Bearclaw Valley -- i've dreamt this moment, so overdue
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
All Welcome 

it was a quiet morning.  the first tongues of daylight had broached the horizon and were working through the ice-encrusted valley.  it glistened against the frozen river and rocks, the tiny needles of the coniferous sentinels, and the tips of the dark girl's guard hairs.

she sat sphynxlike atop one of the boulders that helped shape the sun-dappled valley, close to the edge of the border. her eyes were heavy-lidded, still half asleep and her consciousness weaved in and out.

if her eyes focused on anything at all it was how when the wind kicked up, single flakes would waft through the air, catching the sunlight.

as far as days went, she hoped this would be a good one as she closed her eyes against a particularly chilly gust of wind.

735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel trailed about the area, until he came to a valley. He stopped here, as soon as he scented a border. He dare not cross it, but then he thought to himself. He did need a home...then again, the last pack that took him in had turned him out, and this pack was too close to Easthollow, in case Grayday came by towards Easthollow. He could not risk that.

Then he spotted something. A wolf atop a boulder. Maybe they would know more about the area, another pack further off. So he called to them from his side of the border. "Uh...hey! Hey, can I ask you a question?!"
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The morning brought with it a stiffness to his wounds that he gladly would have avoided, had he a choice. Each movement tugged and pulled at the taut skin, creating a feeling that was more uncomfortable that it was painful. At some point during the night, he must have rubbed the torn flesh of his neck the wrong way, causing it to bleed all over again and then create new scabs—scabs that formed whilst he was asleep, when his body was more bunched together. So every movement upon waking was just the same as stretching the wound itself, filling his day so far with an endless stinging sensation.

However much it bothered him to do so, Alexander pressed forward, ignoring the complaints that his body made against him. He had things to do and he couldn’t just lounge around, even if he had been in a fight just the other day; it didn’t matter, the valley required his attention. Honestly, the thought of taking the day off and just resting was beyond appealing but, by the time he’d started to seriously consider that as an option, he was already at the entrance. Being there reminded him that he needed to check things out and make sure all was safe, to keep intruders from coming in and harming his pack mates. The instinctual desire to protect what was his pushed him up towards the mouth of the valley, weaving between the boulders that littered the path—and rubbing himself against every other one—until he was nearing the end.

He saw his friend—during the night, as he’d laid awake evaluating the events of their fight, he’d decided that he could trust her enough to refer to her as such—first, at whom he chuffed. Just a moment after and he’d heard the sound of another male’s voice, bringing his ears to perk with attentiveness and interest as he gazed around the boulder he was situated behind. Whether or not he was visible to the outsider, he wasn’t sure, but Xan could see him: small in comparison to the brutish northerner, adorned with varying shades of browns and reds. For now, he remained where he was, watching with silent curiosity as he wondered how the girl might react to a stranger so close to their claim.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

her eyes snap open at the heavy crunch of footfalls, and her head swings to catch the gaze of her packmate — her tentative friend, though she didn't know the word or really understand the concept.  she still feared that he'd taken her for something she had yet to understand and once he was done with her she'd be cast out, on her own again.

but his decision to have her wounds tended to and their fight and travels together had strengthened her still-cautious trust in him.

immediately after alexander had caught her attention another approached, loudly, calling out to her with those garbled noises that everyone else could understand.  her eyes turned to slits and she bounded down from her perch, quickly closing the distance between them as her hackles raised.  she shoved her nose into his pelt, running along his body so long as he would take it, intrusively gathering as much information as she could.

he was beautiful, small, around her size.  he bore the scents of many women and a few men, packsmell too.  but she didn't know what he wanted.  she circled back around the red stranger and briefly, discreetly, met xan's gaze.  what do i do?

she turned back to the stranger (still unnecessarily close in proximity), staring him down as her hackles lowered back into place.  her tail arched over her back, ears pressed forward as she let out an assertive woof.

735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel did not see both, only the one on the rock. Engel immediately started to back up as the wolf got up, then within seconds was upon him, hackles raised. "Oh....hi" he said quietly as she began to circle around him, her nose in his fur as she did. He wasn't sure whether he should feel uncomfortable or honored that a female dared to come this close without even a single word mentioned. "Quite uh...quite close...not that I mind" he muttered. 

He kept his eyes on her, not looking over to the other wolf he could not see. She was still quite close, and he was quite unsure as to what he was to do with such close proximination, then out of nowhere, he put on the most charming smile he could...It wasn't so charming, but he tried.
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Alexander was silent, observant, and rather interested to see how the situation would be handled. She had been quick to attack strangers before, when they were under attack, but this was different. The male was presumably friendly, an attempt to draw blood having yet to be made. If not for the look he was given, he likely would have kept back from intruding on the encounter for a little while longer. Just moments after he’d read her, seeing the question and confusion in her gaze, Xan rounded the boulder he was lingering behind, revealing himself to the stranger with his tail arched over his back and ears pressed forward. And whilst he was quick to understand his words, the albino knew that his friend would never catch on or be able to respond back—which meant he would have to.

