Wapun Meadow golden blade
Bearclaw Valley
526 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
rain fell in grey billows, and it soaked ancelin from tip to tail in aggravating coldness.
he was a summer's boy; he did not look forward to the ice and the rain and the snow. what he enjoyed considering, however, was the springmelt, the thawing. the — dancing. yes.
his grin was diabolical as he went to ground, marking up wapun for no reason except he wanted to do something like that today.
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Let me know if I interpreted it as the wrong type of territorial marking behaviour! lmao

He roamed from the Stone Circle even as the dark clouds moved in and the prey animals took shelter from the oncoming rain. Not that the plains offered much in the way of protection, he thought bitterly, thinking back to his many hiding places back at the Plateau. A long-lasting homesickness had taken root within the boy; and the dour weather was an apt reflection of his current mood as he trudged through the meadow, tearing up flowers as he did so.

He only gave pause when he picked up the similar sound of claws digging through dirt over the din of the rain, looking up to see a man nearby. His patchwork coat broke up his silhouette, white furs blending into the hazy background; Arrax had not noticed him until he was close enough to see what he was doing.

He blinked, confused. Was he also mad at the world? The devilish grin the stranger wore suggested maybe not.
Bearclaw Valley
526 Posts
Ooc — ebony
u got it right! ty for joining :D

a boy. a kid. was he close to the girls' age? ancelin didn't know. through the rain only he had seen the figure, alert with the recent fight he and ameline had forced at the borders. nose compromised.
it put him more on edge, and he snorted, wheeling to face the other with indigo eyes narrowed. 
yet he did not advance, nor challenge; ancelin reached out and shredded the nearby grass with one claw, his movements deliberately slow as he smirked at the newcomer.
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
The other quickly took notice of Arrax and whirled on the spot, catching him in a deep, dark purple gaze. The Cairn snorted in turn, watching as the man slowly moved to rake his claws through the sodden earth again, only this time it seemed far more deliberate. His own eyes narrowed.

While Arrax did not much care for Kvarsheim, his family was there all the same, and a fierce protective streak ran through him just as it did his father. "You are very close to our lands," he said bluntly, bristling at the stranger's taunt.
Bearclaw Valley
526 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"maybe you're too close to mine," ancelin quipped back. arrogant little thorn, wasn't he? "last i checked the meadow was open, and it leads right into my valley."
there was little to be gained by goading the boy, and yet ancelin had yet to really consider the future before he took all of his actions. and so the indigo eyes continued their simmering.
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
His retort had Arrax shift slightly, confidence faltering. Despite his brazen attitude towards the stranger, it was his first confrontation without the backup of an adult, and his nerves threatened to get the best of him despite a stony facade.

He hadn't been informed of Bearclaw Valley and the wolves who intended to reclaim it, so the news the man told that it led to his valley was surprising. Why claim a land so close to another? Another mark against Kvarsheim and its inexperienced leaders.

"If it's open, then what were you doing?" he stated, looking pointedly at the ground the other had been clawing just moments before.