Sunset Valley fall (raven’s descent)
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The fawn was happy.

Or she should have been, at least. She was fairly certain of that. There was prosperous hunting, her family was weaved back together, all was alright.

But Vairë was always watching where they had left, her eyes on the distance. It had been comfortable at home. There was new wolves here, wolves she did not know, and they weaved through their camp and the mountain. Vairë did not dislike them, per say, but she made no effort to know them.

Today, the wheat child was on the edges of their village, enough to be in sight of an adult, but feel as though she was alone, for a time. Her eyes tracked the horizon, clad in dismal grey clouds, and occasionally they’d fall from the clouds to the scenery, twitching back up after a moment. Her face was grim for such a young child, posture lightly slumped. Homesickness festered in her breastbone, but there was no going back now. She did not know the way.

51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
inkalorë was starkly aware of their sister's lack of enthusiasm regarding the changes that had come upon the village. they kept tabs on all of their siblings, though they didn't always know how to respond to the things they knew. vairë, in particular, was a puzzle to the star-child; they never knew what to say to her.
but when they spotted her alone along the outskirts of the village, not looking very happy at all, they could not ignore the urge to go to her. vairë, why are you all alone? ink called out, making their way toward their sister with a slow-wagging tail and a warm expression.
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The voice was familiar, and pulled her out of her funk enough to peer over her shoulder at the approaching figure of her sibling. The fawn flashed him a little smile, that quickly wobbled.

Hey, Inkalorë. She said in subdued greeting, turning her eyes towards the way they’d come so long ago (at least to her it was a long time).

Just…thinking. Her lips pursed, before tipping her head.

Do you think home is still there? All our stuff?

51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
thinking, she said, which seemed odd to inkalorë. they never felt as solemn as vairë looked when they were thinking... but maybe she was just thinking sad thoughts.
turned out, she was. ink tilted their head slightly, one ear flopping and smacking their forehead as they considered thoughts of the old village. of course! unless... do you think someone would steal it? they asked, hushed, considering the possibility for the first time. what a terrible thought!
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Vairë’s grimace got a bit deeper at the thought. No…no she hadn’t thought about that. Oh no, were they going to lose their things?!

I-I meant more like…would it just be gone when we got back, but that’s worse, Ink! All our stuff could be just…gone!

A distressing thought for one so young. Her stuff was the best thing since her family.

51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
had ink not been so caught up in the horror of the thought of someone stealing their stuff, they might have questioned vairë's logic. as it was, they were far too busy despairing the imagined crimes that could be committed against their home at any moment. but... it couldn't be that bad, right? surely mom wouldn't allow it.
maybe mom and the other grown-ups have a plan to... to get our stuff back if someone steals it, they suggested after a moment, hopeful. they always know what to do.
315 Posts
Ooc — Box
Inkalorë made…a very good point.

Yeah.. Came her murmur, quiet, as she reached up to rub down her face with a leg.

They’ll know what to do. Even if everything’s not there anymore. Faith restored, Vairë gave a nod to the distance, turning to stand.

Wanna go see if anybody wants to play with us? She could return to her object permanence crisis later.

51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
vairë seemed to accept their reassurance, and inkalorë found they were able to relax as well. there was security in knowing that someone else would handle any problems that might arise, and that they would never need to worry or suffer when things went awry. it didn't yet occur to ink that this might ever change.
yeah! let's go find lómi and wil! they agreed to vairë's suggestion easily, already forgetting their anxiety. and they did just that.

fading so we can have a more current one <3