Moonspear this you should vote me
585 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
There were several newcomers to the mountain; he'd encountered them in passing, but hadn't gotten the opportunity to speak with them one-on-one. The Hierophant circled the rendezvous with a chuff of invitation, and then headed out onto the trail that wound 'round Moonspear like a ribbon.

They were welcome to join him in his patrol, he thought. He took the time in waiting to admire the scenery; night had fallen, and the snow came down gently, though only a bit came through the forest canopy to fall upon the ground. 

It was too cloudy for moonlight to penetrate, so he worked his way through misty darkness. A barred owl flew suddenly down with its series of hoots, searching for prey, and Killdeer hopped back, startled.