Qeya River Tumbleweed
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It hadn’t taken much to follow the spit trail of Colt to the borders of the pack on the river. The dusty cowboy stood and squinted into the territory, curious. One shift in wind told him that this was the place Amalia had settled herself with. He didn’t want trouble for her. He didn’t want trouble for her kin. The figure stood awkwardly on the edge of their claim and pondered on his choices.

When Reno called to a member of leadership, it was with the intention that he wasn’t looking for a permanent place, but that he was a hard worker, and he could earn his keep through winter if they’d take him. They had accepted Colt, but there was no telling what that crooked tongue might’ve told them. Reno wasn’t sure what he might say, but he half hoped the mangy killer would show up on the borders first.

Either way, he figured he’d be waiting a while.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
734 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia heard the call and her heart skipped a beat. Without another thought for pride or purpose she loped towards the edge of the territory. Perhaps Reno hadn't wanted trouble for her, but his gang had found her all the same, wouldn't he find it interesting that thus far, she had met almost all his members. Sadey and Augustin were sweet and sour. Colt was wily and had a silver tongue, crooked and sweet. But they were all loyal to Reno and now two were friendly with her leader, she wondered briefly what Briggs wanted with her leader.

Though she was there in moments and right up to her friend to nudge his shoulder and smile at him. Again a strange heat blooming in her cheeks, but she ignored it for now.

Hiya Reno! She wagged her tail behind her. She probably looked a fright. She had just gotten home a few days prior, and she had lost weight on her journey, but she still held most of her bulk, just more streamlined than baby fat anymore.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was the sweet-voiced Amalia that found him. Reno cursed internally, pissed that Colt hadn’t gotten there first. He figured he’d hold off on many details, if he could. The group was small, and they could use members, hunters, fighters. It wouldn’t make much sense if they drilled him with questions at the border. At least, he would hope on that much.

Howdy, miss Amalia, he offered to her in a rugged tone. Reno’s features were shifted into a familiar crooked smile. She still looked fit and happy. It boasted well for the home that she had picked for herself.

This is yer home then, hm? See I smelled a friend on your border here… man by the name of Briggs. Mangy fella, chews on this grass and spits this yellow chew out. Red eyes. Was curious if you’d seen a scoundrel like that? The smile remained. His golden gaze was fixed on her features, squinted and studying.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
734 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia wasn't certain, entirely, but something was different about Reno. He was, well perhaps it was not she he had wanted to see. His call had asked for joining, and she was a member, allowed to go to the borders. So she took a step back from him, one ear down and another up for a moment, unsure.

Though his next words and the crooked smile she found so endearing soon took place, and she shoved the confusion and the unsureity beneath, deep deep beneath. She would revisit it another time, when she was more willing to look at her own emotions.

Amalia smiled. Mhmm. This is Natigvik.

His next words drew her pause and she blinked. Ay yes. Mr. Briggs brought Miss. Sadey when she was wounded by a black furred beast, as Mr. Briggs called him. They are wintering with us. I have also met your friend Augustin? Yes. Mr. Briggs isn't a scoundrel, he has a silver tongue, and likes his woman, but he does not seem vicious.

She wagged her tail happily. She was glad she could share that with him, that she had met his friends.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Natig…vik. Alright.

It was a mouthful, but he wasn’t in the business of renaming things. It likely had some meaning to the family who had settled on the river. He was fixing to ask her a couple of questions about the place, whether they’d found any others to fill their ranks, and whether they were looking for some temporary help when she surprised him.

Colt was there, so was Sadey and Augustin. Reno chewed on the inside of his lip.

It didn’t matter if he wanted trouble for Amalia, trouble had arrived. She even went on to say that Colt wasn’t a scoundrel at all, but a man with a silver tongue and a love of ladies. The cowboy stiffened slightly before offering a weary sigh and a nod of his head.

That’s right, the same fella. Glad to hear Sadey and the boy are safe, too. They all join ya here? The three of ‘em? Reno would be surprised if they had, but he figured it would make planning their next step all the easier.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
734 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia giggled and met his gaze. Yes something like that. Don't worry it was hard for me to say too, and Mr. Briggs butchered it so bad the first time he said it. I thought i might cry, for true.

Amalia noticed him stiffen and chuckled again. You needn't worry if you are. He tried that silver tongue on me, but I told him that I was immune. I had brothers, and uncles.

She shook her head. No, just Mr. Briggs and Sadey. A wolf attacked her and they arrived here for medicine, and Mr. Briggs offered to stay on to pay the debt for Sadey. Though I would say it is quite paid now, but he and my leader seem to get on.

Amalia wagged her tail at him again, a smile on her face. So you want to join? What can you offer Natigvik?
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She spoke of Colt’s silver tongue and Reno looked at her with an exasperated sigh and weariness. It wasn’t something he wanted to hear. He knew that Briggs liked to schmooze where he could. The cowboy had grown to know Amalia, though. He had learned of her softness and her sweet nature. He did not want to see that tarnished… and Colt came from a tarnishing business. They all did.

As much as he did not want the rowdiness of the gang in this girl’s pack, he could not see a way to pull them all out now.

I’m fair at huntin’, can get the job done when folks need feedin’. I’m a good scout ah s’pose. Learn the land well enough. I’m a quick tooth in a fight, though, Reno’s tone grew serious. His eyes were squinted upon her features, judging how she might react. Wolves fought all the time – territory, prey, mates, there was no end to the things they would flash their teeth for. What d’ya think? Worth much to yer group?

How had Briggs made himself appealing to these wolves?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
734 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia frowned at his look and sigh. She wasn't certain what had caused such an expression, but she imagined it was something to do with Colt, but what she couldn't say.

Amalia listened as he spoke of his skills and abilities. She nodded along, had seen him hunt herself, so she knew that. She could see where he had known what was around when she had first met him. The next thing though.

It worked it's way around her heart and squeezed. It was clear in the way he answered her and how easily he spoke of it, that he was not lying of his warrior prowess. She gave a sharp nod.

We don't have many fighters and every pack should have one to protect the borders and the young. You seem like a good fit to me, but it is @Kigipigak and @Sakhmet choice if you stay.

She tilted her head back and let loose a small howl, to her leaders.
88 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Reno met her nod with one of his own. His eyes remained squinted on her face. His features softened. She understood what he had meant. It was clear enough on her features, the gentle fall of realization. 

No matter how Amalia might have felt, she seemed to agree that such skills had a place in the world. She said that he seemed a fine fit, but her leaders would need to weigh in on the matter. Reno understood that they had their ways. He was willing to wait, to see how her leaders sized him up and judged him for his talents. 

A small shuffle of his paws. The cowboy wondered if Amalia was troubled by his words.