Dragoncrest Cliffs like icarus before me, these wings are not my own
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
She had ranged up and down the coast for a time, and had ventured back toward the lands of her birth to mark the mirgation of her family. Aditya's scent had been absent, but she knew he was still alive; she'd caught his scent to the north, free of any trace of Morningside. Blackbear knew it was hypocritical to feel betrayed by this move, but her thoughts toward him were bitter anyway.

The woman had passed many packs in her travels, but she liked the positioning of this one. It was right between Morningside and Undersea, but just out of the way enough that her family would have little chance to cross her scent. She didn't even know what she was hiding from anymore, but she wasn't quite done with it, yet.

Blackbear approached the boarder and tipped back her head in a short, questioning howl to announce her presence. As it had been at the Redhawks' borders, she did not call out in order to summon others to her, but to alert them to her presence. It would be rude to linger without saying anything, after all.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
When a stranger's voice rose from the territory outskirts, Dacio regarded it with a cant of his raven lobe. He listened quietly, lifting his pastel gaze to exchange an uncertain glance with @Portia as she turned to look upon him. The boy was loathe to leave his mother, as he'd promised to keep company with her, but the softness in her expression assured him that she understood he might be needed elsewhere.

The recent earning of his surname had encouraged him to step beyond his comfort zone more often, and his confidence rose with each patrol he trailed. Young Dacio, just shy of his sixth month, did not yet trust the world to make these trips entirely alone, but he knew the day to make that plunge would soon come.

He bid his dam a fond farewell, and moved carefully through the foliage until he paused among the sequoias to peer out at the waiting loner. The figure that lingered just beyond the territory was dark-furred, and Dacio scanned the surrounding area for any sign of pack-mates. No one else had responded - at least, not yet.

Inhaling deeply, Dacio padded into the open with a low wuff to announce his presence. Inexperience meant that he didn't assert himself, but his charcoal tail stuck out straight at his rear and his ears remained forward, curious and eager to succeed in his first real encounter with a potential joiner. "Hei,the boy offered, and he faced some unexpected awkwardness as he realised that this she-wolf probably did not know Drageda's mother tongue, "uh, hi? Yeah, hi." A sheepish smile promptly followed.
"Trigedasleng" "common"
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Although Blackbear did not speak any language beside the common tongue, she had no trouble understanding the boy's greeting. "Hi," she replied, a bit bemused after the boy corrected himself. He was kind of adorable, she decided, although she was determined not to let that show. It would probably leave a sour taste in his mouth, were he to find out.

"I'm Blackbear," she offered, her tail gently whisking. "What's your name?"

She felt like she ought to jump right into her reason for being there, but the boy seemed so unsure of himself - she didn't want to unload on him right off the bat. They could work up to it, right? Besides, it didn't seem like he would have the clearance to offer her a place in the pack. She could be wrong, but she really doubted it.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Blackbear, she said. Her name was Blackbear. The boy blinked at her, wondering how she'd acquired such a title and if she really resembled the fierce predator he knew only from tales his parents shared when he'd been little. In the absence of any sighting of the creature, all Dacio could rely on was his imagination - and this she-wolf was far more lovely than anything he'd ever seen in his mind's eye.

She returned a greeting and asked for his name, to which the ashen youth offered a merry sweep of his dark tail. "I'm Dacio," he shared willingly, pausing a beat to consider what he should say next. He'd witnessed the adults approach situations like this far more firmly, but Blackbear seemed so friendly - surely it made sense to embrace her pleasant and polite approach? "Drageda claims this land. Did you...?" He rolled a peppered shoulder, keen to know why the mottled female had requested attention but unsure how best to question her.

"Trigedasleng" "common"
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dacio. It was a name like what her mother had given her - the kind that sounded pretty, but didn't seem to mean anything. Or perhaps it did, in another language. Blackbear remembered knowing what Ishara meant at one point, but the knowledge was lost in her tumultuous youth. She hardly thought about it, these days.

