helping hand? I'm sure we could find something to eat, perhaps some fish given our surroundings" he suggested.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Umm it has been a really, really long time. Sorry, been busy over the holidays @Andr

Sydney's ears pricked up. So this wolf wanted to help her, not chase her out of the ravine. Fishing? That wasn't something she was really good at, but it was worth a try. She wagged her tail slightly, Sure! Except...I am not really an expert at fishing. Fishing was a skill that many older wolves in her birth pack had mastered, but Sydney had not stayed long enough to learn.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All good. I've been swamped with work since Dec. Just hoping things get more relaxed and I get more free time moving into Feb.

Her response was quick and positive making Andr feel good for offering. Although she voiced some initial hesitations. "I wouldn't mind offering a demonstration or lesson if you are interested in learning. Otherwise, I'm more than willing to provide you with a meal even if you choose not to participate" he mentioned.

Fishing wasn't too difficult. It took patience and precision than a large amount of strength or force. Assuming she had a bit of patience he could grab one on his own, but he wouldn't be surprised if taking an active role made the time go faster for her.
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
When the wolf offered a demonstration, Sydney leapt at the opportunity. Not all wolves were this kind and she ought to learn how to survive without a pack. I would love to learn, my pack was far north from here, on the coast. Fishing was one of our specialties, but I did not stay long enough to learn. Sydney felt a pang of regret, it had been a hard choice to leave, and even though she wanted to claim some of her own territory and raise her own family, she could not say she didn't miss her packmates.
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
At times fish could be an acquired taste, although Andr had no negative associations with the fishy scent of the scales creatures. He was happy to hear her background as it meant she would likely not be disgusted. 

"Lucky it's not too complicated. That's not to say it's easy though. A good bit of practice is warranted sometimes. So don't feel down if you don't get one on your first try" he began.

He turned away from her and walked into the water. Some of the nearby frogs jumped off their resting spots. "You'll want to look for a spot with medium depth. Deep enough for the fish to swim through, but not so deep that it's hard to reach them. Streams are ideal as they are... well streamlined giving fish few escape opportunities. But we'll work with what we have" he waited for her to find a nearby spot before continuing.

"Patience is key. It's primarily a waiting game. Standing still and becoming just another rock or branch. Then when one you like come along within reach, you plunge your head down and take a bit" he concluded.

He looked over at the pupil to see if she might have any initial questions
29 Posts
Ooc — Meridian
Sydney listened carefully to the wolf's words. Upon being prompted, she found an ideal fishing spot.  Patience was not her specialty, but any way to sustain herself would be crucial skill to master. Sydney stayed still careful not to move a muscle, until a  small, grey fish came into view. Immediately, she plunged her snout into the river snapping at the fish. Sydney swallowed large amounts of water with each snap, she recoiled and spluttered. The fish had long vanished into the depths. Time to try again?
174 Posts
Ooc — Raven
I'm good to fade after this :)

She did as instructed and made an attempt at a small grey fish. Her attack was powerful, but incorrectly calculated as she caught a mouthful of water. Her response was negative as she coughed and fumbled. 

"It probably doesn't feel like it, but you had a great first attempt. Fishing doesn't have a 100% success rate, even with experienced fishers. It can take some time to understand that what you see in the water might be just slightly in a different direction than it actually is." he said trying to keep her spirits high.

"Another tip for you if I may... gulping or swallowing, even if you have a fish in your mouth isn't ideal. It'll lead to you swallowing slimy fish water which can clog the throat. It should feel like a downward catch, bite, and hold on tight" he offered looking to her again for understanding or questioning.

He waited for the water to settle and kept his previous positioning. A medium fish ahead caught his eye and he leaned in its direction, as it wasn't coming for him head-on. His mind and thoughts slowed as he shut out all but the sight of the fish, the sound of the water, and his own heartbeat. Then he plunged his head into the water and got hold of the fish by the tail. It flopped around and batted him in the face. Andr quickly shuffled to shore before it slipped from his grasp. Then planted a paw on the side of the fish and dug his claws into it before reaching down and biting on the head of the fish until it ceased moving.

"See. Not often a graceful spot, but rewarding none the less. Here you go." he said taking a step away from the fish and offering all of it to her.