Blackfoot Forest take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
All Welcome 

she bolts from the trio, tearing out of the valley as her head mists over with fear.  yet instead of going to wapun meadow where she is familiar, where she is expected, she veers straight into the cover of the forest she'd had yet to expore.  her breaths come shallow and fast, and she wants to stop and catch her breath but she hears the heavy, wanting footfalls of @Xan close behind.  and all she knows is that he is angry.

and she is scared because oh, she does not want to feel his teeth ripping through her skin.  she is afraid that if she stops he will hurt her... or he will be driven by mad desire and dominate her, shielding his loins from the biting cold with her own tender flesh while their union becomes a struggle for power and survival.  and she thinks it is the latter she'd be able to stand the least.

but at last one of her paws hits a patch of ice, and the dark-furred girl goes skidding wildly across until she tumbles to a dazed stop, thankfully missing the scattered trees.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The moment he heard her retreat, his attention was torn from the scene before him and soared after her. However clouded his mind was, he was aware enough to remember that she was important to him. They were friends—lovers?—and partners in battle, and he couldn’t stand the thought of losing her. So he tore after her, maintaining a constant visual as he tried to close the distance between them—but she was having none of it. For as quick as he ran she continued to be just out of his reach, refusing to stop and return to him.

And how could he blame her?

Alexander had not retreated immediately to her side, he’d instead allowed for his body to control his actions; to this moment, it still wanted Indra—and maybe even Laurel, too—but he forced them both from his mind and let his focus lingered solely on his friend. He opened his mouth to call out to her, to urge her to stop and listen to him, but the words became trapped and died away as he bore witness to her sudden falter.

Ice claimed the girl and sent her sliding, the sight filling him with concern and pushing him to pick up his pace; he avoided the ice to the best of his abilities, sliding only slightly before his balance was reclaimed. A part of him was thankful that she’d fallen, the distance between them easy to cover, but he was as equally mortified by it as concern for her well-being welled up within him. Both thoughts propelled him forward and he was soon upon her, ears back with worry whilst he let out a whine.

Without thinking, he reached out to nudge her with the side of his muzzle, wondering if she needed medical attention.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

as she skid, her stomach twisted in knots because she knew that even as she slid uncontrollably, he was using that time to catch up to her.  

her thoughts were reeling.  how dare she fault him for giving into what his body wanted; hadn't she done the same (although she had resisted other men just barely — she knew the pull was strong, too)?  how dare she lay claim to something she had no say over.  

stupid, stupid, stupid.  

her limbs pull close to her chest and underbelly to protect them, head pulled tight until he rounds on her.  terrified, her head whips round and snaps at the air, intentionally missing him just in case he is not here to make sure she doesn't return, but still insisting that he leave.  just go; she knew what she had done.  she knew that she had wronged him.

and she thought she knew what it would cost her.

but when she realized that it was not teeth she was met with, but concern, she forces her gaze up to meet his.  and she feels sorry for the position she's cornered him into.  she never wanted this.  what was to become of them now?  she wouldn't make him choose between them.  he could have his pack!  the red girl and her friend were sure to be very cross with her and she didn't want to have to hurt them because she knew if they persisted, she would.

she searches his gaze with her own fear-filled eyes and an unvocalized question at the forefront of it all — what do i do next?  where do we go from here?

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
This was not something that could be fixed with play or affectionate nips. He had done wrong by her, allowing himself to be surrounded by other women in heat when she was always right there with him. But, at the same time, had he really? In truth, neither had a claim over the other, not officially, and this was something he was both aware of and worried over. That she had nothing tying her to him, that she could up and leave at any point or give herself to any man—these thoughts all swirled around in his head, weighing him down whilst also pushing him to do something about it. But how could he do anything, make them anything more to one another, when she could not communicate as fluently and he was incapable of experiencing love? It paved the road for a disastrous event.

Alexander’s ears fell flat against his head when she snapped at him, for even though contact was not made the fact alone that she’d done that left him feeling rejected. Another whine worked its way out of his throat, but he refused to leave her side—he couldn’t abandon her there, or anywhere, knowing he would never forgive himself if he did.

Their gazes met and he fell victim to her emotions, sinking down towards the snow, defeated. The questions that lingered in her eyes were ones that he could not answer, not easily, because he didn’t know. He didn’t know what he could say or do, or how he could set things right. All he knew was that he didn’t want her to leave, he wanted her to remain with him in the valley, he wanted to be there to hear her voice each time she learned something new.

He was attached.

