Neverwinter Forest Simple things
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Amalia walked along the forest floor, her green eyes watching as the sun sunk down beneath the horizon. It had been a fun journey from the coast to here. She was fitting in with her pack, she was making new friends. It was a good time, and she was proud of herself, for setting out on her own and proving that she would be fine, she was fine.

Sure she missed her parents, but this was what she felt she was meant to do. And she was going to enjoy it. It was so beautiful here. She could make a life here, a home. It would take some time to get back to the others, but she wasn't frightened, it would be a nice walk in the dying light.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

A silent walk carried him from his treacherous blood. As it was not yet due time for the priest to bestow his graces, a distraction was something he sought with eager, hungry eyes.

Distractions come in various forms, some being hideous while others are found to be rather sublime. Who's to say which is which? Fenrir could, without a doubt. In this moment, he held the capability to prove it.

A woman trailed not far off affront him, following the course of the river. Decently sized and curved in the most bewitching places. The darkness of her fur called to him, beckoning him to seal the distance between. And he would do just that.

Favor the falling of the sun, I see? Fenrir's voice carried outward, softening as he neared.

Not too close... you'll frighten her off. The whispers returned.

He did not listen.

There was still space, of course, but he dared not spare an inch he was permitted. Unless she drove him off, the dark sire would come so near enough that he would be the first to touch the wind carrying her sweet scent. The priest's charming, golden gaze fluttered down upon her, grazing her frame from the tail tip until soon reaching her own, emerald eyes. 
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Oh he is bewitching :)

Amalia turned with startled gaze towards the voice that had carried on the wind. She hadn't even heard him, and his scent hadn't quite reached her, She titled her downy head, and watched him with wary eyes, their green depths sparking over him as he walked. 

Sometimes, and then other times it's the rise. And you?  
She didn't know him, but he had ensnared her just a bit. He also made her wary. He was large, larger than even she, and she was not a small wolf. Larger than Kigipigak. It made her nervous, miniscule. His voice sounded pleasant enough.

His stare was bold, too bold, and it drew her great pause. She shifted ever so slightly, moving her body further away, though it simply looked as if she were moving to better look at him. She could reach out and touch him, he was so close, so close. 
There should have been a scrap of run and fight in her brain, but Amalia had been coddled here. Spoiled, that all the wolves she had met had been kind. Even in her travels. She knew all to well, to intimately the cruel bite of others, though the scars could not be seen. But it didn't affect her as she thought it had, because if it had, she would have run as soon as the giant stepped into her view with his golden eyes.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

He was not hasty in his reply. Instead he watched, noting each bit of bodily reaction. She was not quite smitten, but nor was she appalled by his presence. Something about that led a grin to curl along his lip.

Brows lifting with curiosity, Fenrir watched her feet carry her a few paces back. The woman's mere aura carried a sense of fear, but she would not be quick to admit it. Smart, not gullible, but not completely free of innocence either.

The sun gives birth to day, then departs when the moon must do the same for night. Both are equally important, but neither are more pleasing than the other. I suppose that means you and I share a taste for both. It was a riddling answer, best given by a master of trade. Bewitchment was nothing something Fenrir was new to. When intent upon figuring out how to best captivate, one must explore the present options.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia studied the way his face broke into a grin. It wasn't quite a kind one, but it wasn't overly cruel either, though clearly something amused him, and he wasn't willing to share.

Amalia was afraid of him, but she was also curious, he reminded her of the Enigma's in the stories, her mother would have whispered to her when it was time for bed. Those wolves that you couldn't help but wonder about. Mother always said those were the most dangerous kind. Bewitching and beguiling, often ensare you before you could think.

Amalia's brows raised at his answer, and she gave a cheeky smile. Both are pleasing yes, but one must like one over the other at certain times, certain places, in certain moods. As you say what is darkness without light. The answer simply put is nothing
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

The expression gave was somewhat off-putting. Fenrir wasn't sure what to make of both her facade and general attitude put together. Then she spoke again and finally he had an idea.

Perhaps. Was all he'd offer in response, tone grim and hollow.

Slowly, but surely, he'd begun to lose interest. She'd shown nothing that proved herself to be either willing or even capable of providing for him in someway come the future. 

Move on. They said.

It was a sensible thing to do, honestly. Why waste time here when he could be searching elsewhere? Loki* would surely not approve of this.

Maybe just one more round? It wasn't like he could be disappointed any further.

* referring to whom he believes to be the God of Trickery and Chaos
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia shook her head. She didn't know this wolf, he was a quandary, and she wasn't sure what to make of him.. It was clear he was not a fan of hers, if his tone of disinterest was anything to go by. She frowned and looked at him, trying to figure out what to say. She was a friendly wolf, but even she had her limits. She had answered him in a riddling way, as he had answered her. Clearly he didn't like that.

There's no perhaps about it, it is the truth. You cannot have light without darkness, evil without kindness, chaos with calmness. It is the way works is it not? A never-ending circle of what is and what was and packed all together to make something new.
42 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Fenrir will be fading out from here unless she stops him. Please don't take his quick dismissal as anything against you or your character. He's a very harsh and particular man; thus, some company just doesn't agree with him. It was a pleasure writing with you! :3 Hopefully I'll get a chance to do so again.

Snorting, Fenrir bore a cold glare upon her.

Maybe it was possible after all.

You're a smart one, aren't you? And no, he didn't mean intelligent wise. It was a kinder way of him calling her either a smart ass or a show off — hell... or both.

While I'd love to stay and... chat, more; I have things to do elsewhere. Unfortunately, Not for him. .. I lack the patience to sit and listen to such useless, idle banter.

Turning his back to her without a second thought, the man began to trot away, pace starting out slow so he could speak over his shoulder and it be heard. A pleasure, as always. A grim way to say it, but a somewhat friendly dismissal was the only way he'd leave without someone picking a fight. Most did, anyway. They found it rude. But he didn't care. Not one bit.
' ' It is a mistake
 to fancy that 
  horror is associated
    with darkness,
silence, and solitude.' '
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
ooc]Darling you're fine. Some charies just don't agree with others, and it is nice that you play him so well.[/ooc]

She snorted back. Sometimes the truth is kinder than a pretty lie. He was lying, and his polite veneer was off putting. If you were going to be polite because you were actually a genuine kind soul, that was different. Than someone who hid behind it like a shield. No this wolf wasn't worth her time either.
Amalia blinked at him. I maybe a smart ass, but you sir are just an ass. You hide behind your quiet, polite veneer, when it's just darkness underneath.

She stood still watching him leave, he wasn't worth a chase, or anymore of her words. It didn't kill you to be kind, just for kindness sake. Clearly he hadn't learned anything at his mother's knee and if this was it, well shame on her too. She shook her head, and once he left, she would leave too, She wasn't about to turn her back on him.