Totoka River mistletoe
21 Posts
Ooc — Belle
All Welcome 
Soft droplets of water trickled from her chest, cascading to the ground in silence; she'd gone for a careless meander, tail swaying smoothly at her hind. Vyn did not plan to be too far from Valkyr for a prolonged period of time, though her paws drifted across the land with a gentle sway of her hips - that's right, she was a damn queen. It was the river that had paused her miniscule trek, body slinking to a halt before she sauntered down to the water's edge, leathery nose flaring - then she stepped into the polar ripples, svelte figure sliding into the clear liquid with untold grace.

She had not lingered within those depths despite the relief they brought. The momentary solitude had provided her with an escape in which to cleanse her body but now she simply felt exposed, the cold wind brushing against her stomach and over her back, an unwanted embrace of chilled air. Perhaps she had underestimated the winter's clutch on the shore.

Regardless of her trembling, the doe strutted from the river's edge and set out to explore what remained untouched by her coruscating gaze.
hold the dark
159 Posts
Ooc — Van
Svalinn strolled irritably along the bleak riverside, somehow feeling both restless and exhausted as he experienced what seemed to be a perpetual barrage of growth spurts, driving the boy mad. He had urged @Raleska as far as she would go before stubbornly pressing on without her, intent on wearing himself down until he was too numb to feel his full-grown spine unfurling and his leg-bones sprouting like beanstalks. He thought he might grow right out of his skin.

And it was in this rather unreasonable state of mind that he spotted the tall, swaying figure ahead. At first he was being clever— observing her from afar, remaining half hidden by leafless bush-life until he could be sure it was safe enough to proceed— but after a while his spying seemed to go beyond simple intelligence gathering.

He simply couldn't look away from her. Watching her shake... and shiver... and strut down the bank with her chin lifted defiantly to the cold and her pelt still dripping in places. Svalinn broke cover to approach her, his trot fast and a little desperate, before coming to stand within speaking distance, but no closer. "H-hey!" he barked, breathless and a little unsure. "You live around here?" The golden boy equivalent of "Do you come here often?"
21 Posts
Ooc — Belle
She did not care to watch her surroundings for the presence of a stranger - how honoured the doe would be, she thought, to have an audience! She would certainly not be opposed to the lingering eyes of another, and with a drizzle of nonchalant pride she wondered dismally why she had not already attracted a gathering... perhaps these shores were more lifeless than she had anticipated.

But then she was wrong! Eyes of a sallow lemon traced his youthful features, paws continuing their idle dance across the land's surface; only when his breathless voice reached her ears (which tipped forward upon her crown) did her lithe body slow, mouth quirking at the corners in a glittering smile. Vyn was mildly discouraged by his age - he was much younger than herself, but he had reached out in greeting, so it would be only fair to return it. "Hey there," A smooth, welcoming voice slipped from betwixt her lips, tail swaying at her hind. Her fur, a silky rose-brown, was still damp to the touch but with the polar wind to brush against her nape she knew it would not be long before the water had drained from her pelt.  "Can't say I do darlin', but I'm hanging around for a while. I assume you do?"

His own coat was intruiging - champagne and pale gold, with chestnut eyes that sparkled in the afternoon's light. Was he a resident of the coast's few troupes?
hold the dark
159 Posts
Ooc — Van
To the boy, halfway to manhood, the rose-brown vixen was a call to disaster. He had never met an unfamiliar she-wolf on his own before, and without understanding why, he felt compelled to seem impressive before her. "Yes," he said, looking a little pleased with himself. "My mo—" DO NOT SAY MOTHER "family and I live further down the coast," he nodded in the direction of the Ridge, from whence he had came, lifting his bushy tail into a proud wag. "Are you traveling with your family?" he asked, as a child might, forgetting he was supposed to be asking "grown-up" questions. He smiled at her, rather admiring the sallow daffodils of her eyes, and her shining, water-heavy coat.

"Aren't you cold?" he blurted then.
21 Posts
Ooc — Belle
The doe watched with a mild curiousity as he explained, noting how his expression was tainted with boyish pride - she'd entertain him for a little while, perhaps. Besides, as far as kids went, he was rather cute; usually she thought younger wolves looked like little ugly aliens, but Vyn had deciphered that this one was a few moons older than the youth she'd encountered frequently in the past.

"Ah, was. I'm goin' solo now." The wolfess claimed, voice sweet as honey but tainted with an unknown emotion - yeah, she'd ridden in her lonesome before, but Valkyr had kept her company for long time and it felt odd to depart from her presence. Shrugging off the thoughts, Vyn met the golden boy with a grin, and almost giggled at his blurting words, sneaking a glance to peer at the damp brown of her coat. "A little. But it's mkay, hun, I'll dry off soon." The smell of seawater was not, however, something she enjoyed, and the taste of salt on her tongue was sharp, bitter.
hold the dark
159 Posts
Ooc — Van
Though she confirmed that she was alone, she wasn't more forthcoming than that, and Svalinn realized belatedly that he didn't expect her to be. He wouldn't have much to say to a complete stranger - no matter how incredible they looked - so it stood to reason that she didn't want much to do with him to begin with. This theory was only confirmed when she brushed him off about being cold; it made him realize he'd been too hasty in attempting to invite her home. He considered that since he didn't have the body count behind him like he had back at Redhawks, he should be more casually wary of the unidentified she-wolf, like she seemed to be of him.

"You're tough, then. You would fit right in with us, if you ever think about having a new family," he smiled, careful not to lose a beat of confidence. "I'm Svalinn, by the way - Eyjolfur - try not to forget it." The young wolf paused, to make sure he hadn't charmed her tail off by his closing, and then turned to be on his way, shooting the finely draped wolf a smirking glance of "take care" as he went.
21 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Well, that was a fancy ass name.

Vyn let her buttery smile linger, though almost giggled at his statement: tough? The svelte vixen was flattered, but perhaps he was right - she was damn near royalty, after all. Tail swaying softly at her rear, she idly shifted her weight so that her hips swung a touch as she moved, eyeing the youth with curiousity. She'd survived this far, without a man's help, it was true. Perhaps tough was a good word.

"I'll be sure to keep it in mind, mister Eyjolfur." Swiftly she stored his name in the back of her skull, attempting to match it with his appearance for better recalling in times to come: if she felt the need, she'd take him up on that offer for sure, but packs tended to be limiting. "I couldn't forget," She passed the lad a quick wink before watching him take his leave, casting a smirk in her direction.

Well, that was an adventure. Time for a nap.