Stretching his neck out, he tried to touch his nose to her cheek, caring not for the risk of being bit. He just wanted to make contact with her, to assure her in the only way that he knew how, before tossing his head in the valley’s direction. Come home with me, he pleaded silently, please don’t leave. He couldn’t take being abandoned, not again. Surely, this time would be his breaking point, the weight of his pain caused by everyone in the past eager to crush him.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

the poor, wild creature simply did not understand.

first, these feelings.  she did not know why she was so attached to him.  her entire life had been secured in a dome of isolation, and she knew that bearclaw valley had shattered the constant solitude.

so it was only natural that she grow attached to him.  but she did not know why it festered in the back of her mind at all times — where's xan?  i wonder what he's up to — even when she desired to be by herself!  even if he was not physically there, his presence was constant.

and that was something to be said, considering there were packmates she had scarcely seen, some she hadn't even met yet.

and then, there was what had just happened.  she had expected him to chase her away with his teeth, but he still did not make to punish her, even after she had screwed up so glamourously.  if she had just let him have her, she wouldn't be in this situation.  she'd be hurt, maybe, but unrightfully so.. and her home wouldn't be on the line.

she watched him sink into the snow and her heart went with him, swimming in the depths of her churning stomach.  she moves to comfort him as he seeks her touch.  oh, how she wishes she could tell him that she never meant to hurt him!  she was never angry with him.  she's just... 

she's scared.  

because she doesn't know what the next step is, if there even is one, and if they're ready to take it.  she was afraid that someday, he would need something more from her and she wouldn't be able to provide it, or even worse — she wouldn't be able to understand.

she smooths his nose down her cheek then moves to bury her face in the plush fur at his neck, careful to avoid his healing injury.  oh, alexander, what had she done?

he gestures back towards the valley and she does not make to move.  her ears slide back, smoothing flat, and she whines.  

this is the third part.  they were there.  never before had she run from a fight but she had been outnumbered.  and they were still packmates.  but they would be lurking, waiting there for her.  she gestured at xan, motioning back at the valley and then gnashing her teeth together to accentuate this feeling.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
When he wasn’t met by teeth he took it as a sign—perhaps he hadn’t messed up as royally as he previously thought. Maybe, somehow, there was still a chance to fully repair things and continued on as if nothing had ever happened—as if he hadn’t nearly chosen another over her. The memory, so recent and dreadful, threatened to crush him. Did she truly forgive him? Could she? Had the roles been reversed, he doubted he’d allow her as close again as she was currently letting him, which gave him a whole new reason to worry: what if it wasn’t real?

The possibility was entertained for a brief moment, easily chased away by her touch—and how he longed for more of it, letting her bury herself within his pelt. He liked this—he enjoyed being close to her, having her well within his reach and pressed up against him. He craved more; it was not just her touch that he was after or even the feeling of wrapping himself around her, but just her in general. Alexander wanted to keep her all to himself, repair whatever he’d broken between them and convince her not to leave.

But it was not an easy thing to do, not when there were others back home likely waiting for their return. Yet, he did not worry about them, not really; if it came down to it, he would give them what they wanted just to keep his friend safe, despite the pain he knew it’d cause if he were to be caught. Shaking his head, he again motioned back towards the valley whilst rising to his feet, urging her to join him.

I’ll protect you, he tried to convey, you don’t have to worry about anything. At any rate, he wasn’t going to just leave her there.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

if only she knew the thoughts swimming behind those intense two-toned eyes.  she still did not know why he thought this was his fault, when she was the one that dare get between him in his claim.  but he had chosen her.. and she was not willing to cast that aside just because she was confused.

she didn't know what she was doing.  she couldn't leave.  she didn't want to.  but he was so sure that she was safe from the women that they'd scorned waiting back home.

reluctantly, she stood, but she could not meet his gaze.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Although a rare occurrence, Alexander was patient. He did not force her to rise or try and drag her away, he just stood there and waited, gaze glued to her. He understood the apprehension, could see why she might be hesitant, but that didn’t make him any less eager to lead her back home. In fact, it made him all the more interested in guiding her back to the valley, needing to show her that things would be fine. There was nothing to worry about, no one would hurt her—they would continue to live together just the same as they have been, aiding one another in battle and keeping each other company.

His tail started to wag faster as she rose, only to still shortly after when their eyes did not meet. He reached forward and mouthed at her muzzle, then butted her gently with his nose, encouraging her to look up. “It’ll be okay, I promise,” he told her. “Don’t look so down.” How could things return to normal if she wouldn’t even look at him? Troubled, he nipped softly at her ears, trying to do whatever he thought might make her happy again.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

and uncharacteristically, reigi was irritated.  not with him, really, but the situation itself.  but that would get her nowhere, so at his urging she raised her head and met his gaze for a beat before offering a gentle, soft woof.

she supposed the only way he knew with such self-assuredness that everything would be okay was because he was the alpha, and she knew that he would take care of it.

she smooths her tongue across the bottom of his chin once before starting off towards home a couple of steps before looking back to make sure he was coming.  if they were going to do it, they might as well get it over with.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
There she was!

The moment their gazes connected his tail was wagging again, glad that she’d understood him; he still believed she could understand his words, even if she couldn’t repeat all of them back to him. Pleased by her actions, he smiled and touched his nose to her cheek before drawing his tongue over the exact same spot. She was doing good, they would be fine—everything would be fine, he’d make sure of it.

Another wave of joy crashed over him as she took the initiative, leading the way home. He watched her until she looked back at him, eager to return home but more happy to be spending time with her than anything else. Alexander needed little coaxing for that very reason and, soon, he was bounding after her. He delivered a few playful nips to her hocks as he came upon her, then quickly fell into step along her side. She wouldn’t be leaving him, she wouldn’t make him return all alone—for the first time in ages, he felt he could actually trust someone to never abandon him, no matter what was thrown their way.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”