Stone Circle storms of violet eroded the shores
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
slight pp of arrax going with rusalka. lmk if you want me to change this and i'll happily do so! <3

come, @Arrax. there is a pack nearby, perhaps it is the one we seek.

they had travelled far. further than rusalka had initially intended; and not with the intention of making nice with yellowstone, as also originally intended. word had reached him of a pack similar to ravensthorpe and his course had been decided. if there was a place to relocate his family to, it was one that held similar beliefs as his wife's and children's.

if not, they would keep looking.

rusalka could only hope they could find a place before the first snowfall.

with these thoughts heavy upon his mind, the cairn patriarch leaves a respectful berth between their borders and himself. he tilts his head back and calls for the leadership. ( @Sven, @Kristjan, @Ujurak )
83 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
short mobile post, wanted to get things rolling. Tag for reference.

A stranger's voice one again sounds through the meadow air. The stone prince lifts his head from the hole he just began to excavate. A new cache in the making. Brushing the loose soil from his paws make himself presentable, Ujurak made his way to the borders.

How many new faces at the edge of their claim had he seen within the past few months? His mind briefly traveled to @Eivor. The ambassador woman now staying with them, if only temporarily.

Today a hulking man stood before him, a youth in tow. Ujurak approached them, curious of their intent. Did they have an offer to make to Kvarsheim, like so many before them?

Hallo, you stand at the borders of Kvarsheim. My name is Ujurak. What is your purpose here?
Humble not Meek
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven followed the sound of wolves speaking. He dipped to the side of his brother in silent support. Eyes softening on the other young male across the border.

I'm Sven. Please continue

As if I'm not here went unsaid. But he was sure they knew what he meant.
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Totally cool with me! <3

At Rusalka's prompting, Arrax picked up the pace, following dutifully.

He had been quiet during the last leg of their trip, his mind torn between the excitement of a new place to call home, versus leaving everything he knew behind. It was clear Raventhorpe's numbers were dwindling, but the gravity of the situation – especially heading into winter – was lost on the boy, even after his father's explanation. Why did they have to move? Could they not talk to this pack and tell them to come join their family at the Plateau?

The young Cairn stood silent and watchful beside his father as he sent up a call for leadership. He eyed the surrounding fields, already disliking the open and exposed nature of the land. Uncharacteristically, Arrax moved ever so slightly to stand behind Rusalka as two strangers answered the summons.

Two men clad in slate. Ujurak and Sven of Kvarsheim; it all sounded so different and strange. His gaze passed over both before looking to the side, feigning disinterest, though kept one ear turned in the direction of the three.
bravo six
180 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it is two boys, about the age of his eldest children that come to greet him. young, green behind their ears. he is both impressed and immediately concerned that even if kvarsheim did align with his wife's ways that being led by boys without experience would only force them into a similar position in the months to come.

rusalka's gaze touches upon each boy contemplatively before resting back upon the one whom introduced himself as urujak. hello, greets the cairn patriarch. i am rusalka and this is my son, arrax. a glimpse is cast over his shoulder to find arrax standing slightly behind him, appearing uninterested. a bit unusual, given his son's boldness when greeting strangers at their own borders but this is all new to him, rusalka reminded himself.

my wife, solveig and i presently lead ravensthorpe, claiming blacktail deer plateau, he takes a small pause. but the truth of it is, ravensthorpe numbers are dwindling and we seek a safe place to raise our small family.

arrax and i are coming to you as ...less ambassadors and more as scouts for a pack that may be both a good fit and good home for us.
44 Posts
Ooc — ebony

rusalka and arrax were here. eivor, who had thus far remained in the vicinity of kvarsheim, stood to watch the figures join sven in the meadow above her. 

too distant to hear what they discussed, she was still greatly pleased to see that the clans had aligned with one another.

i will join them later for a hunt, eivor decided, settling once more to watch over the land.

83 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Ujurak glanced to the youth and offered a single beat of his tail at his brother's arrival. The stone prince then assumed the guise of a statue as Rusalka informed them of his purpose before them. Turquoise eyes betraying his intrigue.

In the tail-end of August, an early autumn chill had begun to creep into their mornings. A coolness that lingered before the sun met its peak. Soon the prism grove would turn brilliant in its vibrant autumn hues. The bite of winter would follow soon after that. Moving a family would be difficult once the snow fell.

Rusalka stood before him on behalf of his family. Ujurak regarding him with the respect that was due.

We welcome you: Rusalka, Arrax. A smile pulled at Ujurak's lips. He dipped his head to each male in turn. I hope your travel here has been uneventful. Ujurak paused, his head turning to catch Sven's eye.

This could be a good thing.

A thought that only cried out in his gaze. It shuttered itself away before Ujurak readdressed the Raventhorpe leader.

Kvarsheim would have room for your family; if you find us suitable. We are of small number. It is primarily my brothers and I, as well as a few wolves that were loyal to our faðir before us.
Humble not Meek
171 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven listened and he was troubled. But not for their psck. But for the things that kept happening to others.

Autumn was coming. A melancholy time as it were for they had lost fadir in the cooler times.

Sven nodded. We are primarily hunters. And we have good relationships with most of the packs in the area. It would be good to have you join us. If as Ujurak says you find us suitable.

He furrowed his brow. What would you like to know of us?
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Arrax being a rude boi

Arrax kept his gaze turned away even as his father introduced them both to the strangers. Although he was deadpan in expression, he felt his heart jump a little at the mention of their dwindling numbers and the reason why they were even at this packs' borders. Rusalka had told him on the journey, of course, but hearing it being said aloud to a third party was different. It made the situation feel more real. His tail lashed behind him, and the boy stole a quick glance to the two strangers as they spoke.

They seemed young; and also smaller than both Rusalka and Solveig. Not warriors. The two had been nothing but friendly so far but Arrax had decided at once they would not be his leaders. They were not his father.

The boy's attention was stolen then by a white figure that he spotted in the distance, the air bringing with it a familiar scent. What was Eivor doing here?

Sven's question prompted Arrax to look back to the two Kvarsheim boys who stood before them, and he set them in a hard stare, almost as if in a challenge. "Where is your Konungr?"

He did not elaborate on the meaning of the word.