"I am hoping to join a pack," she confirmed, answering the unspoken question. "I've met a few wolves from Drageda, before. Is Thuringwethil still leading this pack?" Blackbear hoped so simply because she was familiar, and because once upon a time, she had met Thuringwethil with her father, and had felt small and insignificant between the two leaders.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
She seemed to understand what he was trying to say, and announced that her intentions were to join a pack. Dacio's smile brightened somewhat, feeling a sense of pride that Blackbear had chosen to approach Drageda to be considered.

She mentioned a name that wasn't entirely familiar, as their leader was almost always referenced as Heda. The boy blinked, taking a quiet moment to rack his mind and pair both titles, before dipping his dark muzzle in agreement. "Yes," he said, though his recollection of Thuringwethil was slim, "but she's not here right now. Blixen is commander until she returns." He wasn't sure of the where or why and hoped Blackbear would refrain from asking.

"Trigedasleng" "common"
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Oh," said Blackbear, surprised to hear that the young firebrand had taken the helm. She thought, briefly and longingly, of Morningside, where she knew that her elder brother now ruled. But that wasn't an option, and at least Blixen was still somewhat familiar - although, Blackbear doubted that the other girl would remember her.

"Even so, I would like to join. Do you think I have half a chance of being accepted?" she asked wryly, quirking a smile in Dacio's direction. Gosh, he really was a cutie. Blackbear wondered if her own baby siblings were this strapping and precocious. If she went to the borders, would Winterbourne or Eventide be there to greet her?
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He observed the newcomer as she processed the information regarding Drageda's temporary leadership change, ghostly green eyes trailing over her physique with curiosity. Dacio found himself wondering where she came from, if perhaps she'd been born to a local pack and decided to venture in search of a different path, like his mother said Dalia had. "Sure," he chirped with some enthusiasm, because he'd decided almost immediately that he could learn to like Blackbear - but he knew that he had to gather some more information before presenting her before an adult to determine her fitness.

"What can you bring to the pack?" Dacio asked, blinking up to study the wolfess' dark features. He realised that question might seem forward or prying, and twitched his raven tail-tip awkwardly. "I mean... skills? Like, what do you like doing best?" The ashen boy had only recently earned his surname by working toward his mercenary trade, which definitely needed honing. This encounter would be the first of many, and he hoped he could build his confidence to be a fierce and strong as Drageda's current leaders.

"Trigedasleng" "common"
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian
just sneaking in here! :) she's watchin

she'd nearly missed the howl, distracted by, of all things, a particularly kick-y rabbit. bratty thing. she'd been glad when it finally gave in under her suffocating grasp. it's only as she's grooming the blood from her mouth that she realizes oh, call at the borders, and hastens toward the sound's origin. 

she's not surprised when she sees dacio has beat her, feeling actually a little pleased. oh, she loves her siblings the most, of course, but dacio's work has not gone unnoticed -- he's fantastic gona material, she thinks, and feels particularly strange and old for the observation. blix does not recognize the girl he's addressing, though something about her feels familiar. curious to see how the boy handles it, the young commander hangs back uncharacteristically, observing for the time being.
and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Blackbear was uncomfortably aware that this question had been her failing last time. She didn't want to downplay her strengths, but she was worried about talking herself up now, too. Not because she didn't think she could back up her claims, but because she worried they would doubt her and she wouldn't get the chance.

I like to hunt, she replied, choosing her words carefully, now. I'm pretty good at it, too. You can see that I'm well-fed despite being on my own. I mostly fish for my food, but I have experience hunting larger game with a group as well. Was that too much? She hoped not!
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
So, she was a huntress. Dacio offered a soft smile of encouragement to accompany the gentle sweep of his tail, and was intrigued by her announcement that she was a keen fisher. He recalled his experience on the beach with Bat in the Summertime when they'd been little, and found himself wondering how both she and Blackbear could appreciate even the shallows. For having been born by the sea, Dacio wasn't very brave when it came to its waters. Perhaps, if the Hedonakru found her suitable for their ranks, he could learn something new.

When he heard the sound of approaching paws, the young warrior blinked over a peppered shoulder to spot the russet Commander, and he felt his heart skip an uncomfortable beat. She hung back, watching him, and he responded by gawking awkwardly at her. Silently, Dacio willed her to step forward and take control of the situation, because he suddenly felt uncomfortable and intimidated that Blixen chose to observe.