“She doesn’t understand you,” he stated, briefly glancing towards Reigi. “What do you want?” He kept a few steps worth of distance between them—it was enough to keep the northerner from standing atop him, but close enough that he could lunge forward, should he try anything.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

the wind shifts and blows something else her way.  there is something about his smell — thick, woven with countless others, and tinged with sharp and salt — paired with his grin that unsettles her, and a fear coils through her so thick it can be smelled.  it reminded her of the man in the valley who she'd so unabashedly flirted with before he rendered her prone.  but this man who had so far been nice is not the man in the meadow, so she does her best to smash it down.

outward, she remains stoic, guarded.  she was still closer to him than alexander even after bearclaw's alpha pushed forward, and she was still being rather intrusive[i] [/i]with her space and nose.  she blocked out the vocalizations between the two, oblivious to their meaning, and then removed her nose from the redhead once more.

fine.  he was no threat thus far, and could stand here and speak to her friend.  unless and perhaps even if she was spoken to directly, she didn't care what they had to say.

735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel moved his head up, but dared not move. Just in case any movement provoked her. "Ah, that makes some sense..." he said back to the male, looking at the intrusive female. "I was wondering where abouts I am...I seem to be a bit lost" he answered. He tried not to look awkward, as he half was, half wasn't.
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Every now and again his gaze trailed off towards Reigi, maintaining a connection with her, should he need to convey any messages; his glances were short, fleeting, never lingering any longer than a handful of seconds. To lose his focus for too long and risk an unseen attack would not happen; given the size difference, and the fact that the stranger was outnumbered, Alexander doubted he’d be so stupid as to attack, but one could never be too cautious. “You’re on the borders of Bearclaw Valley,” he said, then added, “How can a wolf be lost?” He had a nose, did he not? It seemed far easier, and less risky, to just follow one’s own scent back to wherever, rather than approaching those they did not know.

Now curious, he took a few steps towards the male, letting out a low warning growl as he did so—don’t move. Whatever distance remained between them was lost as he closed in, sniffing and picking through the scents that adorned his coat; there weren’t any that stood out to him, just a collection of various smells that seemed far too many for a lone wolf. “Where are you from?” he asked, pulling his head back. He remained where he stood, keeping to Engel’s front whilst his pack mate covered his back.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
So that's what this place was called. Bearclaw Valley. "I smelled the borders...just didn't know where abouts I was. Old nose tends to forget" he said, lifint a paw to tap his nose. He put it down just as the male began to approach, and he tried not to tense up. Now both were quite close, and Engel could not push back the weird feeling.

"Uh...around" he said. "Got no pack...not anymore." He didn't mention however how he was looking for another. 

Reigi skipped with permission
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Old nose tends to forget.

The statement made his gaze narrow, though not at Engel specifically. He doubted it, given that his father was rather old and could still smell just fine. No matter, he didn’t outright declare him a liar, choosing instead to move on from the comment.

Despite the collection of scents on his body, he was a loner. The albino’s brow furrowed in confusion, then straightened out a second later as he considered an explanation for it. “You smell like you get around a lot,” he said bluntly, his tone suggesting that, that was a bad thing. “What happened to your pack?” He was suspicious, his nose telling him one thing whilst the man said another. He defaulted to trusting himself, of course, bringing up a series of questions that would either prove him right or make him look stupid.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

feel free to skip me unless something big happens (chase, visible displays of aggression) or she's asked something directly

there is something about the stranger that she cannot decide if she likes or not.  the two continue to talk to each other, but until xan and the loner are done discussing whatever, she cannot interrogate him further.

whatever is happening, alexander does not seem pleased; the growl first and then the sudden approach, the bitter tone.

she bristles once more, unsteady vocalizations rising.

735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel gulped, hearing the tone the other male had. "W-Well, yes...I have been around..." He didn't continue off from that, not even sure how he could continue that. 

"The alpha...didn't like me around during breeding season...didn't trust me." He didn't fully understand why, thinking it was only how he had acted around Grayday. "Not looking for a pack, I should add" which he did add, not wanting to put off the wrong impression. "Just a...lonely wanderer."
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Once a member of a pack, but cast out due to the season. It was a believable story, and believe he did. It made sense, as well as made him more cautious. If his past leader could not trust him to remain whilst women went into heat, then there was likely a reason for that—but Xan did not ask because he did not care for an answer. The simple fact that there was a reason, whatever it may be, was enough to keep him from pushing the subject any further. He did, however, feel a sudden protectiveness for Reigi—he considered calling her over, motioning for her to stay behind him, but ultimately left her to stay where she was. Perhaps it was safer she remains there, anyways.

