Moonstone Quarry o, chanda
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
All Welcome 
set shortly after this thread

if he'd known the name of this place, aditya would have found it fitting. he was drawn to the moonlight bouncing off the the quarry's many pools, shallow with summer's heat but still holding strong.

his ancient limbs carried him down the slopes, carefully, carefully, until he stood before one of said pools, his reflection a darker shadow against starry sky.

it was good that it was night. he wouldn't be able to see himself cry.

another child—! and this time, the fault wasn't solely his own. perhaps if he'd kept a better eye on her. . . but he'd vowed to stay with these pups, and he'd done so; he'd tried—

he'd failed.

he cleared his throat, sitting heavily down upon the stone floor, a ragged sigh escaping his maw. he wouldn't stop looking. not just for silktail's sake, but for the deep-rooted fear of returning to tytonidae and the boy without her.
73 Posts
Ooc — Bees
a midnight thirst stirred her from her den. it was a вук's before hers, the details told her. she'd leave it come morning.

on sighthound paws she came to the pools. moonlight caught in her fur, framed her profile as she dipped her muzzle to drink.

the patina of sleep hadn't yet lifted, and she remained unaware of another midnight drinker.

can be a quick thread or u can archive if it's too old <3
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1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
i am good to continue!

a vision in gold appeared, long snout lowering toward the pool for a drink.

he chuffed at her in greeting, brows furrowing, intrigued. she was wolfish enough, but different, too; she was more like the dogs of various stripes he had encountered in his life.

her fur was liquid sunshine, beaming in the moonlight.

good evening, aditya called out, though he did not move. a beautiful evening, too, hai na?
73 Posts
Ooc — Bees
it carried over the stillness. 

she paused, muzzle a breath from the water. drops slid off whiskers, making dainty ripples.

her head slowly rose. her face turned to the вук. every tendon, each muscle, was held in place.

she couldn't show the fear that spread trough her.

( like ripples. )

the huntress betrayed nothing internal, statuesque. she couldn't trust the moonlight not to betray her gaze.

the вук stood shrouded in shadow. they were large, of strong shape. something... was about their neck...

her breath caught in her throat, a small gasp.

it carried over the stillness.

"y... yu." the huntress's head lowered. eyes widened, recognition in them. "arr yu..." a paw rose to her chest, in gesture. "iz... mi?"
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1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his face grew more puzzled, looking upon her, as she spoke.

no, he replied softly, shaking his head. i mean. . .we are both. . .wolves. or dogs, if that word means anything to you. he knew dogs and wolves were like enough to be kin; beyond that, he was lost.

adi cocked his head, golden eyes searching into her face.

what is your name? he asked gently.
73 Posts
Ooc — Bees
"vulvz." she breathed back, hope leaving with the word's air. 

they puzzled her in turn, that they would so associate theirs and hers.

her eyes beheld an animal. fauna. a creature of the wilds. they were alike, but not in a way that mattered - and it made her sad. 

( and she didn't yet comprehend the source of that sadness. )


her expression; stone. she needed speak in ways that would lessen her threat.

"медалина." came her quiet, deep reply. meh - dah leena. language that was only her and her brother's.

a gentle tilt of the muzzle.

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1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
surprisingly, her accent was not much different from his. the one word, anyway. she leaned further into the 'V' than he did, but the familiarity of it made him smile, and her name revealed broadened the expression further.

i am aditya, he replied. where are you from?

his golden eyes wandered upon her form, captivated. 

sometimes he felt as if he were from a different planet altogether. and when he found one so different, like himself. . .he couldn't help but be entranced.
73 Posts
Ooc — Bees
it was a strange conversation. 

with a strange creature.

this вук was an oddity. their species wasn't known for what - ah-deet-yah - displayed. calmness. soft curiosity. 


she found herself speaking before noticing so.

"ai em frohm, fahr." surprise at own forwardness raised her brows; focus then gently brought them together. 

"ovvr mah-oon-teens." she dragged on, gesturing west with her chin. "fram... hyuman... fhahrm?" now she looked to адитја with eyes slightly wider, uncertain whether the вук would comprehend.

and she hadn't the words to explain. 

"yu?" medalina added, quick.

oi this is ancient, but i don't imagine anything big could happen so feel free to archive or reply whenever <3
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1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger

it rang a bell, and his head spun, but he couldn't place it. he smiled at her past the buzzing in his mind, casting aside all the. . .suppositions that. . .

south, he replied, smile growing to a grin. and i think we are both from very, very far away. hai naa?

burly wolf, lithe golden girl.

they stood, face to face.
73 Posts
Ooc — Bees
her brother, she knew, would have made a song of this. 

( a rare case in which she wouldn't mind )

"troo." the huntress nodded. 

ensuing quiet was used to think.

"areh yu... vith... pahck?" not likely. she'd been breathing their air; it had much to it. the forest, the field, the mountain. but only a lone вук.

"t'at?" her head gestured towards the odd ring of little peaks. her braided ears swayed lightly.
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