"Uh," he murmured after a pause, looking round to the dark-furred newcomer once more when he reminded himself not to be rude and leave her thinking he'd ignored the information she'd just offered. There was an almost fearful glint in his pale irises, however, and he swallowed before announcing in a hushed tone just for her: "the commander is watching." In other words, what the hell am I supposed to do now!?
"Trigedasleng" "common"
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
At first, it seemed that this would go very much the same way as her last attempt. Dacio looked uncertain all of the sudden, and Blackbear gave an inward sigh, feeling a strange sense of loss at her new friend's disappointment. But no, he had been made nervous by something else, and when Blackbear followed his gaze, it was to see a sight that made her heart skip a beat.

Blixen! she greeted, tail wagging. Although her fairly average appearance (except for her size) rendered her quite forgettable, Blackbear had never forgotten the strange red girl from the neighboring pack. She had always hoped to run into her again on her trips toward the coast, but it seemed that Blixen was more of a homebody than the nomadic Morningsider.

You probably don't remember me, she added, suddenly bashful. We were just little when we met, and it was only for a second. I came with my dad when he came to meet your... um... Heda. She couldn't remember the long, complicated name that the big wolf had offered.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian

dacio seems to tense suddenly as he notices her. unfortunately for the boy, blixen doesn't really notice, continuing to observe somewhat obliviously, curious why her (imagined) protégée has suddenly started to fumble.

whatever the reason she doesn't have to dwell long, for the girl recognizes her too, calling for her by name. surprised, she takes a few steps forward, her eyes brightening as -- what had her name been, easy? explains. no wonder she'd felt a little familiar. grinning, blixen closes the rest of the distance between her and the group, coming to stand beside dacio.

"right!" she says, and glances between dacio and the girl. "what brings you here today? how's your father?" interestingly, she doesn't smell like morningside anymore. since blixen never got around to visiting morningside mostly due to her rpers forgetting, she doesn't know anything about what's transpired since she met grayday and his daughter last. dacio had been assessing her skills for drageda, hadn't he? interested, blix takes a seat, waiting to be filled in.
and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
The mottled wolfess attention turned, her amber gaze lifted to seek the commander's crimson form. Dacio's own eyes followed, an ear trained on Blackbear as she embraced Blixen's arrival with a sweeping tail and excitement in her tone. His muzzle was dipped respectfully as the latter strode forward, closing the distance between them and stepping up alongside him.

He let himself relax, as both females' attention was drawn entirely from him and onto each other. He remained quietly in the background, watching ad waiting for instruction.

"Trigedasleng" "common"
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Although Blixen - at first glance - had seemed exactly as Blackbear remembered her, she began to notice changes as the red girl drew closer. She was bigger, of course (they both were) and her body had lost all its babyish chub. It threw her for a moment as her mind went off on a tangent - when would she stop looking plush and awkward? - but she quickly caught herself and returned her attention to the young Commander.

He passed on at the beginning of autumn, she said, trying to keep her voice free of emotion. It was easier now, but she still felt awkward trying to talk about it - even in passing like this. I came to join Drageda, if you'll take me. I can hunt and fish, and I'll work hard at any other skill the pack needs.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian

she isn't expecting easy's answer, though it explains, somewhat, why she's here. greyday had seemed like a nice enough guy, and though blix has never experienced a parent die she has lost one. "i'm sorry to hear that," she says solemnly, not pushing for any more details (she's never been the nosy type). as for her offer -- hunters are always of use, and frankly, she's willing to give her a shot just because she likes her well enough. dacio hadn't been about to run her off, either, so she says, "of course -- i trust you'll prove yourself to us," and flashes a smile, adding, "right, dacio?" if he has some terrible qualms she couldn't read she'll hear them out, but mostly she wants to give him a chance to feel included. 

addressing easy again she says, "heda is at one of our other branches right now. i'm acting commander, and we have a wocha, dio, and fleimkepa, helix. you'll learn the titles and all of that in time, but i -- or dacio -- can walk you around the territory if you want."
and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall