Blackfoot Forest ≡Shadow Dancing
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Limit Two 

A few more days of travel had landed him in a rather precarious situation. Night had fallen in a place that was, to say the least, discomforting. He didn't recall this area of The Wilds and he could only imagine his presence would be scarce going forward. While Collision remained unafraid through the night it was easy to make the claim he was uncomfortable.

Now, however, dawn had come. Welcomed as an old friend. The dirge of the night fading into a distant memory and the more familiar sounds of quietly moving animals, trees sifting in the wind, and even his paws as they tread the forest floor.

Physically, he still wasn't in peak condition. Scraps here and there, a wild hare to sustain him days ago, and fortunately enough water along the path to keep his wheels turning. Eventually, he would find somewhere to settle. A place that wasn't familiar and yet one that didn't seem too foreign. Perhaps he was asking too much.

Collision found comfort against the roots of a large tree. His body yearned for rest and though he wasn't intending to spend another night within the belly of the beast....If he just spent a few hours letting his body unwind it was reasonable to argue that he could proceed from this place for a few days more.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the whines and wails had soon turned to quiet sobs.

the pain was there, but now a dull, throbbing ache. 

he hadn't moved from his place against the blanket that was the earth, except to curl into a tight ball. one he could wallow in and not have to look at a single thing around him.

did he look like a pitiful child? maybe. but in this moment... what else was he? 

and honestly, who could blame him?
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The tumultuous cries of the night had drowned out a new sound that came to light. The lamentations of another soul echoing through the forest halls. It wasn't his business. 

Though, as the sorrowing did not draw to an end, Collision rose again with a huff and slowly took off in the direction of the young man. 

And much to his surprise the cries were coming from what he would call a child. Though older he still had the familiar silhouette of one that had not yet maturity. Collision was no threat, but the other would likely not know this.

With slowed movements he drew near and when he had arrived, only in distance enough to be heard and test the waters, he found himself sitting. A non-threatening position. Ears tilted back in questioning, and he observed that the boy was not well. These were cries of pain, but he had a feeling it ran deeper than the skin. 

"You, uh, you seem upset?" Social cues weren't exactly his area of expertise and while he found himself a bit dumbstruck at his chosen words there was no reigning them back and he chose to simply wait.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the voice was a surprise, but he didn't startle. 

yeah, no shit... he sniffled, then huffed, hardly lifting his head enough to take in the sight of the stranger. 

but what did it matter who this was. they'd just leave as quickly as they'd come.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The boy hardly moved. As though he was indifferent to the fate that could have come. His words were fair given the circumstance as well as the rather inconsiderate prattle Collision had offered.

A sigh to collect his thoughts and his eyes grew concerned. Someone had harmed this child and it didn't sit well with him. Memories of past failures twirled around his head. Even attempting to fix this wouldn't rectify what had become ancient history.

"Can I help?" He prayed he wouldn't be expected to do any kind of medic work. The task would be lost, and Collision was far from being able to comprehend the herbs and trees that were fawned over as simply magical.

He lowered his head in honest concern, "I'm in no rush; I'll sit here all day if I must,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay



unless this man could somehow undo the past, there wasn't a thing he could do to "help". (there was; he just wouldn't admit it.)

just go, he rumbled, shifting on the ground. I don't need your pity.

then, in a sudden movement, he was on his feet. 

it was a fit of rage he'd been caught in, head whipping to face them. I don't need anyone's pity. or help! he spat, curling his lip, even as it trembled.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
There were a number of situations that Collision likely could have avoided in life had he minded his business or had he simply spoken properly and asked the right questions.

Ears fell flat against his head as the boy roared to life. Collision remained seated. Truthfully, he wasn't worried about any harm. While he was far from at his strongest the lad wasn't in the condition to duel and, truth be told, this was presenting as nothing more than a teen having a tantrum.

"No one has pity--least of all me," Collision shrugged his shoulders and spoke what it had taken him all too long to realize, "Something bad happened, and that's unfortunate, but you're responsible for the clean-up. You're also responsible for asking for help when you need it," Maybe the emotionally daunting task of being responsible for your trauma wasn't a lesson the boy was prepared for, but it remained a testament that should be adhered to.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
ash saw a hidden truth in the man's words. and yet, a part of him still had no care to heed them.

sure, old man. he scoffed, tail uselessly swinging behind him in slow motions. 

and who should I ask for help from? a complete stranger? I couldn't even get it from my own family! 

his head hung at that. his own words were a punch to the gut. what did that say about him?
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
His words were the preachings of an old man, and it wasn't all bad. Years had brough widsom. Wisdom he was free to share and also wisdom to know he was not yet wise. Surprisingly, a small smile sprouted across his lips. A mild shake of the head and Collision felt all the weight of his words.