“I wasn’t offering,” he shot back. “Stay a lonely traveller—I don’t care.” Why would he want some other pack’s throwaway? Especially one that he assumed must have done something to warrant being cast aside.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
"Okayyyy" he said slowly. He looked between the two wolves near him, weighing his options on how he could continue about this. He didn't want to move away just yet, not with both of them so close. "Well, I am still quite lost...would you happen to know which way is north?" If he knew north, he could know the other directions. 

"I forgot to ask, as a gentleman should, to say my name. It's Engel" he said, surprised that for once he had not said his name,
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
As directions were requested, he swung his muzzle to the side so that it was facing northward. “That way,” he said, wondering to himself how he could have gotten that lost. Not that it really mattered, he likely wouldn’t be seeing the man again after today. “If you’re heading that way, I’d suggest not going directly north,” he added, turning back to face him. “My sister’s pack is just over there—wouldn’t want to run into yet another pack if you don’t plan on joining any.” More so, he didn’t want the man getting too close, for worry that either of his sisters might have gone into heat; he wasn’t there to fight off any unwelcome suitors, so he did what he could from afar.

The male—now known as Engel—continued to speak, covering the introductions; really, he wouldn’t have minded in the slightest if they’d gone on forgotten. “Xan,” he returned with anyways.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel turned his head to that way. "I will be sure to go around" he said, not knowing he had in fact been there once already, and stayed there for a bit. "Um...what's her name?" he asked, tilting his head in the female's direction. He had not heard of a name like Xan, and it was quite an interesting name. Though he could think of no rhymes.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
can, ban, pan, tan, ran, fan, van, mAN C’MON ENGEL STEP UP UR RHYMING GAME (p.s. paging miss @Reigi)

Then man’s attention turned to Reigi, making the albino’s muscles tense with anticipation. Luckily for Engel, there were no apparent malicious intents behind his gesture, just a simple question—one that he’d wondered himself once or twice, but knew acquiring an answer to was virtually impossible. “She doesn’t have one,” he decided to answer, figuring it was easier than explaining that she couldn’t understand him, either. He took the opportunity then to call her back over, swinging his muzzle as he gestured for her to come to his side.

It wasn’t for Engel’s comfort, not in the slightest, but for his own. He didn’t want her to be so far away anymore, having it in his mind now that they were safer—and more dangerous—as a pair.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she had been busy paying attention to the birds chirping in the trees and the soft falling of snow but then the conversation turned back to her, something she could tell not by their words but their gesturing.

she shifted uncomfortably until xan called her to his side and she pressed into him, small dark form melting beneath his pale pelage as she continued to watch the stranger with baleful eyes.

why had he called her back?  what did this stranger want from her?  what did he want from her?

735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel shifted as the female was called back, nad then sighed with relief. "She's quite...touchy, isn't she?" He couldn't think of the right word, and hoped Xan knew what he meant. "I mean...I haven't really had anyone get that close...I should get going now, but thank you for the directions." 
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The girl complied with his wishes and was soon at his side, their coats intermingling with one another. Normally, he’d pull away, often irritated by his personal space being invaded, but this time he kept still. She was his friend, after all, and friends let one another get close—usually, anyways. Really, the only friendship he had to base his knowledge off of was the one with Kendra, and he’d often sought to be close to her. So, doing what he knew how, he pressed his muzzle to her neck and ran his nose through her fur, sniffing and assessing her, despite knowing that nothing had happened; it was a habit now, making sure she remained well in the days following their fight.

His attention was drawn back to Engel, at whom he stared for a good, long second before dismissing. “Yeah, sure,” he muttered, intentionally ignoring the comment about Reigi; it had surprised him, too, but he didn’t think it was a bad trait. “Remember what I said about the pack north of here—stay away from them.”
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel started to back away from the two, who in Engel's eyes were obviously a pair. At least that's what he thought upon seeing them. "All right then...I wish you both well."

He nodded to Xan as he went back, "I won't go back on my promise. I'll steer clear of that place, as you have requested." For Engel was the most honest of gentleman.
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Alexander remained where he was as the male took his leave, not saying a word in return. He put little trust in promises and immediately decided that he would soon make a trip to Easthollow to ensure that they’d received no small, red visitors. But for now, he simply watched, making sure that the man was far from his valley before looking down towards the friend at his side. He moved away from her and stopped, pointing his nose towards her previous perch and then walked over to it. He settled down on the ground beside it, leaving her to either join him or return to the top. There he would stay until she was ready to go back into the valley, keeping watch over the land that surrounded their home.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”