Gilded Bay A Maze or Labarynth
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The winding pathways of the bay always left more to be explored and Heph allowed herself to test her memory, mapping and remapping them. Moontide was growing, swelling. And though it brought her great joy to see it so and she enjoyed the myriad of faces and new scents around the pack she could no longer say she knew well each wolf who resided within. It was an odd feeling, not unwelcome but not wholly familiar and comfortable yet. So she let herself go along unfamiliar pathways and find solace there for she was never truly lost.

looking for @Phox if you have time but no pressure <3
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
*big eyes*

Nothing about Phox's life was particularly exciting, but he really, really didn't mind. Several children had been born, but he kept his distance from them. They weren't his, as much as he still wanted more of his own someday. Then again did he want more someday? That question had been kicking around in his head lately, and he'd decided he was more or less on the fence about it. It was nice not to have so many responsibilities in his older age, but what if Heph whoever he ended up with really wanted them?

Speaking of, he'd picked up her trail leading outside of Moontide. Trailing along it with his signature three-legged gait, he called out for her when he finally spotted the familiar silhouette. Hey, stranger! he greeted with a lolling tongue.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She had sought solitude and something better had found her, the now familiar sight of a three legged gait cuaght her eye as she navigated the terrain and a smile found its way to her features of its own accord. Her laughter was a short breathless huff barely heard at the greeting but a mischevious glint had reached her eyes.

Turning she angled her path to meet with his and a faux look of surprise, her smile giving away the game. "Phox? Redhawk? What brings you here?" They were no longer meeting for the first time and yet she was glad that they had met at all. Life was richer with him in it as the days bled into seasons.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Oh, you know, pretty girls and the like, he said with a grin. But there was more on his mind, now that he stood there looking at her. Phox wasn't sure exactly what got into him right then, but he leaned forward and licked her nose: a lil' first kiss. They'd been paling around for what felt like ages, and although the Redhawk had oodles of baggage to deal with, he was pretty sure he was ready for this next step. His stomach was in knots, and he pulled back with a sort of baffled expression.

Was that... okay? he asked. Suddenly, he wished he would have asked before he'd done it, but maybe the rejection would have hurt even worse if he'd done that. All he could do in these lingering moments was cross his toes and hope he hadn't made a wrong move.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She laughed, the movement of it caused her to almost miss his own lean forward and there was a moment of silence as she realized what had happened. A blink and a wide grin as she leaned forward, returning the kiss with a small swipe of her own tongue against his cheek. "Very much so." Closer together she shifted so she could brush shoulders with him, not quite leaning nor relinquishing contact. Heph felt like laughing and running and staring, the moment felt full to bursting with possibility.

"So forward, should I ask Rodyn what the bride price would be?" Her lips twitched at the teasing. While she had vague plans that it was a tradition she wanted to follow it was another thing, to think that he might have to travel, she did not need pelts or trinkets from afar to prove his regard. He had stayed in Moontide, had spent time with no expectation so that they might know one another better. If it was a tradition he was amenable to then it would not have anything to do with proof.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The quiet tension in the air was inescapable, and even though there were mere moments between his question and her response, Phox felt like it lasted an eternity. Sure he was being dramatic and romantic and all of the things, but wasn't he allowed to? Hadn't he earned it? Hadn't he done everything in his power to make all of his partners happy? Heph would be no different in that regard, he knew.

When her question came, Phox realized he hadn't even been thinking that far ahead. Then again, from what he understood, the time to acquire a bride price could take just as long as the time it took to decide whether or not you even wanted to pursue that course of action. Maybe this whole "taking things slow" was the way to be.

If that's what you want, he decided, I think I'd like that.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
There was a brief pause but no nervousness at his answer, only anticipation, after all what had prompted the question had been more important. While she knew he was likely aware of the custom, at least from the answer he gave, she offered instead clarification. After all, it might have seemed odd that she had asked at all not born in any of the Moon packs, and perhaps not asking for the more traditional of reasons either.  "Then I'll gladly ask. I don't need any more proof of your feelings than you have given or will come with time, and I know my own worth, but I would like to keep some of the traditions of this place." A quirk of her own lips and twitch of her tail. After all it would also give them a time of courting, which while she was probably past the age of being as foolish as she might have int he past years she was not old enough to abandon entirely the mischief.
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He couldn't help but smile at her response. There was something decidedly cute about a partner (lover?) who wanted to honor the traditions that hadn't even been hers since birth. She really was dedicated to this place, and Phox had to admit that attractive, too.

Just don't make it too hard on me, Phox said with a grin. I haven't got all the speed and endurance I used to. The Redhawk wasn't opposed to showing her with this gesture that he was dedicating himself to her, but he didn't want to spend years of his life working on something; he simply didn't have the time left in his life for it.

Makes me wonder what sort of low 'husband price' I'd catch.
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738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Hmmm if that were the case I'd just have to help, I don't think I could go that long without you." HIs age had not been a barrier thus far to their relationship, and yet at the mention of it she could feel a glimmer of awareness at the edges of her thought. Life was not certain and anyone could leave (by choice or otherwise) at any time, and while she did not want to linger on the possibility that age would steal him away it was an unavoidable truth.

Her lips twitched and she offered, conspiratorial. "I asked Towhee and she said a lifetime of loyalty would be enough."
lord of the hunt
1,607 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
we can wrap here, or you can post once more. up to you! i hope your seminar goes well. ^__^

Phox's tail thumped on the ground when she made the comment about not wanting to go long without him. And while he'd never want to be codependent, there was something nice about the thought of being wanted again. He had missed that more than he realized.

Towhee's answer made him laugh. She would be sentimental! Then again, a lifetime of loyalty did sound pretty nice. He swallowed down the thought of his past two wives—both now gone from this world—trying not to dwell on the negative. Phox wasn't sure if the "time heals all wounds" trope was correct, but it certainly had dulled the pain.

We should celebrate with a nice lil' dinner, don't you think? he suggested, I'll bet we can rustle up some grub.
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