He deeply recalled how many times he watched family fail one another. His heart did ache for the boy, but there was something else he had learned, "Family is blood. However, blood does not equate to family. You may find yourself surprised to trust a stranger,"

Collision rose to his feet, "I offered you help--you've resisted. Either continue in your self-destruction or come here and let me see the wounds," Divulging the history of his family was on him. The warrior wasn't going to be able to fix the strife of his heart, but he could at least make sure he got cleaned up.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he'd once trusted that his sister might be delighted to see her brother. but that didn't turn out the way he thought. so maybe the man was right. or maybe he wasn't. hell if he knew what to believe. 

but they could touch all that later, maybe. 

though reluctant, he gave himself a kick in the butt and trudged forward to stand in front of the man. 

it's not that bad... he lied, still feeling the burn of the puncture wounds, torn lip and ear, and whatever else was there that he could feel but not see.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
the internal struggle the boy was going through was evident. probably more so if he wasn't tattered and torn. collision remained in place as the younger one approached him and the closer he became the more preposterous the damage presented. matted fur, dried blood, inflamed wounds, and to top it off the knowledge of the damage beneath.

"and it's not that great," collision shook his head and turned his body, "don't expect me to make the pain go away. i'm no healer, but we can at least get you cleaned up and make sure you're not so vulnerable,"

a lone wolf was an easy target. a wounded lone wolf was an invitation for kill and the smell of blood would eventually call those with more malevolent nature. with a throw of his head, he began to walk so that, together, they could find a water source.

he realized, in his attempt to extend a hand to a stranger, they had remained hardly acquainted, "you can call me Collision,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he'd wanted to make him less of a target. but hadn't he always been one anyway? 

I've managed fine this far.. he grumbles in protest.

yet still, he follows. 

just call me ash, I guess. hearing his full name might have been too much, so he wouldn't even try.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
they wouldn't have to carry on too long before small streams could be heard in the distance. ash would be cleaned up before too long and have a watchful eye over him. collision felt deeply for the boy. without the details all that needed to be known was that he had been betrayed. that was all that mattered.

  fortune favors the brave wasn't exactly something that seemed to work in ash's favor. fine? hardly. "you and I have two varying perceptions of fine," collision gestured to the worn flesh along his neck and guided him on.

"alright then, ash, should i be concerned whoever dealt the new decor is near?" maybe instead of referring to his new scars as though they were to be admired would backfire, though, perhaps it would shed new light to see them. they build character; one might say.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the boy only shrugged at this. 

yeah... well, isn't it only my perception that matters anyway? why should he care that someone else saw something different. 

the older wolf worried for a repeat, if not harm to himself. ash snorted at this, dipping a foot into the water to test the temperature. don't worry, old man. we won't be seeing them anytime soon.

his sister had expressed quite clearly how little she wanted to see of him again.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
he was so young. it shone through with most of what he spoke. collision chuckled a bit and shrugged his shoulders, "when you consider another's perception you can learn to admit you might not always be right," he looked at him rather matter-of-factly and sat on the banks of the water.

surely ash could bath himself and rinse the residue away.

collision listened to his words. they might have come off as indifferent, but he found it doubtful if he cared so little he would have been so distraught.

"alright then. where to from this place? not that you can't handle your own...but maybe until you're healed you shouldn't have to?"

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he huffed. I never said I was always right. 

a deflection, simply. he would have hated to admit that the old man was right. 

another shrug for another question. not really any place to go. I've only lived in one area... where I was born. but I don't remember much of it. everywhere else is new to me.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
he offered a kind smile and nodded his head. he hoped he either took it to heart or understood, in his grieving what collision meant. ash seemed like he was probably a good kid. a good kid that had been dealt a hard hand. he didn't understand why bad had to exist--but could good remain without it?

a philosophical question that was dismissed. collision didn't necessarily feel apt to accompany ash. it was likely that he wouldn't want the long-term commitment of real company, but the idea of him alone didn't bode well.

"i've been alone for a long-time too," if he didn't even try to open up why would he expect ash to do so? a bargaining attempt to try and ease the male, "i'm not trying to overstep my bounds, but i'll at least be in the general area awhile. if you need help..." collision gestured and shrugged his own shoulders. if he needed aid then collision would come at a call. clearly, he didn't have anything worthwhile going on and maybe this would give him some sense of purpose. likewise, whether the young one admitted it or not, it would give him a sense of calm knowing someone out there at least gave a bit of a damn.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
37 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he was promising to be near. but did that mean ash had to stay?

like hell he was going to stay.

thanks... but, I think I've had enough help. there came the stubborn side again.

he'd been alone this far. so what would be so bad about doing it again?

with an awkward nod to the older man, he turned and hobbled off through the trees.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision watched as Ash dismissed his help and with a sigh and a shake of his head he nodded in understanding, "Good-luck," His eyes followed him until he disappeared. He hoped that if he ever needed help it was there for him. He hoped somehow the world would be kinder to him and that maybe Collision would cross paths with him again. 

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.